Linux leaders plot counterattack on Microsoft

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gx said:
Then you said it extracts to RAM. Suppose I have a 700 MB VCD ISO having one AVSEQ01.DAT file, then according to your theory, Linux media player will extract 700 MB TO RAM & then play . Tell me if any media player on Linux including VLC can play it without mounting first.
When did I put forward such a theory? :shock: Please quote it!!
Ofcors mounting is done automatically, but I guess u r feeling shy to answer my one simple question. Can WMP play media ISO files simply like any other mp3 or wma file? I need it.

There are 2 kind of users out there

1) Average Joe who usually buy HP or Dell, they don't need to think about anything. Everything is already installed. They can simply call the service guy & he will do it for them

2) Geeks like us who know what we are doing & just like you linux users don't mind installing new version every week, we Windows users also don't mind installing Windows Vista once, configure it & make a disk image. Then forget about it (My case, Vista was installed in December 2006)
Oh, so now u r trying to classify it? Do u have any idea of how many different types of users are there? Its not just end-users or admins!! Do read some book on software engineering.

Likewise, installation isn't a part of end-users. Its a part of system admin. In that light even the softwares that r installed via the net are irrelevant to the work of end-users!! Then for an end-user u have everything installed and wine and other emulators setup to have windows softwares tooo. How the heck is Linux difficult for even the extremely brainless end-users then?

Anyways its nice to see that u r talking of more than average joe now!

And not to mention I have to run synaptic to install packages out there every week or every time I reinstall Linux, despite of having all files in cache, just cos synaptic found a new v X.X.X.1 update.

I am sorry, unless this thread is moved to Fight Club, I won't post anymore here.

Linux can try all it can to counter attack MS, they will fail. The only way is to work together & use some of Microsoft's technologies in Linux.
Why do u always forget about the Linux distros like Linux mint, suse enterpise etc that give u out of box experience that windows cannot?

BTW, I have told many times that I'm still on FC5 without any updates and a few software installations only enjoying everything I need! Even without any "extra" installations or updates my FC box was pretty usable with office loaded, gaim and gimp to end-user!!

gx said:
Nope, according to meditator it extracts in RAM
Don't u know how the media player works? When did i say it extracts the "whole thing" into the RAM? Even a kid has the "common sense" to understand that a RAM of 256 MB cannot accomodate a 700 MB file. I'm really having doubts on ur comprehension skills now! Do I have to tell a geek like u even the basics i.e how an OS works? Do u really "feel" qualified to talk on the matters of operating systems?
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You gave been GXified
^^^ according to what you said "it extracts to RAM" What else did u mean?

Windows Media Player cannot do that, because Windows doesn't allow such mounting of ISO files without user permission & interaction. You can always mount the ISO manually using either Daemon Tools or Nero Image Drive or Windows Virtual CD powertoy


according to what you said "it extracts to RAM" What else did u mean?
Ask any software engineer what "content extraction into the RAM" means! What ur "common sense" says? "Lols", we already witnessed how good ur "common sense" is!

Windows Media Player cannot do that, because Windows doesn't allow such mounting of ISO files without user permission & interaction. You can always mount the ISO manually using either Daemon Tools or Nero Image Drive or Windows Virtual CD powertoy
So much hardwork to be done by an "end-user"? :shock: So much for the "ease of use"!
BTW, u r already enlightening us that an end-user isn't interested in the reasons but the experience! So please refrain from posting the "because" of the statements!! :)


You gave been GXified
mediator said:
So much hardwork to be done by an "end-user"? :shock: So much for the "ease of use"!
BTW, u r already enlightening us that an end-user isn't interested in the reasons but the experience! So please refrain from posting the "because" of the statements!! :)
Lets talk about End User.

What is the distribution format for VCDs out there? A Compact Disk having dat files, which once inserted in the CD Drive plays fine in WMP.

A consumare wants to copy the video. He either copies the AVSEQ01.dat file to his HD & plays the dat file in WMP or He copied all the folders of the VCD to his computer & then plays.

If a user knows how to use nero to make an NRG of a VCD then he also knows how to mount it. Its obvious. Now if you say "U don't need to know how to mount, just to make a NRG from Nero." Then u r certified idiot.

What is the distribution format of DVDs out there? a DVD disk containing a DVD which plays in DVD player software.

A consumar wants to copy DVD to his HD.

1) It is illegal. Microsoft doesn't allows or encourages Piracy in Windows. If they do they will be sued.

2) The user rips it. Suppose he rips it using DivX convertar then he gets a AVI File which plays fine.

3) If he has enough knowledge to make a NRG or ISO then he also knows how to mount it. Its obvious.

What is format of Piracy on Internet? avi or bin or cue or ISO files. Sorry, Microsoft won't allow or encourage u to downloaded pirated content & play them as such in WMP.

Obviously, I have wasted my time giving reason why can't WMP play ISO directly because like all Lingeeks & Macboys you will over look this.

Tell me, where from do u get movies in ISO format.


The Devil's Advocate
the last thing any linux user should be talking about is end user and ease of use ...


left this forum longback
^^ Vista is a playground for Viruses,Intruders,Spywares,Trojans and Adwares right?
jal raha hei koi FOSS ke jeet main :lol:


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praka123 said:
^^ Vista is a playground for Viruses,Intruders,Spywares,Trojans and Adwares right?

What else can I call ignorence :D

1) 6 months & 0 virus affecting Vista

2) 0 spywares out there affecting the default installation of Vista if IE is used.

3) No ActiveX bugs in IE 7 so far in Vista.

jal raha hei koi FOSS ke jeet main

Jeet? :confused: where, Hey prakash, which is the most used Operating system out there? Which Company is making the maximum ammount of money out there? Which OS holds the maximum number of native 3rd party applications out there? Which OS works with all the computer hardware out there? Which OS is the de-facto standerd for gaming? Which OS is used the most as the Media Server out there?

Hint : You hate the company for a reason which is lame. Unless you are terrorist.


gx_saurav said:
Lets talk about End User.

What is the distribution format for VCDs out there? A Compact Disk having dat files, which once inserted in the CD Drive plays fine in WMP.

A consumare wants to copy the video. He either copies the AVSEQ01.dat file to his HD & plays the dat file in WMP or He copied all the folders of the VCD to his computer & then plays.

If a user knows how to use nero to make an NRG of a VCD then he also knows how to mount it. Its obvious. Now if you say "U don't need to know how to mount, just to make a NRG from Nero." Then u r certified idiot.

What is the distribution format of DVDs out there? a DVD disk containing a DVD which plays in DVD player software.

A consumar wants to copy DVD to his HD.

1) It is illegal. Microsoft doesn't allows or encourages Piracy in Windows. If they do they will be sued.

2) The user rips it. Suppose he rips it using DivX convertar then he gets a AVI File which plays fine.

3) If he has enough knowledge to make a NRG or ISO then he also knows how to mount it. Its obvious.

What is format of Piracy on Internet? avi or bin or cue or ISO files. Sorry, Microsoft won't allow or encourage u to downloaded pirated content & play them as such in WMP.

Obviously, I have wasted my time giving reason why can't WMP play ISO directly because like all Lingeeks & Macboys you will over look this.

Tell me, where from do u get movies in ISO format.
"Dood", like I said we r not interested in ur "becoz"!! Is it hard having a taste of ur own medicine? Tastes sour?

In every little speech of urs, u have started giving reasons now. Then why do u whine when distros like Ubuntu which don't have codecs fail to give out of box experience? There is also a "becoz" attached to it. I hope u'll improve from now on.

A consumar wants to copy DVD to his HD.

1) It is illegal. Microsoft doesn't allows or encourages Piracy in Windows. If they do they will be sued.

2) The user rips it. Suppose he rips it using DivX convertar then he gets a AVI File which plays fine.

3) If he has enough knowledge to make a NRG or ISO then he also knows how to mount it. Its obvious.
1.On one hand u talk about DRM in INDIA and then u talked about illegality? Please don't use INDIA or USA according to ur convenience. India is a leader in softwares and u think DRM isn't known? Have u ever conducted a research and found how many knew of DRM? And if India can be leader in software piracy and the common user can "pirate windows" then he can copy DVDs to their hardisk toooo.

The most common example in Delhi is when people "rent" movie DVDs which has "chapters" and not AVSEQ.DAT. In such case Delhites atleast in my area and my friends copy the DVDs and create ISOs.

2. Ripping is done by those who have ample time. "Convenience" is the key here and we do not want the ISOs for an indefinite period unless someone wants to open a DVD shop of his own!

3. U were talking about the end users. Are u sure an end user has enough knowledge to use Nero etc? How many MOMs and Dads in ur locality even know about disk defragement or creating a data disk? Face the reality!!

What is format of Piracy on Internet? avi or bin or cue or ISO files. Sorry, Microsoft won't allow or encourage u to downloaded pirated content & play them as such in WMP.

Obviously, I have wasted my time giving reason why can't WMP play ISO directly because like all Lingeeks & Macboys you will over look this.

Tell me, where from do u get movies in ISO format.
Obviously linux users have wasted their time enlightening the win-fanboys about why some Linux don't give u "out of box" experience with codecs, but u fail to over look at that very simple point! But all that the win-fanboys reply is "yawn...@user and his long time to read it" acknowledging others that they r "certified idots" and full fledged trolls who don't have "common sense" to understand the meaning of the posts of Linux users!!

Neways, It was just a point to make win-fanboys see some truth that holds true for even windows. So I request you and all the win-fanboys not to whine for Ubuntu about the "out of box" thingy "OR" u can use the distros which already give u the "out of box experience"!!

@GX : Best of luck for ur exams! ;)


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eddie said:
LOL! Healthy discussions with liars? :lol:

Lolz...healthy discussion with idiots who don't even want to listen or try to understand what the other one is saying.


El mooooo
gx_saurav said:
Lolz...healthy discussion with idiots who don't even want to listen or try to understand what the other one is saying.
They will listen if what is being said is true! Not the utter bull like Adobe uses Qt for making Photoshop GUI :lol:


You gave been GXified
^^^^ Computer hardware in the current market = PC, Mac, X86 Workstations. Windows works on all.

Server are not consumer grade computers

Clusters are also not consumer grade computers.

I hope u know what consumer level computer (me & u) & server level computer (Deep) means. Tell me, who buys server for home use?

Zeeshan Quireshi

C# Be Sharp !
gx_saurav said:
^^^^ Computer hardware in the current market = PC, Mac, X86 Workstations. Windows works on all.

Server are not consumer grade computers

Clusters are also not consumer grade computers.

I hope u know what consumer level computer (me & u) & server level computer (Deep) means. Tell me, who buys server for home use?
Also , now for servers too Microsoft has Copute Cluster Server 2003 .

And , for ultra high-end clusters and servers , Solaris is the preferred OS
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