Laptop suggestions for engineering 1st year.


Feel Pain.
Looking for laptop suggestions for my nephew

1) What is your budget? (INR or USD)

2) What size & weight consideration (if any)


3) What are the primary tasks you will be performing with this notebook?

Required for entire course of first year. autodesk, Vscode. He doesn't game much but occasionally may play gta4, Minecraft etc. I.e. not hih end games.

5) Any typical configuration in your mind you're eying for ?

4) Are there any brands that you prefer or any you really don't like?
a. Like:
b. Dislike: apple :p

6) Anything else you would like to say?
Screen resolution ( 768p (HD) / 900p / 1080p (Full HD) )
Battery back up ( normal (3-4hrs) / extended (5-7hrs) )
Purchase place ( Online (eg - flipkart, infibeam) / Local / Abroad (do mention the country) )

Any, Would buy offline.

Help pls @omega44-xt
Can you wait till 10 Oct? If so, wait. Offline usually had high prices vs online, sale will increase that gap drastically as its the biggest sale of the year.

Else this will meet all the req:


Feel Pain.
Can you wait till 10 Oct? If so, wait. Offline usually had high prices vs online, sale will increase that gap drastically as its the biggest sale of the year.

Else this will meet all the req:
Thanks. Actually he would buy it today itself as autodesk is being introduced and it's exam is going to be completely comp. Based....
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