Living in chennai

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Mar 1, 2006
Hey guys, i'm from Chennai.
there a few buses which dont have Name boards in English, (but only a handful of bus routes, [71m something, dont remember exactly]).

@piyush619, you need not worry about that, its unneccessary.

Chennai's MTC (public transport) is known as the BEST trans. service in india.

try to Avoid Auto Rickshaw, they charge a hell lot more than a Call Taxi :D.

& to see almost whole city in 1 day, board on this bus =>Route # "1" CMBT to CMBT.

About Shops.... well it also depends what you're lookin for & where.:D
Most of the small shops in the Local Area (streets) will have Tamil Board.

Goto "Spencer's Plaza" @ "Mount Road" when you're free, it has all kinds of shops, Food World, Westside, Landmark, Planet M.... & lot of Cloth shops, you'll find trendy Jeans wear... @ Cheaper rates, & most of the Shop Owners are North Indians (talk in Hindi... & get Discount :D).
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Apr 3, 2006
caleb said:
Listen to this guys living in Channai 4 22yrs does not make a person copetent to talk bout it but visiting the place a few times makes the person accurate informer of the truth...WHAT A LOAD OF RUBBISH

Rubbish? What's up with u man? Learn some ettiquettes. I think you need a BIG lesson for how to behave in this forum. If wish to carry on arguements remembering previous threads...Sorry, I am not the one. Have seen enough of your kind of guys...all i could say is this is not the place for such things. Go to chat will find a lot of your kind of guys there.

When I say I lived in Chennai, I did so. And that's what I have seen. Shops in posh areas do have english hoardings. In some part of City, I did see only tamil hoardings. Stretching this unusually long is making me uncomfortable, but for guys like's pity that I should do it. Never even bother to reply for this else would end up shouting alone here!
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piyush gupta

piyush gupta

Cyborg Agent
Sep 8, 2005
drgrudge said:
What is "PG" by the way?
its a place where 10-12 persons share 3-5 rooms
and we have a servent for daily work like making food cleaning house etc.
its very confortable for persons who usually have a lot of time spent on job or on studies
here in north we usually found a no of PGs
but no idea about there

vasulic said:
and iam sure the living condition in chennai will be far far far better than your Village (panipat)

hey dude mind ur language my city Panipat is not a village

its a big city of haryana
its very popular for its handloom work
have u ever visited this city

thanx for ur support and
dont fight yarr
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Ambassador of Buzz
Sep 1, 2006
kiran.rkk said:
Rubbish? What's up with u man? Learn some ettiquettes. I think you need a BIG lesson for how to behave in this forum. If wish to carry on arguements remembering previous threads...Sorry, I am not the one. Have seen enough of your kind of guys...all i could say is this is not the place for such things. Go to chat will find a lot of your kind of guys there.
?When I say I lived in Chennai, I did so. And that's what I have seen. Shops in posh areas do have english hoardings. In some part of City, I did see only tamil hoardings. Stretching this unusually long is making me uncomfortable, but for guys like's pity that I should do it. Never even bother to reply for this else would end up shouting alone here!
There's an old english saying: the hit dog howls".DO NOT spread lies about one of the best cities cities in India...especially when u know nothing of it. Ettiguette is also about NOT TELLING LIES...remember that.
BTW, where is that "some part of city" u saw only tamil hoardings?...even places like saidapet area have hoardings in english also...even auto drivers understand simple directions in english which is more than enough to commute. Where piyush' office is located & where he is likely 2 reside everything clearly displayed in english.
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Commander in Chief
Jul 17, 2005
vasulic said:
Tamil Nadu is the most literate state in India, next to kerala. In chennai u can survive with your English. and iam sure the living condition in chennai will be far far far better than your Village (panipat)
Erm, isnt Kerala supposed to be the most literate of all states?


18 Till I Die............
Jul 15, 2004
@caleb and kiran.rkk please stop fighting b/w yourselves. There have been too many flame wars lately and if there's one b/w you, you'll may face a ban.


Aug 28, 2005
Cool piyash619, I have been to chandigarh. When compared to Chennai panipat is a village.
QwertyManiac, you are right kerala is the most literate of all states


Another Brick in the Wall
Jul 21, 2004
QwertyManiac said:
Erm, isnt Kerala supposed to be the most literate of all states?
Boss, read in between the lines. vasulic said: "Tamil Nadu is the most literate state in India, next to kerala." :D
piyush gupta

piyush gupta

Cyborg Agent
Sep 8, 2005
Guys dont fight

also as said drgruge i think there is no reason to discuss which is most literate state in india


For ur kind information if u r in chandigarh then u most know panipat is not a village its a district in haryana

i think u also dont know chandigarh is capital of haryana & punjab

u must learn class 6th books for a gud information about states in INDIA

why u compare Panipat with chennai
Panipat is a district
Chennai is one of four metro cities in india

i think there is no way u should compare both of them


Ambassador of Buzz
Sep 1, 2006
tech_your_future said:
@caleb and kiran.rkk please stop fighting b/w yourselves. There have been too many flame wars lately and if there's one b/w you, you'll may face a ban.
when has a disagreement become a "war~?...but I do appreciate ur concern. I found it strange when kiran talk of a subject when he wasn't even aware of it especially when someone is seeking advice on...
this forum. If he can disagee with drgrude' accurate info, he too shud b sporting enough 2 accept or disagree sportingly. Just bcoz somone calls my post rubbish does not mean I get sensitive...after all this post is under "chi chat" & it shud b taken just as that. But rest assured there is no personal war but yes I will disagree & call someones post rubbish if it lacks authenticity. So no hard...
hard feelings...I've learned a great deal from ur (tech your future) & drgrudge' various no hard feelings.
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Apr 3, 2006
Don't teach Sportiveness to me. I did accept drgrudge comments and quoted.....

This is what I like in this forum. Thanks for the update guys. I had been to Chennai a year ago. At that time I remember seeing only Tamil boardings, shop names in tamil...etc. I just got mixed up while putting things here.
Error regretted guys.

What more you want? I completely agreed to the Bus name plate issue. I did go wrong in that. It's only about the shop names issue which I completely didnot agree. I had been to Chennai and when I say it's my Mother's native, one should know how much he has touch with it. I lived in a place called 'Vadapalani'. There I observed shops names in tamil. I didnot travel much to other parts of city. When people put things here, it's according to their perspective. It might be true according to their experience. But that's what this forum is all about. Here we are to discuss things.
This is a chit chat section. That doesn't mean you can call posts as rubbish. Personal experiences vary. Everyone would be correct according to their experience. May be if i had travelled to other parts of Chennai, I would have never quoted in that way. That doesnt mean I am wrong. And that does not mean anyone can take advantage of it and blow out of proportion, just as you did.
I will disagree & call someones post rubbish if it lacks authenticity. So no hard...

Who are you to decide authenticity? Someone might have posted a completely authentic post according to his/her angle, which you may not be so sure. And what made you assume that my quote was not authentic? Did you visit all places of Chennai? Are you sure of each and every corner of Chennai? Huh! Be sensible.

tech_your_future is completely right in doing so. Especially when it becomes 'flame' wars. I regret for being a part of it.


Mar 1, 2006
^^ its true, that many of the Shops sport a Board in Tamil.
When i'm traveling in Bus in Newer routes (new to me), like somewhere inbetween Marina Beach to K.K.Nagar (on 12B bus), sometimes i dont know which area i'm in :D (i fall asleep, on long routes), the first thing i do to find that, is ->Look @ Shop boards, which also have Street Address @ the Bottom. :D . but unfortunately not many shops have it in English, only Pharmacy, bigger shops have that, which becomes a Pain in ... u know where. (all this happens when the guys next/around you is also sleeping :D)

But @Piyus, dont worry, if you want to travel in Bus & dont know the Destination Place, ask the Conductor to inform you when the Bus reaches that place. the Bus Conductors always help people.


Apr 3, 2006
Forget to mention..

Havin wasted enough time replying to such 'insane' comments, I hereby mention that 'This is my last post in this thread'. It's time to carry out my daily routine of helping people out here and discuss problems.

Thanks for all.


Ambassador of Buzz
Sep 1, 2006
kiran.rkk said:
Don't teach Sportiveness to me. I did accept drgrudge comments and quoted.....

What more you want? I completely agreed to the Bus name plate issue. I did go wrong in that. It's only about the shop names issue which I completely didnot agree. I had been to Chennai and when I say it's my Mother's native, one should know how much he has touch with it. I lived in a place called 'Vadapalani'. There I observed shops names in tamil. I didnot travel much to other parts of city. When people put things here, it's according to their perspective. It might be true according to their experience. But that's what this forum is all about. Here we are to discuss things.
This is a chit chat section. That doesn't mean you can call posts as rubbish. Personal experiences vary. Everyone would be correct according to their experience. May be if i had travelled to other parts of Chennai, I would have never quoted in that way. That doesnt mean I am wrong. And that does not mean anyone can take advantage of it and blow out of proportion, just as you did.

Who are you to decide authenticity? Someone might have posted a completely authentic post according to his/her angle, which you may not be so sure. And what made you assume that my quote was not authentic? Did you visit all places of Chennai? Are you sure of each and every corner of Chennai? Huh! Be sensible.

tech_your_future is completely right in doing so. Especially when it becomes 'flame' wars. I regret for being a part of it.
I am no one to decide authenticity & I have rubbished your post (as you've put it) "according to his/her angle"(in this case my angle)...but here are SEVERAL reasons why I feel your post lacks authenticity, now I'm quoting what you've said:
1. "Well, may be in your area. In the area where I stayed, I had almost all shop names in Tamil.

So where is that area that you stayed in Chennai? what is the name of that parea? if you can't even quote one single name of a place which you supposedly stayed at, JUST a year ago who is it possible to believe you?...sounds suspecious.

2. "My friend also agrees with that. Now don't ask about his whereabouts. He is Chennai based."

Why not ask his whereabouts? if you don't even know where your friend lives in Chennai...especially when he is "Chennai based?" ... once again a suspecious statement.

3. "In some parts of Chennai, now also you could see that. Go for a big round of all parts in Chennai. "

Why should anyone "go for a big round of all parts in Chennai"...when Piyush has clearly named the area of his work place in Chennai?

4. "Being 22 years in Chennai doesn't mean that you know everything about Chennai."

If drgrudge, who's lived 22 years in Chennai, does not know everything about know about everything in Chennai. Piyush had a specific question when all you did was rubbish (don't get sensitive & personal now) about how buses & shops only have Tamil hoardings etc in some remote part of Chennai you lived in. If you did not live in a remote part than name where you lived and I will get you proof about that place for you to verify it for yourself.

5. "Personally I have nothing against Chennai. Even my Mother is Chennai-based. I visited Chennai often in my childhood days."

If your Mother is Chennai based you can't even name that area? EXTREMELY strange to say the least...all you have to do is ask her...and she'll tell you where she is based in Chennai.

Your ENTIRE post right there lacks authenticity based on just those few lines and you were absolutely no help to piyush in terms of names, places & specific info to his query...when drgrude provided all that instead of appreciating drgrudge's knowledge of the place all you did was to belittle by saying ""Being 22 years in Chennai doesn't mean that you know everything about Chennai." ...that is just not done.

Now don't take everything too seriously & get sensitive over it...I have nothing against you...coz I don't even know you...for all that we know we may get on famously if we meet in person.

Having said that I'd like to quote you again "That doesn't mean you can call posts as rubbish. Personal experiences vary. Everyone would be correct according to their experience." ... based on this statment by you what would you say if someone (who stayed in some podunk place claimed on this forum) were to say that Pune is a village and there are only marathi medium schools in Pune and that hoardings there are only in Marathi and no english hoardings...that too after a person (who's lived there for a couple of decades) clarifying that it isn't so???... obviously that persons lacks authentic info of Pune and is obviously speaking rubbish without knowing about the place.

Now Mr.Kiran rkk that is exactly what you have done...even if you take percentage wise Chennai has more % of english hoardings than Pune does...does that mean we can claim that Pune has only marathi hoardings & no english hoardings?
kiran.rkk said:
Don't teach Sportiveness to me. I did accept drgrudge comments and quoted.....

What more you want? I completely agreed to the Bus name plate issue. I did go wrong in that. It's only about the shop names issue which I completely didnot agree. I had been to Chennai and when I say it's my Mother's native, one should know how much he has touch with it. I lived in a place called 'Vadapalani'. There I observed shops names in tamil. I didnot travel much to other parts of city.
Mate now I have to call your post utter rubbish (once again it is not personal) the reason is after you've shown your so called "sprotiveness" you kept arguing about your area, VADAPALANI, having only Tamil hoardings...Vadaplani is located near the downtown area AND HOARDINGS & BUSES PLYING THERE CLEARLY HAVE IT PRINTED IN ENGLISH...that is & has been the case since decades including one year ago. Do you know that one of the BEST WESTERN HOTELS has a famous hotel located in VADAPALANI...where you lived...I have stayed at the hotel for 3 days in March 2005 it's called Ambica Empire.
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Salieri Family
Feb 24, 2004
Guyz.. I've got a job in HCL Technologies in campus recruitment. In offer letter they have mentioned to report for job at chennai (next year)..
I searched on net and found the addresses..

HCL Technologies training centres are in Chennai and Noida only. So I think initial training for few days (may be 2-3 months) will be chennai.. Does anybody know where actually the training centre of HCL technologies is there in Chennai from above addresses..???


Ambassador of Buzz
Sep 1, 2006
hard_rock said:
Guyz.. I've got a job in HCL Technologies in campus recruitment. In offer letter they have mentioned to report for job at chennai (next year)..
I searched on net and found the addresses..

HCL Technologies training centres are in Chennai and Noida only. So I think initial training for few days (may be 2-3 months) will be chennai.. Does anybody know where actually the training centre of HCL technologies is there in Chennai from above addresses..???
No idea...I don't think anyone will know unless they are working in HCL-Chennai or has a friend who is working in HCL-Chennai. Why don't you e-mail HCL-Chennai and ask?


Aug 28, 2005
@piyush619, thanks, i will learn about Indian states when i go to std 6th. if you have learned properly in std 6th std you would have not asked a stupid questions about chennai
piyush gupta

piyush gupta

Cyborg Agent
Sep 8, 2005

i think u here for fighting but me not here for so

this is my last post in this thread


left this forum longback
Sep 7, 2005
Chennai is a very orthodox City.the city is much different from what you see in Banglore or any other cities,the city is developing horizontally(i mean no taller buildings just pleanty of small small buildings,u need to walk more!) and enough area is available unlike Banglore which is vertically growing(with tall buildings and packed city centre like other cities).
Honestly Speaking Madras is a strange City for most ppl from other states,even from Kerala or Karnataka.English is spoken and understandeable by few as is the case with hindi.Auto Rikshawalle will loot you if you speak in English or Hindi or any other Languages.even i've heard Autowalle are Goondas(not all!) working for the different political parties.Tamilians mostly are sensitive when on even simple matters,for eg;a guy on a bus accidentially hit on the body of a women-normally we say Sorry! and the matter is in Madras and most of Tamilnadu,the matter will end up mostly in Police Station along with the Bus and a good hell of beatings from fellow passengers and not to say BAD TAMIL ...this is a normal think in Madras.People are very very very Orthodox except few Iyers/Educated Folks.

This is what i have seen in my Tamilnadu days..nothing against Chennai.
@piyushbhai:by talking about chennai itself in this forum U might have known about the Chennai.Dont forget to watch some action/masale film by Rajnikanth or Vikram ;)
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