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Broken In
Mar 3, 2004
Hi Guys,

This is Vicky again. I had some information for the people who want to make it in Gaming Industry... Since days.. we were talking about PC and Console development. But at current stage, the booming arena is Mobile gaming. More and more peopleare gettin into Mobile gaming. the only thing we need to know i oirder to get into it is eiter Jva Programming or any Image Editing Software thoroughly. Thoroughly here means hardcore, people who can any digital graphics using Photoshop.

Lets starts here..

Programming : JAVA + Designing : PHOTOSHOP + Embedding : J2ME + Operating Server : BREW, SYMBIAN, MOPHUN = MOBILE GAME PRODUCTION

Mobile Game Designing :

The most essential software application used for the Mobile game graphics is Photoshop. The art called as PIXEL ARTWORK. Pixel art is generally thought of as a computer graphic where the image is literally drawn pixel-by-pixel in tiny detail, usually using a limited color palette and primitive computer graphics tools. For instance, Microsoft Paint, which hasn't been updated or changed in years, is a perfectly suitable tool for creating pixel art. Pixel art resembles the jaggie 8-bit computer graphics of the early 1990s such as those seen in computer role-playing games and Nintendo Game systems. Computer icons are typically created in a pixel art style. Although pixel art is not hard to create, it does require a great deal of patience!

Example :




Mobile Game Programming :

Explanation : Java and J2ME: Invented by Sun Microsystems in 1995, Java technology lets devices of all kinds run different kinds of program. Today, Java technology is embedded in approximately 150 million mobile phones allowing the user to view and choose from a list of applications, games, and services. The application is then sent over the air to the handset, where it is installed and instantly available to use.

J2ME is a form of the Java language that is optimized for small devices such as mobile phones. J2ME is limited by comparison to desktop Java, but it significantly improves the ability of mobile phones to support games. While it is not the only interpreted language deployed on phones, it has become an industry standard backed by many of the big manufacturers and, therefore, knowledge thereof is becoming increasingly important.

Brief Description of INTRODUCTION TO MOBILE GAME DEVELOPMENT by NOKIA. Posting here....

Keith Sebastian

Mar 30, 2005
Going off on a tangent, anyone with a Symbian Series 60 based phone - download free games here -


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