Latest price of Xperia???

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Broken In
Hello gyus! Can any one quote me the latest price for xperia with bill and without bill.
if possible pls tell me whr can we get best buy price for mobiles in hyd?


I'm Back!:D
when last time I checked it was 32k (with bill)...You can try sangeetha and mobilestore in hyd...


when last time I checked it was 32k (with bill)...You can try sangeetha and mobilestore in hyd...

Many high end phone from htc / samsung and nokia is gonna release in june. I'd recommend you to wait and see. Even if other phones dont interest you , price fall will.


Grand Master
search now and u will feel that samsung OmniaHD is way better
then in 2 months N97 comes and it looks like ur final solution
again in september october SE IDOU launches with more specs...
a never ending game:p


search now and u will feel that samsung OmniaHD is way better
then in 2 months N97 comes and it looks like ur final solution
again in september october SE IDOU launches with more specs...
a never ending game:p

I usually dont believe in waiting business . But look this time it is different , at least four different device will be released (not announced , finale release) within one month , n97, omnia hd , palm pre , htc dream , and maybe newer iphone , n86, samsung i7500 , touch pro2 .this june 09 gonna be epic.

Also i dont think se can actually release idou this year , or atleast before end december . They prolly announced that so early to keep shareholder and people engaged. Remember sony erricson down to 5th position worldwide and and bleeding with lose. They desparately needed something to keep shareholder interested. Also idou will use next version of symbian , which will officially release on 51th week of december(read symbian website).


Rockin g33k
Please get your facts rite dude, IDOU is releasing this september and its confirmed by SE. Anyways, dont think banging on a fanboys head would do much good. the symbian^2 will be ready by may and manufacturers would be able to port their own settings into it by the 2nd half of the year. LOL man, you really succeed in bringing out some arbitrary info from the worst possible places. Kudos to you. :D

Symbian^2, which is based on S60 5.1, reaches a functionally complete state at the middle of this year, and should be hardened by the end of the year. This means that the first devices based on Symbian^2 could be reaching the market any time around the end of this year - depending on the integration plans, the level of customisation, and the design choices made by manufacturers.



Please get your facts rite dude, IDOU is releasing this september and its confirmed by SE. Anyways, dont think banging on a fanboys head would do much good. the symbian^2 will be ready by may and manufacturers would be able to port their own settings into it by the 2nd half of the year. LOL man, you really succeed in bringing out some arbitrary info from the worst possible places. Kudos to you. :D


You have any idea about stages of a os development ? Please read the links few times more if you dont understand . Get your facts right before you fight. Dont you know when a manufacturer tells ''by end of this year'' , it means december ?


Grand Master
end of this year means last quarter i think....and if u wanna compare then Nokia anounced N97 in 2007...2 years back...would u say that too to woo its shareholders..

Comon all companies do this to keep peoples interest:smile:


Rockin g33k

Symbian^2, which is based on S60 5.1, reaches a functionally complete state at the middle of this year.

The story is, SE are ahead in the SF race, they are developing IDOU further and will make through by september. No one gives a damn to what you think.


@threadstarter- The Xperia has been on the shelves for a few months now. Better firmware, full XDA support, Win 6.5 portability makes it a pretty stable offering now.


end of this year means last quarter i think....and if u wanna compare then Nokia anounced N97 in 2007...2 years back...would u say that too to woo its shareholders..

Comon all companies do this to keep peoples interest:smile:

I am not comparing . Yes nokia did it too, worse yet , nokia sent out sample units of n97 to reviewer even without autofocus developed.. That is why i am saying , just bcoz se annouced xperia dont mean they can release it by sept. Remember xperia. This time they dont even have the os ready unlike xperia.


Rockin g33k
SE released XPERIA on the 30th of September , pretty much on schedule. Nokia announced N97 in november and is due in July 31st. Ahh...fanboiiisss.
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