Learn photography with me



Aspiring Novelist

Yes, there is no sun in the pictures I posted. This exercise is about shooting sun or moon with other visual elements and to learn how a small element (sun/moon will occupy very tiny little space in the frame when shooting it @ 50mm) can be prominent in an image. It's not about zooming all the way in and shooting the sun/moon close.


Guys, Updated the first post along with the link to skydrive where we can see all the exercise photographs in one place.


Grand Master
no I didnt mean that...the exercise name is sun and moon ..it may say that both should be in the same picture...that is what i interpreted ...


Aspiring Novelist
It's little over a month...

I resume from where I left. Here is a new exercise...

Exercise: Mirrors

This exercise is intended to enhance the awareness of reflections by taking photographs of objects reflected in mirrors. The goal of the exercise is to show the object in the mirror against a background that gives the image a sense of place.

Google to get some idea and to get inspired... and post your work when you are done.


Exercise: Moon and Sun

nice , i liked all of them, more the one with leaves ,

here is my submission for "Portrait-Eyes"
SX150is F3.4 for 1/40th sec from 28mm focal length(35mm eq) when iso was 400
took it on the street near a signal, shot 4 out of whic one came out fine.

SX150is F5.6 for 1/15th of sec from 336mm focal length when iso was 400
a ferral kitten, wont let any one even come close so had to use some zoom here

@all -y u no positng any thing?
topics are simple and even a cellphone camera is good enoough .
if u no posting any thing u no learning anything.:-x
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^^ thnx,
I haave tried some of the signboards shots but was not satisfied,
i ll post them soon


@im2k the cat is soo cute...is it pet :)
thnx, actually i was trying to pet its mom, but uptill now she had many many traumatic experiences with humans and so still both of them dont even allow any human to go near them no matter what we do.


Aspiring Novelist
Exercise: People at a Distance



Grand Master
we have only two of them amlan...this one is the one which can be performed with a point and shoot also....this deals with basics of composition and settings..
other one was started by me which is bit advanced and may need dslr in some of the activities :)


Aspiring Novelist
Exercise: People's Soles

This exercise is intended to enhance the ability to perceive subtle aspects of posture and how they affect a person's appearance (I have understood this but not the depth of it). Probably I get to know the depth as I keep shooting this genre over a period of time.

Goal is to take images of where the soles of feet are visible. Set up can be any where but it's most likely you can find it where there are lots of people walking, standing in a public place like shopping mall, railway station etc.

Auto-focusing can be helpful but little tricky if the environment is too cluttered. So be prepared for this issue.


Aspiring Novelist
Exercise: Birds on the ground

This exercise is intended to give us experience at observing and depicting subjects that are constantly changing their position and orientation. Generally we see most of the photographs of birds are close ups. It's better to depicts the surroundings as well for this exercise.

I have been sticking with 50mm (35mm equiv) for all the exercises as the author suggested so. You may need to use different focal length to not to disturb the birds by moving in closer. So you any focal length as you see fit.


In the zone
Will 50 mm serve the purpose? As its very dynamic subject we cannot go much closer and with prime lens we might need lots of cropping.


Aspiring Novelist
^ It depends... 50mm for domestic birds like hen/crow may not be a big issue. They don't get scared and run away if go little closer. For this exercise it's fine, you can use any focal length you see fit.


Aspiring Novelist
Exercise: People's Soles

I was really not comfortable shooting in public places. It took me more than 30 minutes to take just two photographs out in public, shooting someone I don't know. There were lot of opportunities, more than I expected. I saw lot of people standing in a way that their sole can be seen to take photograph, just that we have to be in the right place. I thought of stage this exercise with someone I know, but later I thought of give it a try.



Grand Master
people with moving lcd can easily take pics in public...and no one will notice...just keep the cam at chest and see the composition on the screen and click what ever you want...its very simple :)
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