My pesky friends think that my house is a cyber cafe :(

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my 'friends' think that my house is a cyber cafe. They just barge in whenever they feel like surfin the net. They dont even have the courtesy of asking me permission to use my comp. They make my desktop a mess by downloading pics of some useless celebrities. what do i do? they atleast hijack my computer from me for atleast 2-3 hours a day....i'm sick of them...i'm not sure how to go about wit this....They spend all their time chatting with their friends on orkut.....


Put up an administrator login ONLY with password. Remove all other user accounts and also disable to Guest account :)


First off, you should know it seems like your friends are taking advantage of you.... so you should control this first off....

now for the tech advice ;)

The easiest way to piss them off is to block off critical websites like orkut [which they use frequently]. This can be acheived by editing your hosts file :

for example :

if you want to block orkut, open your hosts file , it is in [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts

and add the line :

to block orkut. This way they will not be able to access orkut and you can tell them there is some kind of ISP problem.

This probably will not work if they are geeks :)



Is there any way that only certain sites can open and all other sites will be blocked :)
If there is then make all sites related to

Aashta TV
Sanskar TV
Baba Ramdev

accessible and all others blocked. :D


The Mighty Unkel!!!
Staff member
I dont want to start a war but , install any linux in you system and make it boot to init 3 :D .. they wont get GUI :p , one more thing you can do is to enable BIOS password :p


Wise Old Owl
U can make ur internet connection really crawl with a little trick nd it just takes 30 sec. And they ll just hate ur system for the browsing speeds
rightclick my computer>properties>hardware>device manager>ports>communication port(com1)>and in its properties under 'bit per second set the lowest nd apply.

Now it will take years to load up pages. And u can do it back after they leave ur peace after some cursing[ur PC]. U just say the ISP sux. And just talk to them sometimes bout how slow ur connection has become.

And if they getaround this trick, ur only choice is to get a DOG tied to the computer table.:D
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Still Shining!
U can make ur internet connection really crawl with a little trick nd it just takes 30 sec. And they ll just hate ur system for the browsing speeds
rightclick my computer>properties>hardware>device manager>ports>communication port(com1)>and in its properties under 'bit per second set the lowest nd apply.

Now it will take years to load up pages. And u can do it back after they leave ur peace after some cursing[ur PC]. U just say the ISP sux. And just talk to them sometimes bout how slow ur connection has become.
Really?? Does it work? In case of modem connected through the LAN port also?


Wise Old Owl
Yup it works and it can even improve ur net speed if u set it at maximum And this works even if u connect thru lan port.


i cant disable orkut coz i too use it quite frequently to keep track of events in my skool community.......I want a program which will disable the internet if they open sites such as their profile on orkut or do search for any celebrity names....they are not geeks and none of them are present on this forum.....they dont have the slightest clue about computers....they struggle to even do a image search in google.......I'm thinking of installing a keylogger so that i can get thier passwords and then change it so that i can get my revenge on them *


^^How is this possible. In a week there are 24*7=168 hours. Even if you assume they do this for 168 hours in a week, you would get 25200Rs.To become a millionaire you would need to tolerate them for just 6666.66666666................... hours( or 277 days) only. So go ahead . The forum would welcome a millionaire.


die blizzard die! D3?
^^How is this possible. In a week there are 24*7=168 hours. Even if you assume they do this for 168 hours in a week, you would get 25200Rs.To become a millionaire you would need to tolerate them for just 6666.66666666................... hours( or 277 days) only. So go ahead . The forum would welcome a millionaire.


NP : Crysis
And if they are present in this forum and also if they read Digit ;) :D

if they are present on this forum and have read this thread, i think his problem wud be solved....they'll get the hint

best solution is install a keylogger, get their passwords, change it, then make them fall on their knees and swear they shall never again take u for granted before revealing the passwords to them
(FYI thats exactly what i'd do)


Still Shining!
best solution is install a keylogger, get their passwords, change it, then make them fall on their knees and swear they shall never again take u for granted before revealing the passwords to them
(FYI thats exactly what i'd do)
Well, that's a wicked idea...:twisted:
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