Mafia Wars | Facebook

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Krazzy Warrior

"Aal Izz Well"
Mafia Wars | Facebook



Start a Mafia family with your friends, run a criminal empire and fight to be the most powerful family.Mafia Wars is a multiplayer browser game created by Zynga. As of June 2009, the game has more than 5 million users.
Mafia Wars is set in New York City and Little Italy, with the option for players to travel between New York and Cuba, once they reach level 35, and Moscow, once they reach level 70. The game revolves around doing and mastering jobs in order to earn cash and experience, with the goal of establishing and advancing one's criminal empire.Players create mafias by recruiting players and using reward points to hire extra mafia members. Social networking sites such as Facebook, MySpace and Friendster allow players to recruit from within their network of friends to build their mafia and fight against other players.Players can also improve their stats by visiting the Godfather or making a micropayment.
Gameplay revolves around timers: players have limited energy (for doing jobs), and health and stamina meters (for fighting other players), in a manner similar to an RPG game,which slowly recharges over time. With the help of other mafia members that have been recruited, players can eventually fight other players, which may or may not result in the theft of cash, "icing", or "death" of the other player. The game operates on a level up basis. The player earns experience points by completing jobs. Players who manage to complete special tasks (e.g., winning fights against bigger mafias or winning fifteen fights in a row) are labeled as having accomplished an "achievement", resulting in a bonus for the player. As they level up, more jobs and features become available, such as the ability to visit Cuba to expand their criminal empire.
alot about this game...Anyone playing? or its only me who is thinking to be a Mafia??
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Krazzy Warrior

Krazzy Warrior

"Aal Izz Well"
^Yo! BOoYaKa!! Waasup? Long time re :D remember me???
Level 126 **

I have just started playing....


This is a triplicate thread IIRC. There are two other similar threads in this very section. I was a Level 201 Mogul, before I deleted my Facebook account. I hate FB, too much of spam (apps) in there. Have fun trying to find enough Illegal Transaction Records and Untraceable Cellphones in this unending piece of FB crapspam.


Super Moderator
Staff member
This is a triplicate thread IIRC. There are two other similar threads in this very section. I was a Level 201 Mogul, before I deleted my Facebook account. I hate FB, too much of spam (apps) in there. Have fun trying to find enough Illegal Transaction Records and Untraceable Cellphones in this unending piece of FB crapspam.



Broken In
played till lvl bored clicking.. now dnt like clicking even while wrking :p..its addicted but becomes boring at a later stage
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