need serious help with my gpu


Right off the assembly line
Guys you all gotta help me out here.

i have nvidia geforce 9600gt 512 ram which is giving me problems lately.
the games crash frequently, windows hangs,crash dumps. But when i disconnect the gpu and use the OB graphics these problems do not appear.
Ill mention my pc specs

cpu AMD Phenome X2 550 black edition 3.1 ghz

MOBO Asus M2N68-Am plus

Kingston 2gb ddr2 ram

GPU Nvidia Geforce 9600 GT 512 mb ram

PSU iball LPE 223-400 ( i think it is 250 w but m not sure and i think the psu is not good enuf)

Screen resolution 1600x900

do i need to change my gpu is it fried???
do i need to change my psu???
And what is this wire/connector coming out from the back of my gpu what is it used for...


Pro/An---tagonist xD
^ Try using the gpu on a friend's pc. If it runs perfectly there then most probably the culprit is the psu.

And in any case you should change your current psu.


Gaming Unlimited
9600GT is power hungry card :O

Since you didn't complain about artifacts, there's a good chance that your GPU is fine.

Change your PSU quickly to Corsair CX430 v2 or better depending on your budget.


Right off the assembly line
hey thanks a lot for the replies..
i knw m gonna change my psu asap b4 it does any damage to any other parts..

Pls recommend me some good psus...Im willing to spend about 3 to 3.5k...
Tell me some that i can use even if i need to upgrade my system in the future

thanks again


Right off the assembly line
Hey just a quick update
Just as a test I used my gpu in games and kept a lower resolution 1024x768
I normally use 1600x900

And the crashes bsod stopped...and as soon as I switched back to the 1600x900
Boom another hang with bsod
So what does this mean....
How should I go about solving this


Gaming Unlimited
Since you lowered your res, the gpu uses less power and bsod might disappear temporarily.

Get Corsair CX430 v2 at 2.6K from


Super Moderator
Staff member
@ OP - most probably your gpus ram chips have some sort of issue - RMA it.
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