Linux on P-I

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18 Till I Die............
Cyclone said:
So I left off, telling you guys that I'd try installing it on my P4 and see how it goes. I'm doing it right now. Cynosure baby, you were right, my AMD just didn't have enough juice. This one goes all the way till the desktop no problemo. I see an 'Install' icon on the desktop, so I double-click - so far so good. The installation has 7 steps. I go through Language, Region, Keyboard Layout, and then encounter the monkey-wrench. In step 4, which is where I have to select the partition I want to install it to, I'm given a list of four partitions, none of which are the C,D,E,F I'm used to by now, but thats okay - Linux is going to be different, and different isn't necessarily a bad thing, so I don't let the morale hang low. Previously, I'd read up various threads on this forum, and figured I'd need to keep one partition ready for Ubuntu. I clear out most (all) of the stuff on F. But the table in step 4 shows four drives (devices, it says). /dev/sda1 , whose Mount Point is /media/sda1, has unknown used space. The next two, surprisingly listed as, respectively, /dev/sda5 and 6 with the respective mount points at /media/sda 5 and 6 are okay, and /dev/sda7 at /media/sda7 has 2700 MB used. I figure the last one's F:, and for some reason Its showing up as 2.7k used, but I can let it go, so I select it and click on 'Forward'. Surprise Surprise, I get an error message saying something like 'Root file not specified'. What do I do? If I select 'Edit Partition', I can change the size, the type (fat or ntfs) and the mount point. Any suggestions?
Change the mount point to / here and file system to ext3. And also tick the checkbox next to sda7, under Format.
You will also need to give a swap partition.


Darth Penguin
Right, so I did that. Changed the mount point from /media/sda7 to just /. And split this partition into three, including a 500MB swap. All good. Started the installation on the first partition. Everything was running smooth as silk. Sat down with a couple of issues of MAD, was through with three when I hit the next glitch (am I cursed? was it something I said?) - At 94% of the installation, after its done copying files and detecting hardware and whatnot, it says something like "Error regd Grub (hd0) - This is a fatal error." and took me back to the desktop. Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnooooooooooo!!!!!! :mad: We were SO close!!!

Next step?

Oh, and how do I set up my internet connection in ubuntu? I noticed the 'Wired Networks' thingmie on the top-right of the screen. Selected manual configuration, and promptly went insane. And I thought this was supposed to be newbie friendly. What am I, bottom of the evolutionary ladder?


left this forum longback
most prolly ur install had completed.only error will be with boot the livecd and access the partition where u installed ubuntu(u can mount) and see that everything is right.then we can changeroot(chroot) from Livecd and complete grub installation.for that now we needs the output of :
fdisk  -l
^ from livecd.then we can chroot to that partition and install grub.btwn which windows version do u have.


Darth Penguin
I run XP :(

At the risk of sounding extremely slow, how do you want me to access the partition and check if everything's okay? oh, and I enter the fdisk command in the terminal?


left this forum longback
what i meant is boot again live-cd(ubuntu).from there open a terminal and run fdisk -l and paste the o/p here.
with Linux u may need to know to use terminal helps.


Darth Penguin
What do you know, I'm not that far away down the evolutionary ladder after all! :p Thats exactly what I did <ain't I a genius?>.

Great, now how do I put up a png image? Picasa can't read it...

EDIT: Signing up with ImageShack right now...


How's this?

Okay, not that good, but it serves the purpose - click on slideshow, and you'll get the bigger picture. Literally.


There ya go!
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left this forum longback
there is no need to host the o/p :p.just select with ur mouse right clik copy and paste here in the forum.btwn the image is a thumbnail.not able to figure one thing just copy paste the output here.that's the way.


Darth Penguin
...Which brings me to the second major part of my troubles, I don't have broadband set up in ubuntu. Which means i have to re-boot everytime something goes wrong (not a pleasant task on my rig, trust me),


Try saving it to your pc and taking a look.

EDIT: Nope. That ain't working either.

Imageshack says * is the full picture, and * , whatever it may be, is the thumbnail view. I say, if the former's the full image, that is one really small thumb we're using as a standard.

Heck, just send me your email id, I'll send the darn pic to you as an attachment. All this trouble just for a measly screenshot >:-(
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left this forum longback
you can just select the output from the terminal using mouse and right click to copy and paste here.what's the pain ?


left this forum longback
OK.without the partitions displayed :? try taking a screenshot again and paste the direct link here.


Darth Penguin
Well, I fdisked, copied the results into text editor, saved it onto my pendrive, rebooted into xp, opened it in word, and here it is:

ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo fdisk -l

Disk /dev/sda: 40.0 GB, 40020664320 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 4865 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes

Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/sda1 * 1 1217 9775521 c W95 FAT32 (LBA)
/dev/sda2 1218 4865 29302560 f W95 Ext'd (LBA)
/dev/sda5 1218 2434 9775521 7 HPFS/NTFS
/dev/sda6 2435 3651 9775521 b W95 FAT32
/dev/sda7 3652 4439 6329578+ b W95 FAT32
/dev/sda8 4501 4865 2931831 83 Linux
/dev/sda9 4440 4500 489951 82 Linux swap / Solaris

Partition table entries are not in disk order

What do you suggest now?


Burning Bright
I think its alright 'sda8' is mounted as '/'
So for booting in Ubuntu Repair ur Grub/MBR -> *

And for Broadband in Ubuntu
$ sudo pppoeconf


left this forum longback
Cyclone said:
Well, I fdisked, copied the results into text editor, saved it onto my pendrive, rebooted into xp, opened it in word, and here it is:

ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo fdisk -l

Disk /dev/sda: 40.0 GB, 40020664320 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 4865 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes

Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/sda1 * 1 1217 9775521 c W95 FAT32 (LBA)
/dev/sda2 1218 4865 29302560 f W95 Ext'd (LBA)
/dev/sda5 1218 2434 9775521 7 HPFS/NTFS
/dev/sda6 2435 3651 9775521 b W95 FAT32
/dev/sda7 3652 4439 6329578+ b W95 FAT32
/dev/sda8 4501 4865 2931831 83 Linux
/dev/sda9 4440 4500 489951 82 Linux swap / Solaris

Partition table entries are not in disk order

What do you suggest now?
Now again boot with livecd.mount ur ubuntu partition as follows.all commands are run in terminal(in menu applications>accessories>terminal):
sudo mount /dev/sda8 /mnt
sudo chroot  /mnt /bin/bash
sudo grub-install '(hd0)'
now enter exit,or press ctrl+d.
reboot to look whether grub is shown(boot menu)
if this fails,then only try below steps.u need to follow steps (1) & (2) from livecd.then,
if grub is not installed,then install natively as follows:
sudo grub
then in "grub>" prompt try,
root (hd0,0)
setup (hd0)
type quit in grub> prompt to exit.
restart to make sure grub menu is shown.


Darth Penguin
I'm on it...

Broadband'sup and rigged for running, buyeah!!! Thanks for that, anant! One major hassle over, now I dont need to reboot to XP everytime something goes wrong. Like now. Praka, the first command's working fine, its able to mount /dev/sda8 onto /mnt. The second command throws up an error:

ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo chroot /mnt /bin/bash
chroot: cannot run command `/bin/bash': No such file or directory

Do I go and create it?
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18 Till I Die............
How much space have you given to / ? It seems you've just given ~2.7GB, so the whole install must not have fitted on your hard disk.


Darth Penguin
Hell, no! I split a 9.8 GB partition into three - 2-odd GB for apps, 500MB for swap, and the rest was to be /


Burning Bright
But as per post no #32 it seems that only 2.9 GB has been alloted for '/' .. I recommend you a fresh installation with atleast 6 GB partition..


left this forum longback
I think ur install was not completed due to less disk space.make sure u got ur "/" partition as ~6GB and swap of 500MB.the partition where Linux shud be installed is called "/" partition.also follow the below guide(got screenshots)


18 Till I Die............
I only see 2 linux partitions- one is swap, so logically the other has to be the / partition ie. sda8. And sda8 is approx 2.7GB only, that's not enough.
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