"less" command on Konsole

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In konsole,we cannot scroll through the output of "less" command.same goes with xterm also.
what I meant is for eg:
less /etc/group
^here we cannot scroll with mouse wheel through the file.

But in gnome-terminal,everything works fine.I can scroll through the output.what is missing in konsole:confused:
yes,I DONT want to install gnome-terminal on this Archlinux kde box. :)


Proud to be Linux
me too experienced it.very frustrating.
I'm startin to feel sick of kde.
i may have to install gnome on my arch sooner or later.


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^haha!I am gonna submit a bug report on kde BTS though.
wait for a week before removing(Purging) kde from arch.
new Gnome-2.22 are soon gonna hit their repositories.

BTW,I dont find kdemod annoying!yeah,the configuration options make u faint sometimes :D

and DONT install kde and Gnome together,it is my experience.

@abhinandh:what problems are u facing?


18 Till I Die............
I have installed kde, gnome, xfce, fluxbox, fvwm, ratpoison, gnustep, blackbox and enlightenment, all together on ubuntu without any real problems.


Proud to be Linux
@abhinandh:what problems are u facing?
being a gnome user for long, I'm feeling kde difficult to adjust with.look at that control center!!!so many options?:confused:
in gnome, i feel right at home.:D


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^well,I am somewhat accustomed to kdemod.what I felt as a Gnome user is,
in kde some "extra" options given are really useful.
other than that,kde's extra options are totally confusing and useless.remember I am using Linux for the past 6 yrs or so on full time.:D Still kde is not exactly gr8 compared to Gnome.
although kdemod is modular somewhat and is pretty much stable IMHO :)

QT apps are better coded and maintained imo.also,once the big kdelibs are installed,u wont have to download much to install all "k-" apps :D

anyways,wait for a week or so,gnome-2.22 will hit the repositories. :D
even gtk libs are needed by archlinux kde install :p


I see right through you.
@praka : I found out that one of the most overhauled applications in kde4 is konsole, so you may want to see if less scrolls in konsole 4. A lot of other nice features have been brought in as well, including clickable links a la gnome-terminal.


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^but,in kde IRC room,nobody knows the solution,that means kde4 also dont have the fix.well,at current status,I am NOT ready to install kde4,let kde fellas proclaims kde4 stable,then will upgrade.
wait!I got a kde4 opensuse live cd.will check and post the results.

One thing is,Gnome brings new releases in 2.x series without pomp and posh fixing and speeding up their apps.
but kde4 is released and then they(kde ) are saying NO,kde4.0.x is not stable it is not final blah blah..wait for kde 4.1 etc WTH?

still,kdemod rocks though :p u can try it in archlinux Ma`am. :)
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