Microsoft’s Free Web Analytics Tool ‘Gatineau’

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Distinguished Member
The first public presentation of Gatineau, which aims to take on Google Analytics and basic web analytics software vendors, was done recently.

You can solicit an invitation for the limited beta here. The first invitations for the beta are expected to be sent out next week. *

For a First Look at Gatineau click here. *

tinku dhar

In the zone
watz this ? is this just like google blog or something like tht >?

im just planin to get a google blog wit adsense a/c soo microsoft providin the same ?

i dont have idea much sooo lemme know iight

PEACE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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^ Well its a analytics about your website/blog/forum etc...... :)

Some brief info about visitors, uptime, speed.... etc...

webmasters know more about it :)
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