Movies Discussion Thread V1: Ratings and Opinions


Staff member
^^There was a list long time ago.

here it is

* 3 Iron (Bin Jip) (Probably the best movie with universal language, it's a must watch for everyone)
* 100 Days with Mr.Arrogant (typical teen love movie)
* 200 Pounds Beauty
* …ing (Unconventional ending and will make you cry)
* A Bittersweet Life (it will sate your revenge appetite )
* A Man Who was Superman (feels like a documentary and quite good if you are into offbeat cinema )
* A Millionaire’s First Love (another love story)
* A Moment to Remember
* A Tale of Two Sisters (You gotta watch it umpteenth times to understand, visual treat and engrossing psychological horror)
* Bad Guy (Kim ki duk's masterpiece but it's bleak and gray)
* Beautiful (Arumdabda)
* Bungee Jumping of Their Own (Love transcends every barrier)
* Chaser (Good thriller after Memories of murder)
* Failan (For offbeat cinema lovers, two couples fall in love without even meeting or seeing each other and then the ending leaves you agape and disturbed. Answers the question "What is love?")
* Hearty Paws (its a pet dog movie good one but not extraordinary)
* Joint Security Area (Let me consider it as another side of what happens at the militarized border apart from usual fusillade, another thriller)
* King and The Clown
* Lover’s Concerto (My favorite melodramatic movie, I just can't watch it again as the emotional outburst will be worse than ever.)
* Love Phobia (Another melodrama, symbolic ending and good chemistry b/w the couples)
* Lump of Sugar (A feel good inspirational movie where the girl's dream is to become a jockey just like her mother but there are a lot more hindrance to that)
* Marathon (Best inspirational movie ever, commendable performance by the actor as an autism victim)
* Memories of Murder (A well balanced serial killer movie, overall A+)
* Muoi
* My Girl and I
* My Little Bride
* My Sassy Girl (my first korean movie, a pretty decent laugh riot and then there are coincidences, sad moments and what not)
* Oldboy (A bizarre movie which will leave you aghast with horror but not for the weak hearted)
* Once in a Summer (Another melodrama, good movie. Infact, a surprisingly good movie)
* Once Upon a Time in Hight School (best school fight scene ever in the history of movies I have ever seen. A pretty good story too.)
* Please Teach Me English (hahaha)
* Resurrection of The Little Match Girl (If you love video games then this one is quite good)
* Sad Movie (4 relationships and how they intersect at one point, falls in melodrama. Get some tissue paper.)
* Samaritan Girl (Kim ki duk's symbolism language works really well)
* Shiri (Thriller and suspense)
* Spring, Summer,Fall,Winter and Spring (Second best movie after 3 iron)
* Sympathy for Lady Vengeance (vengeance series, need I say more)
* Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance (Everyone played the role of hero and villain at some point, you can't sincerely espouse someone's cause)
* The Bow
* The Classic (This one is pretty similar to Lover's concerto in melodrama factor. Must watch)
* Time (Shi Gan)
* Truck
* Wedding Campaign

Japanese and misc:
* Audition (not for everyone and it's japanese)
* Battle Royale (slasher genre, and good one at that)
* Hinokio: Intergalactic Love (only if you like to go back to you childhood and rediscover your dream of controlling a robot)
* Machine Girl
* Marebito (this one is an oddball, not for 99%)
* Shutter (Original Thai version) (Good horror but not enough to scare me except the though of ending and the predicament of the protagonist)
* The Most Distant Course (awesome movie, its the story and the characters that makes up this movie so brilliant.)
* The Story of Xiaoyan (another simple story with great message)
* Three… Extremes (Three horror short stories, artistically first one is great, second one is not for the squeamish and third one is urbane chaos)
* All Around Us (If someone ever tell me sum up everything I want in a movie then this is the one to go for but then my taste is different than yours, it's for offbeat cinema lovers and the character development is something that will leave you saturated to the brim by the climax. You will feel the warmth at the end.)

I don't usually watch TV series. It's better to get the whole story in 2-3 hours.


The Power of x480
Staff member
^^ Whoa! That is quite a list! Thanks for sharing that! :D
I am guessing bold ones must be the best ones among best.


Still in war with allies
Sweet November

Keanu Reeves
Charlize theron

a little sweet romantic movie (Hope that romantic movies are allowed here ).The girl changes her boyfriend every month but stuck in November ..I should have posted this one in November month


Game & anime Lover
Guys suggest me the best movies list rank in 2012 according to you having few holidays left gonna blast at the end and make rememberable...


The Power of x480
Staff member
Guys suggest me the best movies list rank in 2012 according to you having few holidays left gonna blast at the end and make rememberable...

Dude.. just go as far as a couple of pages back and you shall find a treasure trove of awesome movies! :D


Thanks man!
Next time I would make sure, not to rely on the tags of a movie at IMDb. :)


Yeah yeah..the kind that depends on reviews and 'tags' to enjoy the film :lol:

Who said it had to be an horror, but the franchise (if you are using it) nailed the survival thriller, with a creepiness that was accompanied by one of the best background score in the history of thriller/horror. As a fan of original series Prometheus had nothing ..... and if that was not the intentions, it aint a franchise successor .....

Lot of people are mistaking it for horror and as a prequel to Alien(that its like an origin story of Xenomorph species, ITS NOT!! If you watch the movie carefully, you ll find out that
that Xenomorphs already existed since a long time and that the space jockeys were weaponizing them to destroy the humans
If only people put some brains while watching the film :lol:
The film takes place before Alien, but that doesn't make it a prequel :| It just takes place in the same universe and not necessarily linked to the Alien film.
Yeah I agree Alien nailed the survival thriller, it still gives me creeps :p
But Prometheus doesn't need to be a survival thriller, or horror, why does it even need to repeat the mood of Alien in the first place?
Its perfectly fine for a movie like Alien, being a survival thriller/horror was very essential and thats the point of the film. But Prometheus has a different story, it wasn't some 'holy ****, theres a deadly alien loose on the ship' kind of movie.
Never go to any movie with a wrong opinion or information, you'll definitely be disappointed.

Its a little boring for the people who haven't watched or following Alien series, but for fans(not just survival thriller, but the Xenomorph mythology etc), its perfect! :D Tons of references to the Alien series :doublethumb:
And I'm shocked lot of people didn't like the 3D either, I felt it was best since Avatar. Somebody said they removed the 3d glasses and still found it had to laugh at that :lol: The film was entirely shot using the 3D cameras, rather than converting it into 3D during the post production which is more of a gimmick. New to noobs I guess.

Snow White and the Huntsman? anyone?

To all who have seen prometheus
Does Prometheus discloses anything about that giant being which was shown inside that spaceship in alien.

Possibly the best scene in the movie, so mysterious and the background score during that scene is so fcking scary!! Definitely deserved the oscar. here it is,
0:12 scary!!!! :D
They're called Space Jockeys, creators of human. Yeah the story of Prometheus revolves around them too, but leaves a lot of questions. The movie takes place on a different planet(LV 223), and not the one from Alien(LV 426), so its *NOT* a direct prequel.
As for your question, yeah the movie answers it, but in a very different way. You'll understand that by the end of Prometheus.

despite the fact that I didn't watch any Alien movie from the franchise.

Go watch it! its a benchmark movie for all the alien/horror movies that came after it.

^^ Alien is a Cult classic AFA Sci-fi- thriller/horror goes. It was so serious. grim, creepy and grounded in reality in its approach, that it still in 2012 sends shivers if watch it alone, lights switched off.

Aliens (Alien 2) though not so serious, but still grim and creepy added the much needed action, and the thrill and made it as cult a classic as the first one. 3 was ok and 4 was poor .. (still better than Prometheus I suppose)

Alien 3 and 4 were crap!!!! 3 sent me into a depression for a week, such a mindfck movie lol.
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In the zone
Very good list..
I have watched some movies in the list like 3 iron,oldboy,JSA,my sassy girl ,Battle royal(one of tarentino fav) etc.

Will download others once i have proper internet connection though i didn't find "The king and clown" when i was looking for it last year.


Will download others once i have proper internet connection though i didn't find "The king and clown" when i was looking for it last year.

Nobody is interested here to know when you will get proper internet connection and that you will download movies from the net.
Kindly stick to the topic, that is movies not about the source for them especially if the source is something that should not be discussed. Period.


In the zone
lookin at your status "right at wrong" i dont even want to comment, but Ive seen many 3D films and this is 2nd to avatar shows you're noob! Anyway you carry on here and in looking forwd thread from now on i dont care :/

@ Faun
Thanks for the List mate, i was going to ask you to make a list :)


LOL!!! Thats okay, lot of people have problem with 3D. And getting used to new technology can be a little difficult for some, that doesn't always mean its crap. Wait till you watch Hobbit at 40+ framerate, lot of people are going to be pissed off and eventually get used to it. I'm badly waiting for everybody to catch up with the higher framerate, it will be a little weird in the beginning but we ll get used to it.

I'm not sure about the technical specs but from what I heard, the makers actually used the 3D cameras to film the movie, rather than converting it during the post production. Its the real 3D not some gimmick, like Avengers(nothing against the film, loved it personally, but the 3D was generic).

Here's a little explanation of what I meant when I said the 3D was as good a Avatar' the movie, the objects that are closer to you weren't stereoscopic which means even if you removed the 3D glasses, they appear fine, but if you had noticed, in the same scene, the objects that are far away or in the background appear stereoscopic..and its not clear without the 3D glasses...that actually created the illusion of immersion, which was terrific in the movie.
Lot of films that are converted into 3D in the post production look really dull, which kills the quality, the original 3D films(the ones shot entirely using 3D cameras) don't :)
You cannot judge something with half a$$ed information :|

Not trying to diss you out, just suggesting you to do some research, and get a better understanding :)

check this out,
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