Kerala shuts windows, schools to use only Linux

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Unmountable Boot Volume
KOCHI, MARCH 4: Richard M Stallman—global free software guru, VS Achuthanandan’s darling and almost a freewheeling adviser of sorts to the Kerala Government—may now have more reasons to break out into that jig that he abruptly did while being given a somberly reverential welcome in Kerala a few weeks ago. Kerala is all set to become the first state in the country to completely banish Microsoft and allow only GNU/Linux free software to be used in the mandatory IT test at the state SSLC examinations that half a million students will appear for from next week. Till last year, they could take the exam using either free software or the Microsoft platform. Not anymore.

A few weeks ago, the Government formally ordered that only free Linux-based software should be used for IT education in high schools, using new the Linux text books developed by State Council for Educational Research and Training and the Free Software Foundation of India.

The hardline Left’s familiar anti-MNC, anti-proprietory planks apart, another major plus of abandoning Microsoft, claim state IT Mission officials, is plainly the cost factor. “Going for a massive Windows-based infrastructure cost a lot. Linux can bundle all applications with the operating system facilitating a single installation kit”.

The logistics for making Kerala the country’s Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) destination—one of Achuthanandan’s pet Red obsessions—may be daunting, but the state is coping with it. Since last September, some 15 lakh students have been busy training on or migrating to free software on 40,000 computers put up in 2,832 high schools watched over by over 60,000 IT trained school teachers (some 86 private training institutions train the teachers) besides 161 master trainers and 5,600 school IT coordinators. “We checked. It’s the world’s biggest mobilisation of its kind,” says K Anwar Sadath, executive director of the state government’s IT@Schools mission.

Every high school in Kerala, including the over a thousand government-run ones, will be wired to high-speed broadband Internet by this July, which will be another first in India. All, of course, will use nothing but free software. “We are now moving from IT education to IT-enabled education in our schools, using only free software,” asserts Education Minister M A Baby.

When Stallman, who fathered the GNU project and developed text editor Emacs, flew down to Kerala for the first time in 2001—in his old patched jeans, long beard, free flowing hair and crumpled T-shirt—and told the curious who hadn’t heard of him in Thiruvananthapuram that he was, really, “Saint iGNUcious of the church of Emacs”, the then Congress-led Government was already busy getting the state’s IT drive on keel, drawing in Intel and Microsoft. Achuthanandan, then Opposition leader, was quick to demand that both be got rid of, and launched a particularly vocal campaign against Microsoft being allowed to train Kerala school kids, calling it “exploitative”.

The then A K Antony Government had not overly warmed up to Stallman, who opened Asia’s first centre of his outfit, the Free Software Foundation-India, in Thiruvananthapuram. But Achuthanandan was keen, even when CPI(M) state secretary Pinarayi Vijayan originally favoured the Microsoft idea. Stallman then began regularly dropping down to Kerala. Two years ago, Achuthanandan, after vainly ordering Pepsi and Coca-Cola out of the state, declared that all schools will go the FOSS way.

Last year, in its state IT policy, the Left Government vowed to use only FOSS in all e-governance projects and declared it would even incentivise companies developing free software. Government departments, beginning with the state Secretariat, soon began switching from Microsoft to Linux. “There were some initial fears and some understandable resistance, but things have been smoothing out faster than we thought.” says a a senior state IT official. The migration is at various stages in key Government arms now.

Source: Indian Express


You gave been GXified
Kerala shuts windows

They should open "Windows" else the classrooms will get very suffocated with penguins & there sh!t all over. :D

Seriously, now isn't this interfering with the choice of users. Students will not know what Windows is & if they go somewhere where Windows is installed, they will not be able to work.

They should teach both.


Unmountable Boot Volume
They should open "Windows" else the classrooms will get very suffocated with penguins & there sh!t all over. :D

If you have nothing better to say, then please go $hit in your toilet and not in this forum!:cool:

They should teach both.

Tell that to M$ who wanted to exploit young minds by trying to teach school kids directly!

Now, I don't know whether the $hit you talked about is inside your head or in your mouth, but a single company which is already utterly monopolistic trying to teach an entire nation only about it's products and you call that "CHOICE"?? Get alive.

Well Govt can't afford the pricey licenses of Microsoft
GNU/Linux is no way less than Windows, so why pay for anything when you get it free?


You gave been GXified
Tell that to M$ who wanted to exploit young minds by trying to teach school kids directly!

Why do u always take MS in the wrong sense. They have a product, they are teaching the kids how to use it, program for it, etc etc

Since Linux also has this, Linux should also teach kids the same thing.

Schools should teach both.


God of Mistakes...
gx_saurav said:
Students will not know what Windows is & if they go somewhere where Windows is installed, they will not be able to work.

If I remember correctly, u were saying that Windows is this much easy that anyone can use it without wasting much time in learning !!

So, why this now ?? Do u wanna say that Learning Curve of Windows is HIGH ??

GNU/Linux is no way less than Windows, so why pay for anything when you get it free?
because you get better support with windows. You get many softwares, games supported only with windows.

If I remember correctly, u were saying that Windows is this much easy that anyone can use it without wasting much time in learning !!

So, why this now ?? Do u wanna say that Learning Curve of Windows is HIGH ??
Yes, windows learning need very less time n effort......... but than also it need time. :D

If one is not given windows exposure than he/ she will surely fall in trouble.
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Unmountable Boot Volume
Why do u always take MS in the wrong sense. They have a product, they are teaching the kids how to use it, program for it, etc etc

Since Linux also has this, Linux should also teach kids the same thing.

Schools should teach both.

The very reason that this ruling was bought was because of M$'s over agressive approach to take up computer education into their own hands. This is no way going to be good because the way you fear that by teaching linux, only people will know linux, if MS takes up teaching themselves, the case is going to be worse because they want more money, money and money and teaching kids about other alternatives is simply not going to get them that money.

So, when choice is being attacked upon, the better choice is implemented!


God of Mistakes...
ravi_9793 said:
because you get better support with windows. You get many softwares, games supported only with windows.

U forget Red Hat ?? U forget Novell ???
And do u want to teach kids computer to play GAMES only ?? :O

Finally, don't tell that GNU/Linux has very less software for kids... If u say so, don't it childish ??

U forget Red Hat ?? U forget Novell ???
And do u want to teach kids computer to play GAMES only ?? :O

Finally, don't tell that GNU/Linux has very less software for kids... If u say so, don't it childish ??
You may add any point..but it is universal truth. Windows has better support. And I think game is essential part of life. I cant imagine my life without PC games. And yes, linux do have very less software in compare to windows.


Wise Old Owl
well if those schools are like my school where only general computing like docs,presentations,etc are taught and students use internet for some educative purpose then linux is the best choice,being free.also my school never allowed games


Unmountable Boot Volume
because you get better support with windows.

You get many softwares,

This is what happens when you live in an M$ world, you think Windows is "Software". Rephrase your sentence to "More Windows Software is available" and not "more software"

games supported only with windows.

Firstly, *
Are you for real man?

Secondly, NO wonder your knowledge is so utterly poor, because I guess you spend more time playing games while in the classroom


God of Mistakes...
You may add any point..but it is universal truth. Windows has better support. And I think game is essential part of life. I cant imagine my life without PC games. And yes, linux do have very less software in compare to windows.
I asked you, do u want to teach computers to kids only for playing games ??
Don't they need some other work on computer in initial days ??


This is what happens when you live in an M$ world, you think Windows is "Software". Rephrase your sentence to "More Windows Software is available" and not "more software"

Firstly, *
Are you for real man?

Secondly, NO wonder your knowledge is so utterly poor, because I guess you spend more time playing games while in the classroom
cant you read full sentence. It is many softwares and games.. :))

I asked you, do u want to teach computers to kids only for playing games ??
Don't they need some other work on computer in initial days ??
windows support other works also.

I mean, game is also part of life. Without game, my school and college life is hell.
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You gave been GXified
So, why this now ?? Do u wanna say that Learning Curve of Windows is HIGH ??

Nope, learning curve of Windows is 10% of the learning curve of Linux.

In schools if they teach linux, then it will take 2 years for the kids to play a mp3. ***

If they teach Windows, it will take 5 mins.

So, when choice is being attacked upon, the better choice is implemented!

Ok, I did not know that MS send representatives with AK-47 to the schools of kerela & forced them to teach Windows. :D

Dude, MS told schools to teach Windows, it was the choice of schools to teach Windows or Linux.

At that time they chose Windows because the state of Linux was pathetic, hardly any GUI. Today Linux is good in usage, better then before but still behind Windows in many things so schools are teaching this.

U forget Red Hat ?? U forget Novell ???

And they don't charge for support?

*** pun intended
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