Moral Police

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High without substance...
what is wrong with us.

We are the most narrow minded people.
what is wrong with the people,
what is wrong in a small peck, things like this should not even be printed in news papres forget hitting the fornt page!!! And across all the news channels under "BREAKING NEWS" "FLASH NEWS"
my A**s.
We are in 21centure and we are a developning nation making a huge impact on global market in almost all areas, and to act like this?

these people are pulling the country down to dogs.
if this topic has been raised once or many time i do not care.
i am frustrated.
i come from college with all the subjects running in my head, i sit to see some TV and VOLA people are burining posters, some where they are showing ASH ABI wedding.

why does it have to hit the headlines? and y for more than 2 days??????


left this forum longback
===same feelings===
firstly zee tv is covering it like some alien predator reached here!
Ash ko abhi divorce karA dega later watch and see!


chicha said:
what is wrong with us.

We are the most narrow minded people.
what is wrong with the people,
what is wrong in a small peck, things like this should not even be printed in news papres forget hitting the fornt page!!! And across all the news channels under "BREAKING NEWS" "FLASH NEWS"
my A**s.
We are in 21centure and we are a developning nation making a huge impact on global market in almost all areas, and to act like this?

these people are pulling the country down to dogs.
if this topic has been raised once or many time i do not care.
i am frustrated.
i come from college with all the subjects running in my head, i sit to see some TV and VOLA people are burining posters, some where they are showing ASH ABI wedding.

why does it have to hit the headlines? and y for more than 2 days??????

I dont know about narrow-minded people. I can say india is not a civilised country at all. The huge impact on global market is a myth and a lie. I keep hearing and hearing that india has talents and blah and blah. It is nothing but a lie. If india has really have that type of talents. I dont see good companies in india. The only thing india has is call centres. Call centres is a low profile and pathetic job. Most of them join mostly for high salary.

Our "beloved" politican are having luxury time in robbing and sucking people tax and put them to their pockets. India is such a sad country.


Evil Genius
Yeah...especially if you have lived abroad for a significant period of time, come back home and you see the state of affairs...agar hamesha se aadat hai to ek baat hai...lekin bahar ka haal dekh ke ao...bahut ghaleez country hai hamaari!


thunderbird.117 said:
I dont know about narrow-minded people. I can say india is not a civilised country at all. The huge impact on global market is a myth and a lie. I keep hearing and hearing that india has talents and blah and blah. It is nothing but a lie. If india has really have that type of talents. I dont see good companies in india. The only thing india has is call centres. Call centres is a low profile and pathetic job. Most of them join mostly for high salary.

Our "beloved" politican are having luxury time in robbing and sucking people tax and put them to their pockets. India is such a sad country.

Totally agree with the call center part.


^^ I totally agree that the politicians are a real pain in the a##es of most of the people in our country. But there are some young people who are replacing the older ones, for more info watch "yuva saansad" on NDTV, most of them are taintless and have used much of their money for the betterment of the people.
Even the well educated people like the alumni of IITs are into politics now; visit

I dont know about narrow-minded people. I can say india is not a civilised country at all. The huge impact on global market is a myth and a lie. I keep hearing and hearing that india has talents and blah and blah. It is nothing but a lie. If india has really have that type of talents. I dont see good companies in india. The only thing india has is call centres. Call centres is a low profile and pathetic job. Most of them join mostly for high salary.
Wait a bit bro! Youre too fast!!
First of all, the global market is not a myth. India is doing her work, it will take time. The IT industries like infosys and satyam (Even I dont like them) are nowhere in front of google and TCS but even they are making mark. The economy is making mark and is going thru a boom period but the money isnt distributed equally; rich become richer, theres a negligible increase in the income of poor, what can these guys do if the things like laptop are going cheap and food grains are going expensive, we need planing, and it aint there!!!
The finmin talks bout lowering the inflation rate, but if he tries to do that, the economic growth will decline too. You cant stop people from purchasing if youre giving them money.

We are the most narrow minded people.
what is wrong with the people,
what is wrong in a small peck, things like this should not even be printed in news papres forget hitting the fornt page!!! And across all the news channels under "BREAKING NEWS" "FLASH NEWS"
my A**s.
I do agree that the effigies are burnt, the posters are burnt but only because of the lack of education and lack of employment. You never see any well educated man or any employed person jumping in these kinda activies. Why do you think these people burn posters??? Coz the parent political party give them their salary for their support in so called "sabhayata bachao aandolan".
Even the gal(Janvi Kapoor) who told the media that shes AB junior's wife needs a break into modelling world and this is a publicity stunt and she can get an assignment!!
And yeah, the call centre guys are working or else they too wud join the youth wing of any party and go on the streets to throw sh1t on other peoples face.

And I totally agree that the news channels air total sh1t thruout the day. Its an industry which surely needs guidance, like the news of this ^^ gal was aired thruout the day.

THIS sure was long, I dont know if you read this but it was worth the effort of typing.:smile:
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High without substance...
i agree with call center jobs. totally.

But don't forget that we have wipro, infosis, and 6 fortune 500 companies in
what are you talking about man have you been to gurgoan, bangalore they not only house call centers but companies of all types.
there is microsoft, intel , nvidia etc...

any way they only way to help this country is to over through all the F***ing politicians.

we are run by some low-level scumb bags.
come on which other country's primeminister does not have to have basic educational qualifications?
this is serious S#$T.


I was talking bout the companies of Indian origin; the MNCs are here, coz we have people. I have never been to gurgaon or to bangalore but I can bet that most of the MNCs are here coz
1) US/UK/Austalia (and many other countries) cannot issue huge amounts of work permits for the highly educated people and;
2)The labour (the lower end people of an organisation) is cheap and efficient.

The labour is much cheaper in China and their laws more relaxed and as a result this country has about 10 times the GNP of our country.


in my opinion India will not get DEVELOPED even after 100 years where current situation is concerned.....


Evil Genius
^ - Agreed. And you know why?? Because a country can only ever be as developed and sophisticated as its people are. That's why India is uncivilized, barbaric and frankly, a joke!


High without substance...
the government of china is working a lot more for their country than ours.
I agree on the cheap labour too. We are a developing nation and need any help we can get. These people do not understand that, though it is low level(according to you, BUT IS NOT) job it will save them from poverty.
We should look forward to employee all the eligibile population but the government is too F!@#^ing busy fighting itself.

As for china its not democratic at all they will kill you if you do not follow their rules.

I personally think we need some super strong person to run this country. It will take many many many many years but it should happen.
Some one like " Indra Gandhi "


Its unfortunate that you guys just keep blaming the country, why don't you guys jump into action? why you guys didnt chose to take part in Politics?
If you highly educated people are not willing to take part in politics, then who will chage it?
You guys just want to chage the country, but you will not put any effort or work for it? someone else will come and change the country for you??
more worst is, Just getting out of this country and settle in western countries telling that India is not a good country.
If India is not good then it means Indians are also not good, do you guys accept it?
Do you guys really think India is uncivilized?? then you are also uncivilized citizen.
Stop blaming.

Its not correct for the TV channels to give so much importance to these marriage and all, but why do you guys watch it all day long??
switch off the TV and start doing some constructive work for your nation, atleast for yourself.


^^I surely agree with you dude. Until the youth start doing the work, nothing gud can happen. But taking part in politics aint easy. The atmosphere is such that the candidate starts getting threatning calls and things like that. And yeah, dont think bout nonbiased elections. Most of the people vote the candidates of their caste/community/"dharm" etc. So wining an election is also very tough but not impossible :)!!

@chicha:: I surely agree with the fact that china is not a democratic, but "world's largest democracy (India)" is not democratic in any sense. The power is with wrong people and they try to interfere with other people's business. There might not be freedom in the business environment of china but the public environment is lot more free than we have in India in some senses.

And dude, the amount of quality work is very less in India, chota-mota work is ample here. You can pull a richshaw anytime, but that aint a job for an educated person. According to a recent survey by NASSCOM, 85% of engineers in India are gud for nothing and in contrast to that our education ministry says that INdia's higher education is up to the mark!!!
Even in one school in my city the post of LabAss fetches people with M.Sc, what bout that?? Is this a quality work?

And yes, even a superneta wont be able to do anything coz all the laws are passed thru the assembly and most of the corrupt people wont agree to any law which can decrease their "extra income" (What happened to the reservation issue??? some netas were against it but the %age was small and they cudnt stop it from happenning). What we need are some taintless politicians who win the elections over the tainted ones. ONce the %age of taintless people in the assembly decreases, then we can think of new revolutionary laws. The process is slow but worth it.
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Evil Genius
@gmanog: I don't blame the country...I blame the people. Can you honestly tell me I'm wrong?? You are right. If people care enough, they will take action and make changes. It will take time, but you just have to be patient. And guess what? The overwhelming majority in India doesn't give a fsck about the country!


^^ is yourself not included in the Indian people you blame??
There good people really doing good things for the country and people.
I didn't mean to tell that you are blaming, almost everyone is doing it. This attitude of ours should change.

Its not as if you have to participate in active politics, you can do lot of other things in lot of other ways.


The Lord of Death
If you ask me, everything is wrong with India. People don't really give a $hite about the way government functions. Politicians are busy 24/7 looting all the resources they can can get their hands on. Even a small-time state level minister has hundreds of crores worth of property. Infrastructure, human rights and quality of services fare even below that of many Afrikan countries. Government is trying to ignore important issues rather than solving them - like the Naxal problem, NE conflict, India-Bangladesh border issues, growing influence of China in this region and the J&K. I needn't mention our foreign policies - for there are none. On one hand, our inherently corrupt politicians claim that we're going to be a "superpower nation" within a few years, but at the same time our entire cabinet behaves as if we have no sovereignty at all. Voting against Iran only to please Amrika is only one such example. Are we looking forward to becoming a superpower without a backbone?

Our educational system is only good for churning out cheap labour for developed nations. "Respected" institutes like IITs have failed to contribute anything significant and credible to scientific research communities. Needless to say, there is not a single Nobel laureate in any university in India. Even worse is that now we're blindly copying the Amrikan way of teaching-and-learing, without realizing that Amrikan education is actually far worse compared to the European or even Asian countries like Korea, Japan and China. Seriously, forcing students to adapt Amrikan "accent" is not going to make them any brighter.

Do I even have to mention the condition of Indian industries, particularly the state owned military facilities? Sadly enough, even Indonesia is light-years ahead of us in terms of innovation, copying, and production of military technology, let alone China. The so-called "indigenous" Arjun tank is a failure, even with all its "videshi" parts. We can't even properly assemble a tank! Same goes for SAM, AAM and Tejas projects. Another "indigenous" machine - Dhruv helo, is actually a copied design with Israeli aviation. And it's another rotten feather in our cap.

India suffers because everyone is using her as a launchpad for a better life somewhere else. You don't spend time and resources decorating and taking care of your hotel suite, do you? We don't have to accept spineless political ba$tards as the saviors of our nation. And, we don't need the "ambitious" pro-west crowd - for all they care about is an Amrikan Visa.

We need true patriots, intellectuals, philosophers, warriors, and ordinary people - with a vision to change. It's not actually the kind of government that matters - it's the people in charge. There will be a revolution then, that'll change the way people think of themselves, their lives, and everything else surrounding them. This is exactly what we need.

A revolution - with or without guns.
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Yamaraj said:
If you ask me, everything is wrong with India. People don't really give a $hite about the way government functions. Politicians are busy 24/7 looting all the resources they can can get their hands on. Even a small-time state level minister has hundreds of crores worth of property. Infrastructure, human rights and quality of services fare even below that of many Afrikan countries. Government is trying to ignore important issues rather than solving them - like the Naxal problem, NE conflict, India-Bangladesh border issues, growing influence of China in this region and the J&K. I needn't mention our foreign policies - for there are none. On one hand, our inherently corrupt politicians claim that we're going to be a "superpower nation" within a few years, but at the same time our entire cabinet behaves as if we have no sovereignty at all. Voting against Iran only to please Amrika is only one such example. Are we looking forward to becoming a superpower without a backbone?

Our educational system is only good for churning out cheap labour for developed nations. "Respected" institutes like IITs have failed to contribute anything significant and credible to scientific research communities. Needless to say, there is not a single Nobel laureate in any university in India. Even worse is that now we're blindly copying the Amrikan way of teaching-and-learing, without realizing that Amrikan education is actually far worse compared to the European or even Asian countries like Korea, Japan and China. Seriously, forcing students to adapt Amrikan "accent" is not going to make them any brighter.

Do I even have to mention the condition of Indian industries, particularly the state owned military facilities? Sadly enough, even Indonesia is light-years ahead of us in terms of innovation, copying, and production of military technology. The so-called "indigenous" Arjun tank is failure, even with all its "videshi" parts. We can't even properly assemble a tank. Same goes for SAM, AAM and Tejas projects. Another "indigenous" machine - Dhruv helo, is actually a copied design with Israeli aviation. And it's another rotten feather in our cap.

India suffers because everyone is using her as a launchpad for a better life somewhere else. You don't spend time and resources decorating and taking care of your hotel suite, do you? We don't have to accept spineless political ba$tards as the saviors of our nation. And, we don't need the "ambitious" pro-west crowd - for all their care about is an Amrikan Visa.

We need true patriots, intellectuals, philosophers and warriors, and ordinary people with a vision to change. It's not actually the kind of government that matters - it's the people in charge. There will be a revolution then, that'll change the way people think of themselves, their lives, and everything else surrounding them. This is exactly what we need.

A revolution - with or without guns.

Do you have one reliable proof where india is supporting America?. I need a reliable source. It is easy to blame on America when we use their technology.


The Lord of Death
thunderbird.117 said:
Do you have one reliable proof where india is supporting America?. I need a reliable source. It is easy to blame on America when we use their technology.
India is not only supporting Amrika, we are practically widening our legs for them. Since I'm a biker, I'll cite a recent news concerning import of Harleys and export of Mangoes in return.

Though bikes in India have to meet the Euro IV norms, Harley Davidson is being been given a liberal treatment. But its bikes would have to meet at least Euro III norms.
Source - *

Why the "liberal treatment"? Because Dubya took a personal interest in the export of HDs to India, and a little "arm-twisting" yielded the desired results.

You probably wear T-shirts and golf-caps with NY logo on it. I can't complain!

(a) I didn't blame Amrika, did I? I actually blamed ourselves for blindly supporting and copying them.
(b) I don't think we're using "Amrikan" technology by any means. I don't know of any product, that I am using, which was entirely conceived, designed, manufactured in Amrika without borrowing anything Asian or European. Last time I checked, binary logic couldn't exist without the Indian "Zero".
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Yamaraj said:
India is not only supporting Amrika, we are practically widening our legs for them. Since I'm a biker, I'll cite a recent news concerning import of Harleys and export of Mangoes in return.

Source - *

Why the "liberal treatment"? Because Dubya took a personal interest in the export of HDs to India, and a little "arm-twisting" yielded the desired results.

You probably wear T-shirts and golf-caps with NY logo on it. I can't complain!

It is india that is doing this mainly because of politican intrest. Indian goverment always do it for their own will but not the people.

About the bikes i wonder for who. We are under criticial danger of global warming. The himayalas are going to vanish and destroy half of india. Thanks to pollution and expensive cars and bikes and people luxury. Cant they plant trees atleast?.

Tell me what do expect for indians to remove indian government?. There is nothing we can do about the min we speak against the politican the min a bullet will be in our head.

So tell me will india ever improve?. I dont think it will ever happen.
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