lookin for..security in linux

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i am lookin for some info. (detailed and technical) on how security aspect is handled in linux..

can anyone guide..??


In the zone
first of all incase u want to change any setting in a linux os...generally it asks for the admin user id and pass without which u cant get thru..... moreover noone tries to hack into linux...:D they will not get anywhere by doing that..... all the imp stuff is stuffed into the windows......imp files like animations, 3d characters, music editors, passwords,GAMES etc....



what aspect of security do u want to have info about, as if anyone can edit the files or get into ur system? or as if virus n all...

k not many prople write virus programs for linux, so that's not a concern, apart from that, even if virus programs are written for linux, they go nowhere, this is because of the extremely good file permission structure of linux, so for every file there is an owner and group, and 3 set of permissions associated with it, root has absolute permissions, but unlike in windows u dont have to be logged into root to do all the things, infact, YOU SHOULD NEVRER LOGIN INTO ROOT AT RUNLEVEL 5, so basically u are a common user, u might have read and execute permissions but not write, and a virus has atmost that permission, so it will not be able to infect, unless it exploits a vulnerability in one of ur apps, hope this helps, but it will take time before u can be able to understand things clearly if u are a newbie, but believe me it is a hell lot more dovelpoed and secure than windows is, and u will like it once u are upon it.


18 Till I Die............
I guess you are preparing some project, if I remember right and need info for that.
Some places you can look into are
I think this is anyway lot more than I should have given you. You should have first searched on google and wikipedia.
Also, moving to open source section as Linux aspect is better covered in that section of the forum.
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