need help wid vegas!!

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hey ppl!!
m stuck here in sum "save the data hub frm the terrorists" stage in rainbow six vegas!!cant jus get thru!!
was lukin for trainers but none seems to wrk,as my game is not patched!!
so can sum 1 plz gimme the save games??
or even better a trainer dat wrks wid the non patched version!!


Aspiring Novelist
What stage is that? Is it the place where you have to defend your partner from being blasted away while he is working on a computer? Dante's theatre?

I have my old saves left but not sure if I have all the levels.The size doesn't look that promising for those saves.Let me know if you want it.


ya man dats da place !!where my team mate has to hack the terrorist data station n i hv to protect him as well as the data station!!but i keep dying!!!!!
so plz gimme sum save games!!!!


Did u tried using the mounted machine gun there. It provides good cover if you press RMB while using it and also acts as a good suppression fire weapon. I too died there numerous times and thought it might be a glitch but it wasn't. Try this strategy or else study the terrain b4 advancing then plan and play out your Shoot-Cover tactics.
I'm playing Vegas 2 right now:D


Aspiring Novelist
It isn't so difficult.All you need to do is pump up to full ammo.Don't use the turret else you'll be stuck at one place & when those jerks start coming in from all sides your partner is dead for sure.This process requires precision in aiming & hence find a good place for cover & keep a track of all the places where they come up from.The difficulty arises when they throw a smoke grenade.Stay focussed on the ones in the Balcony.After taking them out clear the ones who have dropped in through the roof down below.
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