Laptop Suggestion

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Broken In
Thanks Ashu, Shri and bounda. I have now made my mind not to take Dell 1525. I will most probably go for CQ50 but I will also take your advice Shri and give a visit to the nearest Acer dealer. By the way how is the performance of your Acer shri?? Are you satisfied with it?? My friend is having a Compaq lappy for the past 6 months and he is quite happy with it. The only problem he is facing is with the battery backup. Let's see what is the final result...


Always Fresh!
I dont have the laptop with me right now (my sis took it). But its great. Good screen. Didn't try out any games though.
About the battery backup: Its about 1.5 to 2 hours.


IronMan; Ready to Roll...
^^ Battery backup of 4530 is very disappointing. Apart from that; its a really good Acer Lappy. Perfect VFM. Though I do feel that Compaq has better build quality. I dont know; but the Gemstone design of Acer looks cheap and weak. Maybe its only the design.

BTW, shri, when you get the lappy back; please do post a review in the reviews section of the forum covering the important aspects with benchmarks and pictures. Will you? Its a nice laptop but people are not very sure. So to spread the word, you gotta write a review... :)


Always Fresh!
There is already a review in the review section. After reading that I bought the acer.
The author is shantanu. Thank him. The sad part is no one has even posted a single thing in that thread (even me. Will post a thanks there now :)) )
Check it out here: *


Core i7 (nehalem) Owner
Well I just registered on the forums JUST to reply to this topic that i saw while browsing reading about the CQ50.

Recently, I ordered a cq50 off the HP website, and because i live in the states i cant give a number in the currency you guys are saying, but for me it was about 430$ without tax.

Though I havn't received it yet, i believe the CQ50 will outperform the 1525.

The CQ50 has a better gpu, the 8200m is much better than the x3100 even though neither are amazing.

Also, I wouldn't worry about ram because 3 gigs is more than enough to run photoshop and all of the programs you are stating.

Personally, I'm going to dual boot myself windows xp for better performance, as I dislike vista.

I actually had to choose between the two also, and i decided to order the compaq because overall, I would rather have it built by hp than dell, and it had higher specs, for a cheaper price.

Also, I wouldn't worry about the amount of time it lasts, because if you are able to keep it clean, and treat it right, it should last you a while.

When i get mine in, I can tell you what i think about it and how good it actually runs Counter-Strike: Source which is mainly what i play.

I hope i was of some help, and will check up on this topic now and then.


Well ofcourse ur reply was valuable alot to us buddy, thanx again for taking time and posting this reply for us.. :)

Infact I will be really hoping tat u post a small review of ur compaq CQ50 lappy once u get it delivered at ur home.. :) as it will help the other user (ankit_niitian) to make his choice..

How long hv u waiting for the lappy to be delivered at ur door step ? :)

Thanks Ashu, Shri and bounda. I have now made my mind not to take Dell 1525. I will most probably go for CQ50 but I will also take your advice Shri and give a visit to the nearest Acer dealer. By the way how is the performance of your Acer shri?? Are you satisfied with it?? My friend is having a Compaq lappy for the past 6 months and he is quite happy with it. The only problem he is facing is with the battery backup. Let's see what is the final result...
Yaar, see, if Dear bounda gets his lappy in the next 4-5 days, then he will be in a really good position to post screenshots as well as his own personal review of the CQ50 wich (i think) will be a huge vital point in helping u decide and stamp a more firmer authority in buying the CQ50.. :)

Also, u SHUD check out the Acer lappy too (as adviced by shri too..) :)

As is it i hv said above (making a request to Bounda) fora review.. so lets see.. if our new friend replies wen he gets his lappy.. :)

Cheers n e-peace....


Right off the assembly line
It should be in this week as I ordered it on Wednesday last week. The HP website stated it would be 5-7 days.


Broken In
Thanks a lot everyone. I'll better wait for 4-5 days for Bounda's lappy to come to him. I'll read his review. Bounda this is a request to you that if you have any latest games, plz run them on your lappy and post your experience.

Thanks again...


Right off the assembly line
nothing still

shouldve been in on friday last week

ive heard real horror stories about HP's shipping, but it's the holidays, so that may be why it's taking so long


Right off the assembly line
the earliest ill prolly be able to get you my opinion of it is christmas (the 25th), but i shouldnt really be the deciding factor in this, you should choose the one you want.


IronMan; Ready to Roll...
ashu888ashu888 said:
yup, right thing said...btw he is also considering an INDIAN brand, an Acer lappy..
Acer an Indian brand? :lol: ROFLMAO..

HCL, Zenith, ACi(This one forked out from a bigger company, also named ACI) are the Indian brands that I know of. And the laptops they offer are, one word, crap! :neutral:


Right off the assembly line
well the cq50 is pretty much amazing. last night i installed counter-strike source and was able to get 80-100 frames constant on d2 with some tweaking. on all high settings it would get about 50-60 constant. the entire laptop is lightning fast and im thinking about whatll hapen if i install xp on this baby

according to this conversion, the cq50 laptop cost me 21065 rupees (rs) or 430 USD
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Core i7 (nehalem) Owner

thanx for the update mate.. :)

btw, plz install sum other newer games on ur lappy, and tell me how they fared.. :)

Cheers n e-peace...


Right off the assembly line
i tried left 4 dead and it played smoothly, but im unsure what the framerate was because i only played it a few seconds to see how it ran.

ima be playing more tonight ill post back when i can
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