is explorer.exe safe for pc

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Broken In
dear friendz i want to know that is explorer.exe, setup.exe, fooool.exe is safe for pc or not. whenever i scan my mobile memory card its show (explorer.exe, setup.exe, fooool.exe) etc is infected. what shuld i do now to delete it or no action should be taken. i m using avast proffesional antivirus updates regurally.And i delete all these virus.
second problem- my pc get restared suddenly,i have scanned my pc it infected with some virus & i had moved it to chest.
third problem is some of my usb port dissconnect /or leave connection in middle like when i use usb data cabel or bluetooth connection.what should i do now to repair
please help

what should i do now to format pc or another option. recentlly my dvd drive gone for repair it will take time to repair & i want to format mt pc now can i use pen drive to be the bootable drive like cd rom or floppy drive.
The explorer.exe and the other two that are in your drive are basically viruses. You will find a copy of these in your system32 folder also. Delete them. But take care with explorer.exe. There is one explorer.exe in c:\windows folder also, that is the required one. It has got a computer's icon too. On the other hand the one in c:\windows\system32 doesn't has a standard DOS executable icon, the one with a window in it. Delete that one. But you wont be able to do that from normal mode, do it from safe mode. Also use startup.cpl or any startup list manager software (google for it) to remove these entries from your windows startup sequence. Ok


Super Moderator
Staff member
Try using NOD32 3.0 trial for removing viruses. It is better than avast. And after you are done, revert back to avast.


Distinguished Member
Check its location/properties. explorer.exe in Windows folder is th legit MS file; else malware. Turn off your System Restore, and run your AV and AS to remove malware. If in doubt stii get the individual suspect files tested at * and use deletedoctor to delete confirmed malware files.
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