India to censor video games

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A LOTR fan
i dont think it will affect the way , even if they put 18++++ infront of the cover people will buy them , parents will ask the shop keeper...
"whats adult in it???"
he will respond "nothing sir, all shooting games are like that only...this one, all the children loves it , take it from me sir, dont care the rating" :-D.

so much for the ratings.... and some wont even bother , they will say to themselves, "what the hell, its after all only a game"...

so life will move on , if thats govt passing rules , or not...i dont think it makes a diff at all...


Thank G-d for Piracy!!

“When this is done, the parents will get a clear idea about the contents of a video game that they are buying for their child. Also, if there are certain portions in the game that are not suitable for children, might get excluded from the game,” adds Sharmila.

buddhi sathiya gayi hai....excluding certain portions of the game?????....some1 pls tell her that this aint 1970.

at this rate all we will be able to play is Ping Pong...

Ban on
First/third person shooters: too much blood...
racing games: children will drive fast on the road after playing it
strategy games : too many bombs in the games...
adventure games: Lara croft jumping from one hill to another?? wat if a kid does it...**BAN**

so we are left with
Sports except rugby, american football and NHL as these are *violent* games
business strategies....oh ya thats interesting..Yaaaaaaawn!
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Unmountable Boot Volume
I don't know what exactly the government is going to do, but personally I absolutely don't support children under 16 playing violent games with any kind of gore.


Noobie Pro
Guys what is wrong with you people, why are you all so against the government. What they are doing is a welcome and needed step.

I think everyone would agree that today's games have become bloody, gory and some of the games do have really mature content like sex. It is perfectly sensible to rate such games as not suitable for young kids!!

I am not aware of the methods they are going to use, editing the games is out of the question. But the ratings are a nice way, if the parents are made aware of game ratings, then even if the kids pirate games, the parents can check the ratings. And along with Vista's Parental Controls, this could possibly be a working solution.

Although i do agree that it is far fetched, but it is a step in the correct direction.


!! RecuZant By Birth !!
I am least bothered.i buy stuff for 40 Rs to be honest and i know from where they get it..straight from torrents and warez no worry for me..
Dont worry many of these news wont become reality.many game developers will fill those empty heads and they will keep quiet about it.this is india.second china..remember


left this forum longback
anything which is hidden or banned are attracted to masses :D and this is "one of the universal truth" ;) so,let the boys play and wet!gov have serious things to do IMO,increasing bsnl dataone speeds to 8mbps for rs500 for home users :))
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