iPad Mini is mighty powerful?


Right off the assembly line
It only takes a few minutes playing with the iPad Mini —which starts at $329— to realize the scaled-down tablet computer will be a hit with longtime Apple disciples and potential converts who've been looking for a more affordable entree into the mobile computing market.

The iPad Mini is perfectly sized to be stuffed in Christmas stockings. It's 7.87 inches tall and 5.3 inches wide, compared with the full-size iPad, which is 9.5 inches by 7.31 inches. Recipients will discover the pleasure and convenience of being able to take pictures, surf the Web, watch video, read books and listen to music on an exquisitely designed device that's pancake thin.

As enticing as that all sounds, the iPad Mini also causes a dilemma, albeit a pleasant one.

The new option will make it even more difficult for holiday shoppers to figure out which mobile device to buy for their loved ones — or for themselves.

As the company usually does at its product unveilings, Apple Inc. only provided reporters with limited, strictly supervised access to the iPad Mini on Tuesday. That meant I could only experiment with it for about 15 minutes, but as an experienced user of the iPad 2, I could quickly see that the smaller tablet does just about everything its bigger brethren do.


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