Need help with Ubuntu


Cyborg Agent
I have installed Ubuntu 10.10 (NetBook) in my NetBook and using it for a month. I, then, installed Transmission Torrent Client and have been downloading Ubuntu 12.10 Desktop. Till yesterday everything was going well. Yesterday, I removed my NetBook's battery and plugged on the charger and resumed the Torrent and went to sleep. Today morning, I found my netbook switched off. So, I guess, there was a power cut. When I switched on my netbook, Ubuntu started to show some error messages and none of my files are there in the file system. Every folder is empty. Transmission Client is not at all running. I need your help to recover my data. I have searched through the "lost+found" found folder. Nothing exists there.


Legend Never Ends
What kind of error was shown? If you could remember than you could easily search and find a solution.

Anyways give this a read and see if you can recover the files :wink:


Cyborg Agent
The first error message is
Could not update ICEauthority file /home/shah/.ICEauthority

The Second error:
There is a problem with the configuration server. (/usr/lib/libgconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2 exited with status 256)

And there were some with the Nautilus too like "Nautilus could not create directory."


It seems you have some permission restrictions.
Launch the terminal and from there, startup nautilus with root permission (gksudo nautilus) then if you dont get the nautilus error, you have some permission restrictions.