Is XFX 9400GT ddr2 1gb any good?

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Broken In
hi guys,

well someone just gifted me the xfx 9400 gt 1gb DDR2 gfx card.
currently i on integrated graphics so i dont play any latest games(last one i played was prey on my 6200tc before it was thrown out the window by my cousin cause i wont allow him to play on my pc---in my defence he's 8 ).

i plan to play games on 1024x768 with no AA, trilinear filtering and medium to high graphics.

can u tell me if this card can pull it off( around 25-30 fps).
since i didnt buy it (my relative bought it fro me from dubai) i had no choice in the matter and i cant find any reviews on toms hardware and guru3d.

i have a dual core 2.4 ghz intel processor, 945 mobo ,2gb ddr2 ram.

pls guys any idea's.
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