Is MAX PAYNE 3 coming?

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In the zone
As we all know that Max Payne 2 was a SUPERB game.
GRAPHICALLY,storywise :lol: ,actionwaise,etc

and i was waiting 4 MP3 from so long.
Now, i want to know that when is Max Payne 3 coming????????

Just WAITING 4 any news :?: :!:


A Year Closer To Heaven
MP3 is as good as dead for now. Remedy is out of it. Rockstar has hired some one else to make the game and milk it for all it's worth. I love Max Payne, but I don't know what it would be like without Sam Lake and his talented team.


Ambassador of Buzz
@rachitar dont tell me it will take more year and a half.ooh man thats 2 much i hav been waitin for it since the time i finished MP2,it was juz awesome.


Right off the assembly line
Ahh This game rocks

But the problem is the walls n all Are having Vulgar scenes which should be cutted off in this verison


Aniruddh said:
@rachitar dont tell me it will take more year and a half.ooh man thats 2 much i hav been waitin for it since the time i finished MP2,it was juz awesome.

Sabar ka phal hamesha meetha hota hai :)


A Year Closer To Heaven
vishuboy said:
Ahh This game rocks

But the problem is the walls n all Are having Vulgar scenes which should be cutted off in this verison

The game is meant for mature audience. So if you are minor, you shouldno where be near the game in the first place. And if you are an adult, such things shouldn't bother you. ESRB ratings are there for a reason, you know.


A Year Closer To Heaven
No idea. Nothing has been announced yet. No one knows if the game is under development. No one knows who is working on the game.


"The Cake is a Lie!!"
Well, Max Payne 2's ending was "The End", so I Doubt about Max Payne 3..

An Excerpt from Wikipedia
The ending to Max Payne 2 teases with a message at the end of the credits proclaiming, "Max Payne's journey into the night will continue", but the story itself seems to be over. While a third game in the series was announced by Jeffrey L. Lapin, the CEO of Take-Two Interactive, in 2004, there have been no further announcements regarding the matter – even a developer for the third game has not been named. Remedy Entertainment's name was not mentioned in the announcement, and as the company is currently working on Alan Wake, they are not likely to be working on the Max Payne franchise. At the same time, a post on Shacknews, apparently from Mikael Kasurinen, a level designer for Max Payne 2, read "FYI: We are not making Max Payne 3."

They're Working on Alan Wake tho, Its Supposed to be a DX10 Game!! :)


A Year Closer To Heaven
It isn't supposed to be a DX 10 IS a DX 10 game! And the way its shaping out to be has me drooling all over my keyboard.


"The Cake is a Lie!!"
ctrl_alt_del said:
It isn't supposed to be a DX 10 IS a DX 10 game! And the way its shaping out to be has me drooling all over my keyboard.
Well, In that case, I may have to Throw my 2yr ol' Geforce 6800..

I Seriously hope they have a Scalable Engine..
(I Can buy a Dual Core CPU, but NOT a Gfx Card till DX10 becomes more Prominent.. i.e. DX9c Introduced PS 3.0 which DX9a/b didn't Have, so.. Something Like that)


A Year Closer To Heaven
Hmmm...let me add some more misery to all this big heap...its gonna be X360 and Vista exclusive. SO forget about playing it on your PC unless you have Vista on it.
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