Monitor gone pink

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Cool G5

Conversation Architect
Suddenly my monitor went pink today morning.
It was running fine till yesterday.
Even the text which shows the ram count ,processor type etc come in pink instead of white.

I tried degaussing,rebooting etc but in vain. Also since i do not own a standalone graphics card the possibility arising due to unpropoerly seated graphic card is ruled out.

My config :
P4 2.0 GHZ
704 MB system ram
Via Unichrome Pro Igp 64 MB onboard graphics.
MSI PM8MV mobo

Is it problem with RGB cables of the monitor?Or is the monitor at the end of it's life?

Plz help guys i don't like pink. :D


Think Zen.
Remove the cable from the cpu ,and power up the monitor.
Most monitors display some sort of demoish display to let you know the monitor's up n running.

If that too comes up in pink, you know you freid ur monitor. :p

P.S : I hate pink too ;)


I am the master of my Fate.
the problem is due 2 magnetic interference...
look 4 any magnetic material present or not near ur monitor....
2 chec whether its a magnetic problem or monitor problem
just rotate ur monitor screen(not physically :grin:)
if its a monitor problem then the pink color location will change
if not then it is magnetic interference...

PS: it could also happen due 2 lose connection of monitor VGA cable...
Cool G5

Cool G5

Conversation Architect
I checked reconnecting the cable,it did not help.Maybe check with another cable.

Also i did not place anything magnetic besides it,so again this is out.Even i deguassed the monitor a couple of times.

I recently did not upgrade or install the video drivers,so not this also.

I will check again tomorrow,whether everything is in place inside the cabinet.

Still pink. :)


No longer here..
My monitor has a faulty cable and if it gets moved by mistake the monitor goes all pink ...then I have to play with it for sometime untill the monitor attains the original no-color cast.I suppose the problem is at the connector end which connects to the vga connector on the motherboard.The wire must have internally gone loose.
Cool G5

Cool G5

Conversation Architect
My mobo(Onboard graphics) some 14 months ago & the monitor is some 3 yrs old.
Is it time to get a new monitor?


Broken In
agree woth metalhead,, nught have happened due to two reasons...
1. loose cable
2. some problem with the picture tube which can be repaired very wasily with a servce tech.
Cool G5

Cool G5

Conversation Architect
The pink vanished mysteriously yesterday.
Until now it hasn't reappeared.Mostly looks like a faulty cable.
Will get it replaced soon.
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