Media Player-pdf to ??

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Broken In
Hi all,
I bought a samsung yp-q1 cb digital media player.Every feature seems alright but it doesnt allow to view pdf files.It allows MP3/WMA WMV/SVI (MPEG4) JPG/BMP/PNG/GIF TXT Ogg/FLAC (UMS Version Only) .so i want to convert the pdf to some format where i can view the text and image as a newspaper/a comic page.
It should have text as well as images.Should it be Word or excel or ppt??To what format should i convert it to??


Cyborg Agent
Try converting it into html if your player is html capable, using this

Else try converting to any image format and try. I feel readability will be an issue if pdf is converted into image.
Anyways here are a few PDF to image converters


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