Mobile Upgrade opinion

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Aspiring Novelist
Alrighty have been on quite a shopping spree lately.So I feel it’s about time I retire my worthy companion Samsung C100 after 3 years of serving my mobile needs.Also since I was being tempted for a mobile phone switch.

My budget would be pretty simple,10k.Nothing more than that.
My requirements: Light weight & Sleek,possibly good bass yielding music playing capability,basic 2MP camera(don’t care much about cam quality) & a fair amount of internal memory to hold some music files until I expand it via external memory.

Now since I have been out of touch from the mobile market for quite a long time the only option that I could see been thrown around me was Nokia 6300.Now I need people who are already using this phone to comment on its cons as I’ll get the pros myself.;)

Also please let me know of any sleek models like the 6300 in Nokia’s stable.I have been a Samsung user for 3 years now & heck even a Samsung recommendation are welcome.A humble request,Please keep Sony Ericsson,LG & Motorola brands off the track as I am quite frankly not interested in these brands.I’ll plan to buy it by perhaps the end of this month so please let me know what would be a good recommendation in this category.Also let me know how is the Nokia 5700 in terms of music quality? What’s the estimated price?


Google Bot
5700 is 11.6k.. And is highly recommended by me.. However if u dont need the symbian os u cd go for 6233, k550i or rokr e6..


Aspiring Novelist
11.6k darn.Anyways will check it out as well.How much does the Nokia 6233 cost? and how good is it as a music phone?


In Nokia you can go for Nokia 6300 or 6233. In Samsung you can go for E840. But before buying just check out SE S500i and Motorola ROKR Z6 though.


Aspiring Novelist
Alright so now we have 6300,6233 & E840.Whats the current price for each of these phones? I checked out the 6233 which seems good & also is small & light weighted.But I seem more inclined towards the 6300 due to it's stylish look.I have heard that it has poor battery life & something like bluetooth to be switched on to listen to music or somethinglike that.Can someone shed more light on it.


The battery life isn't very long in 6300 mainly due to the bright display. Its a price you have to pay to get all the visual splendour that the display can produce. Apart from the battery life there isn't any other problems with the phone. As for switching on bluetooth to listen to music, thats only required if are going to use wireless headset with it. The phone costs around 9.2k now. Let me remind you that the default headphones provided with the phone are very poor quality. If you need good quality music, you'll need to get a 2.5mm to 3.5mm converter so that you can use your own headphones (if you have any). You can pm aryayush for more info on 6300 as he owns one. But do remember to take his comments with a pinch of salt; he isn't a big Nokia fan:D.


Aspiring Novelist
@Krazy: Thanks for the rundown.I was looking forward to this phone & you would need to know that I am a sucker for sleek & slim phones & this one just fit the bill perfectly.Actually as I was wading through the earlier posts for this mobile I did stumble across Aryayush's comments on it but I would need a more in-depth opinion from him in this regards.It's very crucial as I am not that kind of person who can constantly blow cash on mobile upgrades.If I buy it I would make it for a long run.

@Reddick: Thanks for the opinion mate.But the N70 ME like my other friend too suggested I just rejected it for the very fact that it's a bit large & somewhat heavy which is a big no-no for me.


^^ Of course not!
Btw if you need to get more info on 6300 you should read its review on Mobile-Review and GSMArena.


Ambassador of Buzz
Samsung J600 looks like a promising new phone which has a music player,memroy slot(MicroSD upto 2GB),but only 1.3MP cam,FM+,Video Recording & Play....
a cute BLUE a mouth watering price of 6.5K !!!!!!

You can visit here for more information:



Aspiring Novelist
Alright now it has boiled down to 2 choices.The Nokia 6300 or the Nokia 6233.My cousin just called me up yesterday & suggested me the latter stating that the external sound was excellent on the 6233.I also stumbled upon some reviews which said that there are hardly much issues with this model.Does anyone have this model out here? Also he mentioned it comes with a 512MB Micro SD card for free,is it true?


Wire muncher!
plz plz plz plz plz and i say it again.. plz plz plz plz plz avoid 6300! there are jus tooooooo many cons than pros to list here!


Google Bot
Yup it comes wit a 512mb... Also u can get a new 2gb micro sd for around 800 bucks.. and get the 6233 .. its more vfm than the 6300..
also 6300 doesnt have 3G and a2dp whereas 6233 has both.. also the loudspeakers of 6233 are way better than 6300 ... the only plus of 6300 is its 16mln color screen wich doesnt make much diff neways in s4o fones...
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Wire muncher!
pathik, you forgot to list about the pathetic battery backup of 6300, the heating problem..... and the list goes on..... apart from being slim i dun see anything good in that phone. 16m color screen on that phone... what will you do wid that?!!! unless the screen is really big like the p990i 262k is by far sufficient....


pathiks said:
also 6300 doesnt have 3G and a2dp whereas 6233 has both..
Actually 6300 does have A2DP whereas 6233 doesn't. However 6233 Music Edition (or was it Xpress Music?) does have A2DP.
allwyn i'll suggest you go for 6233 if you don't need a super slim phone.


Aspiring Novelist
Hmmm...seems fair enough.I'll probably check out the demo of 6233 at some local store & then see if I can get it from Alfa.Thanks for all of your help guys.Really appriciate the input there.

@infra_red_dude: Yep the battery life was my major concern.As time & again I have seen people complaining about 6300 on one common point,It's dreaded battery.Dam! I liked the design to death.:(

But oh well I gotta look at it in the longer run now.BTW what's the use of an A2DP profile? Is it really that important?

Also one more thing please comment on it's internal sound via headphones? If not default which headset should I be looking out for?


Google Bot
A2DP is a BT profile wich enables you to stream music over bluetooth from your fone to ur bt headset...


Wire muncher!
regarding headset, all nokia bundled are crap. get the music adaptor and go in for something like creative ep630. they are seling like hot cakes. the creative earbuds will cost abt 1k. dunno whats the current/latest price of music adaptor. but bear one thing in mind, the default 64mb card bundled wid either will overflow like the population. so u need to buy bigger real estate for ur data.
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