Strong views...strongly expressed, too...however...
1. All 'Terminator' films are 'popcorn' films, if by that you mean, films which are to be enjoyed for their form rather than their content, or films which have little intellectual/emotional content, but lots of eye-candy to be enjoyed...
While I agree that both T1 and T2 can be considered as popcorn films , but they were groundbreaking when they released , highly influential even today and it was a something
the audience haven't seen before! T:S is just another decent action flick.That's it! Nothing more ,nothing less! While I enjoyed it ,I won't watch it more than once! And I doubt if anyone else will! When it comes to T1 and specially T2 its total case all together!
3. Action/Special FX/Pyrotechnics- Good enough for me. Not groundbreaking like T2, of course, but still decent. Definitely not cliched/boring/obvious.
It reminded me of Transformer so much!
4. Plot/Script - at par with the other movies, insofar as it is just a device to showcase the action...
By other movies you mean T1 and T2????? o.0 think it's story is as good as T2!!
Sometimes we tend to overanalyse a movie like professional's okay if thats your thing but I feel a critic never truly enjoys a movie...even a good one, because he is subconsciously looking for faults...
Not true! While it's true that some of us analyze film more than
average film goers , but then again because we don't watch films just for passing time!
Secondly, we often recommend obscure/foreign/old films, for no reason other than it seems to be an intellectually superior thing to do...and become movie snobs in the process. I'm not saying that all such films recommended here were bad...just that often they were not for me, and i found myself wondering why it was even recommended, except for the fact that it was exotic...
About old films, Since they didn't have any fancy CGI or effects back then , the script had much better treatment back then! I mean films like 12 ANGRY MEN or SUNSET BLVD. or CITY LIGHTS and many others are timeless! Their story is so good that it can never get old!
Of course we have films with great script even in current generation,Case in point Eternal Sunshine Of A Spotless Mind, but you don't see them often!
About foreign films, well it's still a movie isn't it?
Doesn't matter which country it is from as long as its good!
And I know what you're saying! I mean I've seen movie snobs saying
KING KONG 33' s stop motion effect is better than KING KONG 05's CGI effect! .
I apologise if this offends anyone. Guys, I think as audience members, we should have the capacity to judge films irrespective of imdb/rottentomatoes ratings. If I wanted a critics opinion on which films to watch, I'd visit only those sites. I visit this thread to get audience reactions, not critical analysis. offence meant to anyone.
Lol. You shared your thoughts! Whats there to apologize !
About IMDB/RT , while they're not perfect in anyway but I found a great lot of films because of them! I mean I would've never seen lost gems like
Barry Lyndon, if not for IMDB!