Is America better than India???

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Which ever country that you live and are brought up is the BEST no doubt about it . No point in comparing nations . Nothing beats a HOME LAND :)


In Shamful Mystery
rajasekharan said:
Which ever country that you live and are brought up is the BEST no doubt about it . No point in comparing nations . Nothing beats a HOME LAND :)
It's nice to know there are SOME people with sense on this thread.


Are Bhai Looog
Aur Kidhar Will U Get Windows Xp For 50 Bucks From Yr Local Cd Wallah?
All The Latest Gamz For Less Than 3 Usd ?
And Even The Latest Win Vista For A Lil More May Be.....
Say 250 Bucks...
Which U Can Negotiate And Bring Dwn Till 200!!

India Roooooooooooooockz!!
(booooo To Usa But Thumbs Up To Microsoft For Making All The Quality Softwares!! Keep On The "samaj" Seva Mr Gates!! )


Šupər♂ - 超人
Well, I dunno much about both countries... I'm Géek * *


india or usa.. ummm.. china.. eeee.. did i say say china.. well ya.. the leader is actually china.. us leads.. india follows/copies china makes... n sells to boath india n us :) mind says us.. heart says India, eyes see china.. lol


Well I am currently in USA and I can say that their hunger for money is gonna make them fall.
The city I live in has many homeless people living on roads and yet the first priority in their city management plan is introducing casinos.
The reason.....people are travelling to neighbouring cities to play lottery and losing their money over there.
So to stop the flow of money to other cities, they are starting casinoes and lottery shops <_<

Another thing is that they distribute free food to homeless people which made them even more lazy....they are now fat and doing nothing.

But one thing I like about USA is the work culture. You get respect whatever you do. And you can easily live a good life and enjoy it at the same time with the money you earn.
Thatz one of the main reasons for the low corruption rate :)


rakesh_1024 said:
Well I am currently in USA and I can say that their hunger for money is gonna make them fall.
The city I live in has many homeless people living on roads and yet the first priority in their city management plan is introducing casinos.

What the.....this sounds much like the adminstration of hariyana & delhi or most major cities of india, including delhi & mumbai. they are making malls, theators brands are coming, but i would like to ask just one thing, What about the water, sewage, electricity system :mad:, what do we need more, 20 Malls, or 24/7 water supply

Another thing is that they distribute free food to homeless people which made them even more lazy....they are now fat and doing nothing.

:D:D lolz...they get $300 a month for doing nothing, thats the unemployment dole they get. They even get subcidy to farm....:D, wish these were here

But one thing I like about USA is the work culture. You get respect whatever you do.

This is something indians should learn now, every job has it's importance, even a sweapers job is important to keep the place clean for us


In the zone
On a lighter term raise the currency to the level of pound :D Yep most of the well educated people in india goes out there to get rich and shy india gets drained. As i know Nasa also has a huge amount of indian scientist working there if only they did worked for india then i guess we're there. Blaming corruption isn't a solution for like it or not its become a part of human lives like they say to survive you gotta be a little playfull. Whose there to blame we are to blame!


The Internationalist
rakesh_1024 said:
Another thing is that they distribute free food to homeless people which made them even more lazy....they are now fat and doing nothing.

Well if we are to take them at the same level, the Indian farmers are committing suicide due to debts or starving to death. Which would you choose, lazy and fat or death by suicide and desperation?

lalam said:
Blaming corruption isn't a solution for like it or not its become a part of human lives like they say to survive you gotta be a little playfull. Whose there to blame we are to blame!

You can't put all the blame on corruption as it has become so entrenched in our life here. But once a person goes to west Europe or US he/she just realizes how smooth and easier life is there (competition is peanuts compared to India), you get respected for whatever you do, people are more polite (in spite of all racism hype we hear), you earn much more that you live well and end up with a lot of savings, the infrastructure is impeccable. Once you come back, you realize how much you miss and could gain if you move there. Sadly it is the fact of life and unless they have closer options in India, the scientists are going to go to US and UK. The choice is, live in India and be kicked around by politicians and bureaucrats all your life with a pitiable salary or live a respected, decent life in the west.


USA uses modern machinery to do stuff. This way the requirement of man power reduces drastically......Instead of distributing free food and money, they can atleast save fuel by putting those machines aside.
But the thing is that they are least bothered about people living on streets.
We can not compare this case with starvation in India.

And regarding corruption, some amount of corruption is always good for Indians.
Don't get me wrong...ppl are underpaid and they don't get paid for the work they do.
Only when it gets out of hand, problem arises.
Screw the rich people, no problem, it won't effect them that much.
Thats the reason, I discourage everyone I know from bargaining with vegetable vendors.


The Internationalist
rakesh_1024 said:
Don't get me wrong...ppl are underpaid and they don't get paid for the work they do.
Only when it gets out of hand, problem arises.
Screw the rich people, no problem, it won't effect them that much.
Thats the reason, I discourage everyone I know from bargaining with vegetable vendors.

We can't condone corruption as a way of life, what we can do is take measures to increase salaries for a better living condition so that the need to take bribes does not arise. A lot of officials were idealistic before they see the realities of life and find it necessary to be corrupt. A Mumbai police official explains how his monthly transport allowance barely lasts three days of his bike petrol which means he has to find alternative sources of income. Of course if we put this in newpapers and show their plight people wouldn't like it - they prefer thinking of police as vicious criminals.

A policeman in Europe or US doesn't indulge in corruption because his nominal salary, housing-medical-transport allowance, holidays, perks are a good incentive not to risk his job and conscience indulging in corrupt practices. We can cite similar lines for other departments too... The sufferers of corruption are the common people who pay taxes and then pay again for the services which should have been provided for, from their tax money. The people who benefit from corruption are the politicians and top level bureucrats which put heir respnsibility on the common people and enjoy our tax money.
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In the zone
USA is better than India because they can patent your turmeric, Basmati, Yoga etc and we keep cribbing. Ancient past of India looted and now these very people are trying to make us aware "" Piracy Piracy piracy"

No consumerism in India. Everyone is out there to Loot consumers including India Companies, let alone the MNCs. Politicians can fool people here like slogans of Indian Congress " Congress ka Haath Gareeb ke saath" for onions & tomatoes @ 20 and Aatta @ 16 and same way other things.

Thus in the sense USA is better than India but I am never going to desert my motherland.


The main pro with indians i Guess is their "chalta hai" tendency... We really never oppose anything so strongly. As a result after some protest everyone forgets it and the same is continued. Also WE 'The indians' don't vote. And the party which comes in force also is not a single party but an alliance.
Take this example:
Voting in India : 50 % (approx)
single Party getting max votes
accounts for Max : 50 % of totol voters .

Thus, This party which later comes into force represents only 25% of india's india's population. What about the rest ??
As per the US report there is about 1.7 hectres of and in US per people and only 0.6 hectres in India and till 2050 in US itself there would be only 0.6 hectres left when there growth rate is 1.1% ... Think what about india then ?? So how the population is a boon. And in country like india where more than 15% is BPL
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The Internationalist
I agree with you, amol48. I do find this attitude exasperating at times, we need to be a nation to demand our rights, not give way to goons who want to push us to side to get their way.

Another problem is a generation accepts being frozen in time at the cost of democracy in the name of flase 'values' and 'morality' (Please take time away from vandalism and open books on Indian culture you moralists). From one of the most culturally rich, tolerant and 'guest is god' ancient culture we have turned to a fake morality culture which harasses people in love considering it 'western' (were Ram and Sita from Chicago?), kills foreign missionaries, incites riots in the name of religion and treat women below par with men (this isn't Indian actually). There is less patriotism for the land and its people, India isn't a nation of tricolour flag, Ashok Chakra or Jana Gana Mana, it the land of the 1 billion Indians and that is what we should care for. When an Indian minister on a diplomatic visit is unceremoniusly stripped in US we tend to hid our faces and hush hush it is 'normal for America'. How would US feel and react if, for example Donald Rumsfield were strip searched at the airport on an official visit to India? And despite all the media hype about communal harmony, its still a myth in a major portion of India and forget communal myth, petty regionalism is a big brouhaha here - for political ends of course. Granted, it exists in US too but their influence and power in day to day life is much less, people are more concerned about national security and living their life.
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