Movies Discussion Thread V1: Ratings and Opinions

hot zubs

live life king like...
The Spy Next Door - 2/5

its a gud time pass movie*
Jackie chain's moves n stunts looks too artificial, i liked the acting of the kid "Nora" (Alina foley) she was gud *

anyone watched "ishqiya"
hoping some gud comments on it*


Aspiring Novelist
New York, I Love You: I had high hopes for this movie which boasted such a good star cast, but sadly it turned out to be totally mediocre. The start was really interesting, however there were so many stories added that it was difficult to keep a tab of them. I thought it would have been like Love Actually, but it was not even remotely close to it. Being anthology of stories, I thought they would all be inter-weaved, but even that didn't happen. Shia LaBeouf's didn't really make any sense and it was directed by Shekar Kapur and same goes for Natalie Portman's directed segment (the father and her daughter). The stories that I did like however were that of: Ethan Hawke and Maggie Q, Orlando Bloom and Christina Ricci & Hayden Christensen and Rachel Bilson. So I'm not totally satisfied with the overall presentation of the film.


Chillum Baba
Triangle - I hoped it to be a typical B-grade horror....and it turned out to be outstanding stuff. Won't reveal much. Just go for it. Its different.

Town Creek - Typical B-grade horror but directed by Joel Schumacher, so its fast paced. Watchable once.


I am the master of my Fate.
@Nithu and @chirag
i'm shocked to know that Micah and Katie r alive...
were can i get d complete original story to read can u plz giv me a link to it...

Is was just a it based on True story????

Vantage Point - 4/5 ....Gud movie :-D


Cyborg Agent
The clip they showed in the movie of a girl being possessed by some random ghost might be real. I mean, they thank certain people for providing the clip so that might be real. Not sure though.


Democracy is a myth
Yes it z a true story...
Guyz, get real...its JUST A MOVIE
If this is a true incident then BWP and Cloverfield is also true incident...

From wiki,

Paranormal Activity is a 2007 American independent horror film written and directed by Oren Peli.

First-time director Oren Peli had been afraid of ghosts his entire life, even fearing the comedy film Ghostbusters, but intended to channel that fear into something positive and productive.* Peli took a year to prepare his own house for shooting, going so far as to repaint the walls, add furniture, put in a carpet, and build a stairwell.* In this time, he also did extensive research into paranormal phenomena and demonology, stating, "We wanted to be as truthful as we could be." The reason for making the ghost in the story a demon was a result of the research pointing to the most malevolent and violent entities being "demons".* The phenomena in the film takes place largely at night—the vulnerability of being asleep, Peli reasoned, taps into a human being's most primal fear, stating, "If something is lurking in your home there's not much you can do about it."


Broken In
If You loves silent movies then few are :
1. Forest Gump
2. A Beautiful Mind
3. You Have Got Mail
4. A Few Good Men
5. Reader


The Sexy Beast
(500) Days of Summer 2.75/5

guys with soft nuts may like this.but this wasnt at all awful.pretty enjoyable and good movie for anyone who likes the genre


Chillum Baba

Nice soundtrack too. To be very frank, I am not too sure about my nuts....hard or soft. But I liked the movie.

hot zubs

live life king like...
Catch Me If You Can - 4.5/5

one word to it "AWESOME" *


Democracy is a myth
Catch Me If You Can - 4.5/5

one word to it "AWESOME" *
Very good movie with good story.
Even better acting by the leads Tom Hanks and Leonardo...

Ummm, not on the similar concept, but u may would like to see The Counterfeiters
Watch it for some great acting and good stories...

I liked it more for its grey characters.


Most wanted
2010 Oskar nominess announced , 10 best movies are
* “Avatar” James Cameron and Jon Landau, Producers
* “The Blind Side” Nominees to be determined
* “District 9” Peter Jackson and Carolynne Cunningham, Producers
* “An Education” Finola Dwyer and Amanda Posey, Producers
* “The Hurt Locker” Nominees to be determined
* “Inglourious Basterds” Lawrence Bender, Producer
* “Precious: Based on the Novel ‘Push’ by Sapphire” Lee Daniels, Sarah Siegel-Magness and Gary Magness, Producers
* “A Serious Man” Joel Coen and Ethan Coen, Producers
* “Up” Jonas Rivera, Producer
* “Up in the Air” Daniel Dubiecki, Ivan Reitman and Jason Reitman, Producers
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