Lies and Rumors spread by Indian media


Conversation Architect
It is standard practice to not name a community. It is sad, when this is not done. Not naming is a good idea. The miscreants are not representative of any community, they are just troublemakers.

Stop being paranoid and scared.

To solve this problem, we need someone to grill the population and not have lazy, indisciplined people working who don't care about their jobs. You have to get rid of the chalta hai attitude, which I don't see happening. All the systems and practices in place have actually been deteriorating since independence.

I meant what happened to our law system. Is all law are applicable to normal people not celebrities and politicians.


Sith Lord
Staff member
^I donno about the law, but Salman Khan's PR team has done a good job in confusing people.
first of all, don't know why there considerations of the character of the person who has committed the crime, in the media. If two people have committed the same crime, you cannot change the punishment depending on how much charity one has supposedly done.

In any case, anyone who takes the trouble to go to being human web site can see how bogus the whole thing is. This is why Salman Khan has confused people.

He has already been convicted three times, total time now is more than 11 years. Let's see how many days he eventually spends in jail.

Was replying to OP, first post, not Salman Khan's verdict.


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
^I donno about the law, but Salman Khan's PR team has done a good job in confusing people.
first of all, don't know why there considerations of the character of the person who has committed the crime, in the media. If two people have committed the same crime, you cannot change the punishment depending on how much charity one has supposedly done.

In any case, anyone who takes the trouble to go to being human web site can see how bogus the whole thing is. This is why Salman Khan has confused people.

He has already been convicted three times, total time now is more than 11 years. Let's see how many days he eventually spends in jail.

Was replying to OP, first post, not Salman Khan's verdict.

It's not just that Salman's PR team is very effective. It's that people also are easily swayed into believing their bullshit.

If you look at the average demographic of Salman fans, most of them are uneducated who probably worship him and are ready to believe anything that would portray him in good light.


Sith Lord
Staff member
I donno what about Abhijeet singer? He is not poor.
thing is remember some time around 2005 Abhijeet had actually saved two people's lives by taking them to the hospital because a couple had hit them with their car and were clueless about how to proceed after that. Now he is saying those who are on road will die a dog's death.


Staff member
If you look at the average demographic of Salman fans, most of them are uneducated who probably worship him and are ready to believe anything that would portray him in good light.

That's really dangerous. Ascending someone to that pedestal makes it really difficult to see faults. India is stuck because of this mentality.


The Vagrant Seeker
I think the trend was started by some idiotic news channel named India TV.

can't 'discriminate' between any of them; since the day the sessions court was to give its verdict, the melodrama had commenced on almost all these channels in unison. some movie channels have been showing salman's movies since. a day or two later when salman secured bail in the case, there was this one channel (IIRC, India News), which ran a few lines for salman at the bottom in the ultimate 'sadakchhaap shaayaraana' manner in order to attract viewers for its upcoming show, which could force dialogue-writers of B-grade movies to seriously consider honing their skills. then these channels showed how people from many places in the country had flocked in to Mumbai and salman's place just to have a glimpse of their idol and congratulate him, how salman communicated with them from his balcony and then later asked them to leave, himself leaving after giving them the 'Jai Ho!' lesson in his own style by motioning his hands.

years back, at a place here famous for its scenery, terrain, trek and hike trails, and for bollywood shoots, Harishchandragad lake near Malshej Ghat (Anorion must be aware), one of the helping hands at a nearby resort (one of the only 2 established there at the time) had described to me the demeanour of salman khan (and akshay khanna) throwing in some expletives in his recounting, while they had stayed there; all-in-all, about his addiction to alcohol, etc. though yes, salman has later admitted that he had fallen into some vices in his bad phase earlier. but all his humanitarian efforts, sung and unsung (his friends insist that he has been involved in them in someway or the other without beating drums about them, from much before than this case), all appear to be an exercise in portraying himself as one changed man, who has supposedly been a good samaritan much of his life. no qualms about it; all well and good. however, the intentions seemingly come out bare open in what they could be in actuality, when one learns about the sudden twist given to the case by a new pawn being introduced as the driver towards the end. tells that either all these exercises were to somehow overhaul his PR image (and which have been much successful, seeing his fan-following and the good relations with media-bosses), or/and that the erstwhile 'bad-good boy of bollywood', regardless of his 'macho' image, is afterall another celebrity fearful to accept the consequences of his intentional and unintentional wrongdoings, just like most other superrich /filthy rich people, other high-profile people, and even many of us of the 'cattle-class'. perhaps too much at stake to humbly and gracefully accept one's wrongs and face the consequences with courage, which could've actually showed that the surge of change within him was for real and stirring from head-to-toe. all that bodybuilding and all, it perhaps changed nothing much other than pumping up the body and inflating the ego (which are anyway the 'side-effects' of this pursuit). the whole bollywood fraternity, including Abhijeet, and the media houses, they are swayed away more by oodles of sentimentality than anything else i feel. Abhijeet had first tweeted and called on others to come out openly and support salman, then i think later deleted that tweet and retracted. bollywood loves its bad-good boy, has a lot invested in him, some have been mentored by him and have been given a break in the industry (including some film-unit staff-personnel too), much of the media houses' income comes from spinning off stories and speculating about salman's marriage (even now they are on air), hence much of it appears as emotional melodrama out of nature or/and compulsion. perhaps someone could've also thrown light on the life and the bitter latter phase & end of it of the late bodyguard (and a former Commando) of the 'bodyguard', but that wouldn't have been much fruitful TRPwise i surmise.
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In the zone
It's not just that Salman's PR team is very effective. It's that people also are easily swayed into believing their bullshit.

If you look at the average demographic of Salman fans, most of them are uneducated who probably worship him and are ready to believe anything that would portray him in good light.

talking about uneducated? my schoolmate, not MBBS has turned into a full BhaiTard.
1. defended with lines similar to Abhijeet, footpaths are not meant for sleeping on FB.
when I and another schoolmate replied that footpaths are not meant for driving, he deleted our comments 3 times.
2. then mentioned it as an accident (I wonder if drunk driving is termed as an accident)
3. then says, he has done good work (jamat-ud-dawa came into mind when he wrote that thing, doing social work with one hand for sympathy and doing terrorism with other hand)

I wonder if he had defended with these lines if he himself was there sleeping on the footpath


The Vagrant Seeker
recently came across this account of a 'hit & run' incident....beingGamer you could share this with your friend, although he may not read it or reading might not bring any change in his view or acceptance (humility is 'uncool' in the new age), but a stirring read nonetheless for others:

In 1998 I was 28. Newly married. A baby was on the way. Small independent writing- directing jobs were trickling in. I was happy.
October 1998, at 2 in the afternoon, not too far from American Bakery (where the Salman Khan thing happened), a young woman from Pali Hill (incidentally daughter of a film industry bigwig) rammed her car full speed into the auto that I was travelling. The auto turned turtle. My left leg was an unrecognizable mess. The auto driver, miraculously scratch-less, extricated me from the auto. The young lady and her friend, who had got out of the car, saw the mess, sat back in the car and took off.
AS pedestrians were figuring out what to do with a bloodied me, a pair of really strong muscular arms lifted me in a swoop and placed me like a gentle baby in the back seat of a car. His car was all red and messy now. He asked me my number. I did not have a cell number (it was 1998). I gave him my home number and my wife’s name. He took them down as he drove. I was delirious. I asked him if I would die. He said ‘probably not’.
He took me to a nearby hospital and called my wife from a PCO and vanished.
It was long and tough operation. The auto driver came to the hospital and told me that he had got half the car number and given it to the cops. He said sorry that this happened while I was in his auto.
The next day the Samaritan came to meet me. He was an Indian gym instructor in Australia. He told me his story which is quite dramatic and ‘filmy’.
Two weeks back he said, his near blind widower father had run out of insulin. Because he lived alone and the medical store owner had a faulty phone, his father decided to go and get it himself. He was knocked down by a speeding vehicle. It was late in the night and desolate. Help came too late. He had died. This saviour of mine, said he had come down from Australia to cremate his father and was going back that night after the 13th day ritual. He said when he saw me on the road, he had to stop for me.
After two and half months of giving my pregnant wife the run around, the cops finally tracked down the girl. She came to see me at home where I was bed ridden. She said she fled because she feared the people on the streets will do something nasty to her. I asked her why she did not go to the cops and tell them this is what happened. She just said nothing not looking me in the eye. I asked her the question again and she just continued to be silent. She gave me a bouquet of flowers, cried a bit and left.
She was never convicted. I did not have medical or life insurance. I got some basic compensation from the car and autorikshaw insurance companies. So that was that.
I had three more surgeries over the next few years. I have never walked straight since. I live with this partial permanent disability, making do with a walking stick.
This accident cost me. Professionally, financially, emotionally and psychologically. But I have been bloody lucky to have a support system and professional work to do, which has pulled me through. Needless to say, poor people get screwed really really bad.
What I want to say is this. There is a HIT and there is a RUN. A hit can happen due to various reasons including elevated levels of alcohol in the blood. But a run happens when there are elevated levels of inhumanity and arrogance in the blood. A run happens when there is confidence in a corrupt system to back you up. A run happens when you know that money and ‘Bhai power’ can ‘settle’ things.
Salman Khan ran for 13 years. He first ran from the accident site and then did all money and power could do to keep himself running.
As such, driving drunk is equivalent to giving a loaded AK47 in the hands of a chimpanzee in a crowded street. It’s a no brainer @ don’t drink and drive. But it’s a token take away from this case.
This case is really not about drunken driving. It’s about shameless, cowardly running. A macho star running from the ghosts of victims of a ‘single –screen’ class that subsidizes his stardom, and a **** scared, spineless film industry running to absurdly defend the star who subsidizes their 100 crore clubs.
So each one of you who is expressing rage over this verdict and standing in solidarity and support for Salman Khan, picture this.
You were at American Bakery buying jelly pastries for your near and dear ones at home. You step out and boom! A drunk Salman Khan knocks you down. Your one leg is a smashed jelly pastry now. He gets out, looks at you, sits in his car and ****s off.
For 13 years you go through operations, implant failures, infections. You are in debt. You wake up in cold sweat often. You cry when your kids want to play football with you. And you keep going to court for hearings where all the time the large hearted human being Khan says he was not at the wheels. He does not even recognize you. Maybe he even smiles and waves at you thinking you are his fan.
Then this judgement comes. Salman gets five years. Out of which one year gets pardoned for good behaviour. And in the remaining four years, he gets several privileged and entirely illegal paroles to attend parties and chill out like his good pal 'innocent –gun lover 'Sanjay Dutt gets. Or Jessica Lal’s baby faced murderer Manu Sharma gets.
2019. Salman is out in four years, back into the lap of luxuries and stardom. Maybe starring in his own bio-pic.
But YOU continue sit in the ‘handicap’ seat of a bus like you have been doing for the last 18 years. You sit in the corridors of hospital waiting for the doctor to tell you that finally your bone is united. You sit at dance parties. You sit on the beach. You SIT a lot. You sit your entire life out.
So go figure.


The Vagrant Seeker
saw the post shared on facebook, the account being from someone named Charudutt Acharya.


ah ok! just found out he himself is from the film industry.


Prasar Bharati CEO blasts Sardesai

Prasar Bharati CEO blasts Sardesai - सिरà¥￾फ़ News


Super Moderator
Staff member
I found this thread.

Just for the sake of political debate, we knew our media houses were screwed - but what's the current take on Mediacrooks, OpIndia and the likes?


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
What we need first is sites like Media Bias/Fact Check for Indian news outlets. This will allow us to know which side of the spectrum the outlets stand before judging their actual content.

For reference, here is the page for Wikipedia which is rated as least biased. India Today is also in the least biased category.

NDTV has left leaning bias while Republic World (and Republic TV) have a right leaning bias.

We need such statistics for all channels and newspapers in India.


Wise Old Owl
The thing that annoys me the most is Indian news sites don't provide links to the original source. And ads and dark patterns.


Broken In
Very interesting thread. Started with legit news sources, and ended with Salman Khan bashing.

This is playing out like a metaphor for the INDIAN media in general - choosing diversion in place of hard facts
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