Modem Problem


I have a DNA-A211-I modem and the problem with it is that whenever i reboot it, it looses its configuration and resets to default.
Generally it switch it off at night and switch on a day time and thus i have to configure it every day by going to and repeating the silly procedure again and again or update its settings.

Should i upgrade its software?

Is software upgrading safe for my modem?



Modem is shorthand for Modulator Demodulator. In the old days, about twenty years ago or so, computers communicated over the phone lines by modulating a tone (from 1200Hz. to 2400Hz.) on the phone lines for each one and zero it sent to another computer. The receiving computer Demodulated the tones back into ones and zeros.

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Modem is shorthand for Modulator Demodulator. In the old days, about twenty years ago or so, computers communicated over the phone lines by modulating a tone (from 1200Hz. to 2400Hz.) on the phone lines for each one and zero it sent to another computer. The receiving computer Demodulated the tones back into ones and zeros.

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thnx for the info but wat is the use of this in my problem?


Right off the assembly line
It might be a problem with the modem. Are the username and password the only settings that are being erased ? Go to Management option and change your default modem settings page username and password now restart your modem if the new changes are not reflected ask BSNL to replace the modem.
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