Mobile Proliferation Killed Linux Hopes For World Domination


The Mighty Unkel!!!
Staff member
Posted by Mike Gualtieri on October 25, 2011

Poor Linux. It struggled so hard to dominate the world. It was the little open source engine that could, but it didn’t. It never even came close to Microsoft Windows on the desktop, with less than 2% share of desktops. The bright spot for Linux is that 60%+ of servers on the Internet run Linux.
But the real end to Linux’s hope for world dominance came when mobile platforms iOS and Android cleaned clocks in the mobile market. Sure, Android is built on top of Linux, but Linux is only one of many piece parts of the Android mobile operating system. It is not Linux.

The mobile platform space is extremely fluid, and I do not think the open source community can muster the forces necessary to compete. Open source never seems to be the innovator. Instead, it seems to disrupt pricing power for established technologies.

Game over for worldwide dominance. But server dominance is nothing to sneeze at.

I guess he needs some immediate mental consultation

Source 2


You should read this article. Mobile computing and Desktop are two different technologies and comparing them is like comparing apple and oranges.

Although, I never thought that Linux would dominate the world at the first place.


Sami Hyypiä, LFC legend
I am not sure why this ignorant article is getting this much attention. His ignorance about open source is sad but not surprising. A lot of techies share similar ignorant views.

Mind you, colloquially Linux is understood as the Linux+GNU(glib) stack. Android certainly is not a Linux "OS" like Ubuntu is, at least not in this sense.


well, let windows dig a win8+ hole and alienate users, and let apple increase prices to sky-high levels, and let the game devs code for native linux, then we will have linux domination.


Super Moderator
Staff member
No need for world domination by anybody. Having choices is always good and beneficial. ;)


Adam young
i will say windows is going to give another flop OS with win 8.i used developer preview and only thing came to my mouth was "It just sucks yaar".i always loved ubuntu but don't know how to use it.:oops:the main problem with me is installing software.i always screw up something while trying to install an application.but still want to try....:p

The thread title itself is childish:))
Linux never wanted to "dominate", but in reality it actually "dominates". Linux is everywhere. In desktop segment its growing fast. More or less every network device(router,modem,switch etc etc) run linux. Most mobile OSs are linux based, linux(and Unix) has the lion's share in server OS segment. And 99% of supercomputers run linux(or its derivatives). This is the FACT.
Unfortunately a lot of people(even techies) can't see this. I am sure they programmed using Turbo-C in their college life and thought its the best compiler.:mrgreen: