Is America better than India???

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Broken In
May 12, 2005
ok, so you want to fight that,

you were racial fight, and about that statement, yes i am not absolutely corect, as bahari leads the race when i tell of dis-honesty, and the rest follows, means no one is honest, and that's our india, and you are not an indian living outside india, so it's better to discuss anymore.

about the name, i made the complain, let's see what happens. you are targetting a comunity, and that's not allowed here.

and my only point to india's poor performance in econamy is the muslim state borders. and that's absolutely correct.


Mar 18, 2005
Hey man I tell u in one simple Line. India is not progressing because of people like you who are fed up with life and dont want to see anything positve in any situation and then keep fantasising about their own stories and considering whatever they say is true! Its because of people like u because of which our perstigious India is getting defamed. If you cant utter a word positive about India then u dont have right to speak negetive about it either!!
Yes I'll say India is 1000 times better than US....I know it! Every country has something negetiive about it. You live in India thats why u r acquanted to the negetive situations in India. Come too America and u'll see u wont be able to survive here if u dont have powerful friends!

And now that u know I have lived in US for 6 yrs, u wanna end the topic?? Why ? Dont u have the guts?? Or lost ground when an Indo-American himself is praising India?? Common lets play a little further!

uttorasen said:
you were racial fight
I am racial fight?? What does that mean?? Correct ur english vocablury,clauses and grammer u moron!

Anyways thats the problem with most bengalese like u. If someone speak some sour truth about u, then u think that he speaking about all bengalese. Like u thinking that I'm speaking about all bengalese. Come out from ur mental retardedness and read mah posts from start. I've referring from the very start about defective pieces and bengalese like u not all bengalese.
Similarly Greg Chappel only banned sorav because of some reason.....then why did u consider that he's being racial to bengalese?? Do u have a brain or not?? Oh sorry u already confessed from beginning that ur mentally retarded!!

Anyways u've been very racial to poor biharis and calling them chor, defaming Indians as mentally unfit. Hey man whats ur problem if ur mentally unfit...then why do keep on dragging down others to ur level and saying "Indians are mentally unfit" ?
I know u r very very retarded both mentally and physically....but please dont apply ur worly pains to all of us!!

uttransen said:
yes i am not absolutely corect
Oh u were never correct! Ur mind is very fluctuating and u r mentally retarded ....accept that!! Anyhow I'm pleased u made another confession!

uttorasen said:
as bahari leads the race when i tell of dis-honesty, and the rest follows
Whose "bahari" man?? Why do u consider biharis as dishonest?? Did they teased u in school or beat u in some mind games?? Or made fun of you??
I dunno what's up with u?? and why do u keep talking like mentally retarded piece with all baseless talks!

Come to US and I bet u'll be uttering the same baseless talk for Americans too instead of biharis!

uttoransen said:
about the name, i made the complain, let's see what happens. you are targetting a comunity, and that's not allowed here.
Oh so u made a complaint like a stupid child who calls his parents after geting severe beating?? Why dont u have guts to talk?? Dont cry now!

Neways I can make more complaints than u coz
1. U dont obey forum rules of quoting properly!
2. Calling Indian as mentally unfit in worlds greatest,smartest mentally fit forums!
3. Calling Biharis as "Chor"
4. Kneeling down in front of Americans like a slave!
5. Racial Hatred towards Muslims!

But I dont cry like u.......coz FIGHT CLUB is for thick skinned people and not for babies like u! If u cant talk rationally and dont have guts to continue then dont ever come to FIGHT CLUB...coz this is my PLAYGROUND and i dont like crying babies here like u!

uttoransen said:
means no one is honest, and that's our india,
But first u said bengalese are honest and now u say no one is honest?? What de heck! Hey man are u from some "pagal khana".........I think i'm debating with a looser kid, a sixth grade flunky who donno what he is saying and keeps on crying after every post! Thats a very special character of a LEFtIST,a cpm person and they are known for such stupidity!

uttoransen said:
and my only point to india's poor performance in econamy is the muslim state borders. and that's absolutely correct

Wow now u being racial towards muslims too..huh?? Another reason for mods to consider now! Anyways whats muslim borders has to do with it??
Israel is surrounded by Muslim states...but the living condition there is almost equivalent to US!!
ANd Seing India...its surrounded by Nepal too =>A HINDU STATE, Burma, Bhutan,srilanka most consisting of buddhist and hindus! The only Muslims states are Bangladesh and PAkistan! Then why do u cry about it??
Thats another example of u seeing negetive in every sitaution no matter how minor it be! But Leftist like u will even rake up such a minor issue and not seeing bigger issues!

Anyways for godsake tell me what good deed leftist has done that bjp has not done! U claimed of such baseless statement...then prove it!
Leftists like u are like this only and dont have the balls to prove ur word! Common Boy say something!! I've been waitin ganxiously for last 3 posts to read something abt this!!

Hey Mr.UttoraNonSense.......I think u know u r wrong and feel inferior to others.........Thats why I suggest u read go home take a full fledged GITA from ur MOMMY or elders and read it like a good boy! U will feel some inner pleasure and will find people not making fun of you anymore!!

See I have been posting talks with some in future u too post some baseful talks and with proper reasoning instead of posting like a moron flunky!

EPEACE.....POST AGAIN!! Waiting anxiously to hear some more nice jokes from u....and next time quote correctly,completely or i'll really complain to ur PAPA...uttora babu!!
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Beware of the innocent
Dec 25, 2005
OK, just an experience. I once asked an american visitor to my home, what was the difference on the roads between india and America.
Lets See (This is only what he said, i haven't verified the veracity of the statement)
In america the common man, at the most would break the speed limit
In India
1. Traffic Signal
2. Sticking to own lane
3. Signalling when changing lane
4. Bribing the traffic police
5. Allowing children to drive without license
6. Parking in No parking areas
7. Stopping the car in the middle of the road to ask for directions or to attend a phone call
8. Cows (do i need to say more)

This guy was not an indian basher. He knew America was not the best and he said that. It was just a non committal assessment.

@sumit, your comment on the common man says it all. So why blame just the politicians. We need to take responsibility for our own actions instead of stating the same old politician/police blame game crap. Saying that India is worse or America is worse is not possible as there are separate fields of assessment to consider. Winnow the chaff from the wheat, for that you need to know what the chaff is, right?? Right??


Broken In
May 12, 2005
why india is not progressing.

if you just go through the posts you will find the reason. people in india fight between themselves. there are over 10 crore bengalies who are the most honest in india, they are the best in the acadmics, and are mostly in jobs through out india. there will be people in india who will be the most ediots arround, they will check others posts, will do a lot of comments and most of all will never do a correct thing in there entire life.

if anyone wants to see india prosper, forget about others and stop critising others. look inside you, do your work properly. forget what you are, and what you do, if you do your work properly you will see india develop one day.

hardly matters that you are a rich or a simple man doing simple things. just be honest from your part. if you are a student just perform in studies, if you are working just work honestly. be honest on your part and everything will go good.

just for the example, see a person who don't know me, just from the surname is critising me, making some comunal violance, and this is what my point why india is not developing. i have been the best in the accademics and the best in the sports, and most of all i don't look into others matters. if india has to develop then each one of us has to do our work honestly. and that is mental fitness and honesty. don't be clever and smart, just be honest, its your country, play the honest game.


Mar 18, 2005
@ilugd...Right said bro!
@uttoransen.... I praise u for this post!! This was nobel!

uttoransen said:
f you just go through the posts you will find the reason. people in india fight between themselves. there are over 10 crore bengalies who are the most honest in india, they are the best in the acadmics, and are mostly in jobs through out india. there will be people in india who will be the most ediots arround, they will check others posts, will do a lot of comments and most of all will never do a correct thing in there entire life.
Ofcors Bengalese are also Indians....and Indians are intelligent!!
Neways for checking other's posts...then let me remind u, this is Fight Club....A place for debates! And u have to check others posts before making ur own move! Its like a chess board to win a debate! So i dunno how u move on in this game! Dont u check others post and then go on making mindless,baseless comments and posts?
How did u complain about me?? Didnt u check my posts first? ofcors u did! and then only complained ...isnt it??

uttoransen said:
if anyone wants to see india prosper, forget about others and stop critising others. look inside you, do your work properly. forget what you are, and what you do, if you do your work properly you will see india develop one day.

hardly matters that you are a rich or a simple man doing simple things. just be honest from your part. if you are a student just perform in studies, if you are working just work honestly. be honest on your part and everything will go good.

just for the example, see a person who don't know me, just from the surname is critising me, making some comunal violance, and this is what my point why india is not developing. i have been the best in the accademics and the best in the sports, and most of all i don't look into others matters. if india has to develop then each one of us has to do our work honestly. and that is mental fitness and honesty. don't be clever and smart, just be honest, its your country, play the honest game.
Absolutely agreed! and thats why I say Leftist are the worst......coz they keep on interfering in others "Baba Ramdev's" Nobel work! They dont have the mind to think of something nobel or to develop India....but keep on destroying everything prestigious India has like the Song "Vande Mataram" now....list is endless. If u want I can give the list to u! Want it??

And thats why I say every country has something negetive about it. I see a lot negetive about America. But I ponder only about positive aspects of it and try to cherish it!

Whenevr I come to India I try to cherish its positve aspects! And its upto us to improve India to make it No.1. U cant just leave India if its less powerful or luxurious than US.....I'll consider u as traitor then! But if u leave India for US...will u come to India again if India beats US in the same race of luxury and power?? I'll consider u as selfish then...who thinks about himself then!

So lets cherish whatever we have...lets see positive about India! And dont call Indians mentally unfit coz that will then apply to ur parents also!! I see a lotta americans here whose IQ is lower than average Indian and talk rubbish most of the time. I consider them most mentally unfit sometimes!!

So cheers....EPEACE! Lets cherish our India and our people and learn to have forgiveness!
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Broken In
May 12, 2005
mediator said:
@ilugd...Right said bro!
@uttoransen.... I praise u for this post!! This was nobel!

that's so nice of you, thanks.

then why do you go after bengolies so much, and sorry if i said too much about the bihares, but the fact is they are leading the race in the state govt's when corruption is consedered. anyways the others those are curropt will not be tolerated, and every corruption has to end to see india prosper.

i know that people in india are not the weakest wheather mentally and physically. but we are backword and that you have to confess, out people are illetarate, they don't get food and education, there is child labour.

is amarica better than india? my answer no.

is amarica developed, reasons i have already posted.

amarican people face more cancer, every family of 4 people in amarica has a cancer patient, is this development. think!!!!!

but then people in india has to be more petriotic, by this i don't mean that take a gun and go to the border, but do what you are doing, just do it honestly. i am a honest person, i hope every one becomes honest and everything will go right for india then.


Beware of the innocent
Dec 25, 2005
Hey, this is the fight club. The tone is concillatory now. It shouldn't be. <Wicked grin>


Mar 18, 2005
@uttorasen....Hey man! I was not after all the bengalese. I was only after u coz u said "Indian are physically and mentally unfit"! I'm an Indian by heart though I live in US and I'm not after any community or religion.
I have many many muslim friends, my brother is a bengali, another is bihari though now lives in delhi and my uncle is from south. So u can see my joint family covers the whole of India!!

I know corruption is there is any govt office. I know that very well. But there is no specific community behind such corruption. Corruption is in mind and in politicians. So we have to change ourselves first before trying to accuse others.

I like that u took ur word for biharis back! Many people dont even say sorry after such thing!

uttorasen said:
i know that people in india are not the weakest wheather mentally and physically. but we are backword and that you have to confess, out people are illetarate, they don't get food and education, there is child labour.

is amarica better than india? my answer no.

is amarica developed, reasons i have already posted.
Now see mentally unfit is very different from being backwards! Dont u agree?
My servant in Delhi is poor or backward. But u see she has 20000 bucks in her bank account and takes care of her kids very well. She says one of her kid is in reputed school. So dont u think that she being backwards/poor is so mentally strong that she is taking care of her kids so nicely??
So think for a while....and u'll see Indians are most mentally strong in the world! Thats why they get jobs in US and other countries so easily! Infact Indians are very demanding outside India!! Take example of IT students and doctors and think!

uttoransen said:
amarican people face more cancer, every family of 4 people in amarica has a cancer patient, is this development. think!!!!!
Ofcors this is not development! Infact this shows itself how unfit physically americans are!! Infact most of my american friends here are obese and many elders diabetic and many dont brush their teeth and having brown/yellow teeth!

uttoransen said:
but then people in india has to be more petriotic, by this i don't mean that take a gun and go to the border, but do what you are doing, just do it honestly. i am a honest person, i hope every one becomes honest and everything will go right for india then.
Indians are very patriotic...Believe me! Worlds greatest natural calamities take place in India+terrorst strikes. And after such tragedy Indian unity reaches a new peak with each Indian helping other after such tragedy.
And if we were like pakis then Pakistan wud not be visible on world map in first place.

I know ur honest, coz ur Indian! And show such honesty in future too!
I'm sorry if hurt ur feeling in my posts and made fun of ur name! But I cant help myself whenever I see someone making baseless accuses and defaming India unnecessarily and talking absurdly!

Lets forgive each other and make friends and in future please dont try to accuse others unnecessarily and without any proof or base! And have respect for ur countrymen, for ur motherland, ur parents! JAI HIND!!

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Broken In
May 12, 2005
ok, that's nice.

i just told that amaricans are more fit than indians, that dose not mean that indians are unfit. anyways my statement was based on some surveys, and tests that are seen not only in tv, but was also accepted world wide. remember in the world cup football, not this one, but the one previous, they said germans are more strong then chinese. these are global datas, anyways forget that.

i personally think that the jews are the most fit people, but that dose not compaire with anyone.

india has more poor people and many get's no food to eat, and that's added to the total manpower's fitness. illetarates counts towards mental fitness. all these things matters. that's why i said, each one if dose work honestly, india will prosper soon.

am not going to post anything more here, i think it's all fine now.


Mar 18, 2005
Yea me too too tired of posting in this....anyways that football comment of urs....I cudnt understand.....what was it about?? If germans are more strong than chinese then its confined to football man. WHat does it has to do with fitness??

If u see WWE then their is Indian called "Khali"...and is most strong. What will u say for that?

Personally u think jews are most fit??How come and what basis??
Anyways personally I think Indians and Chinese are most fit coz they practise Yoga and Shaoin Kungfu!!
For americans more fit than Indians ....can u tell which survey?? I read a lotta news but every time I switch news Channel like Fox News here I only see miserable obese/diabetic americans telling their painful tails of their health!!

And world wide u say?? I also see on Fox news and other new channels here about some Indians teaching yoga to other americans here. And they(americans) see towards India for attaining physical and mental fitness both. Believe me India Rules......Just wait n watch for next 20 yrs. U'll say then....that America is nothing and thats the view of most Jewish here. Ever had a Jewish friend??? Ask him then!!

Neways most my American friends here keep asking me about Indian gods and tardition and most particularly Yoga!! I tell them about the tradition and Gods to some extent. But I feel ashamed when I'm not able to tell them about Yoga....coz I only know a few positions and stuff about Yoga. i guess I have to watch "Bab ramdev" more closely now!
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Aug 17, 2004
Re: ok, that's nice.

uttoransen said:
i just told that amaricans are more fit than indians

Fit in the Sense.......

If its intellegence,they(common american/avg american) don't even come closer.


In Shamful Mystery
Jun 5, 2006
This is the most idiotic "debate" I have come across. Ever.

People are people. Americans are people. Indians are people. And a person being good (or "fit") has nothing to do with where he/she lives. Kaise log ho tum?

Drizzling Blur

Devoted Metalhead \\m//
May 6, 2006
Simple Yes

Look at the truth, patriotism is good, truth does prevail, so what if its better than India now ? Its just a matter of time.


Right off the assembly line
Dec 30, 2005
i m with zegulas... if evey body keeps on telling corruption is the main cause coz of which India is not developing, then its just giving reasons (just like i was late 4 da class coz da bus was late) that dosent makes any sense.. n even sabka rangde basanti karnese bhi kaam nahi calega .. some one has to take it seriously n act like Nayak.. then der might be some change in India..


Right off the assembly line
Jun 4, 2006
i think america is better than india the standard of living is very low as compared to america.india can be better if the curruption is minimised.

Abhishek Dwivedi
Sep 28, 2006
look it realy doesnt matters that we r corrupt or we have less resource or more population....all we need is a verrry BIG REVOLUTION and this REVOLUTION has to be brought upon by us....the future is ours lets tweak it....


Mostly, YES...simply because they DO NOT blame others for their own mistakes.

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