i have d config..bt help me

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Right off the assembly line
Intel Core2Duo 2.13 GHz...

Intel Original or ASUS 975x Motherboard wid or widout on board AGP...

1GB(512*2) DDR2 ram ....1st prefrence is CORSAIR wid 866 or higher FSB
2nd prefrence is KINGSTON wid highest FSB

250 GB SATA2......Westorn Digital HDD wid highest CACHE.........

17inch Multimedia TFT LCD.....only HP......

Lite-On DVD-/+RW.....wid light scribe technology....

Best wireless keyboard n mouse combo...multimedia internet ready......

Liquid Cool technology wala Cabinet.....wid space for extraa fans....

and a graphics card wid in 6000 rs........

plzzzzzz help me out wid d prices of all d above listed products... as soon as possible.....


Right off the assembly line
ive mentioned d config i want.........budget is no limit.......i need d prices of d config ive mentioned.....best prices.........i wana buy a pc wid d config mentioned.....so thrs no need fr me to tell ma budget.....no planned budget as such....


Right off the assembly line
see akshay...dnt mind........bt wat do u have to do wid d usage of d pc..........no usage as such in mind n no budget.......im like a sanki person......dimaag mein keera ghus gaya to ghus gaya........n since ive thought of buying this config.......i dnt give a damn to d useage n d budget.......jus give me d best prices.........


Wise Old Owl
Intel E6400 2.13 GHz Rs.13,000
Asus 975 based mobo Rs. 16,000
Corsair 2x512 MB DDR800 RAM 12,000 atleast
Seagate 250GB SATA2 HDD Rs. 3,800
17" HP LCD Rs. 13,000
Liteon DVD-RW with Lightscribe Rs. 3,800
Logitech DiNovo Cordless desktop Rs. 8,000
Cabinet with liquid cooling Rs. 10,000 atleast
Geforce 7300GT Rs. 6,000

Strictly according to your specifications.


Wise Old Owl
Useage because this PC is not great at all and I would like to advise something way better esepecially on the GPU front. Do you game?

C2D E6400 - 10500 E6600 - 17k
Asus P5W - around 15k +
4GB DDR2 1066 Corsair XMS RAM

also for around 12000 you may get 2GB DDR2 800 ram


Wise Old Owl
Why r u goin for such a gcard with all these high end congig???Ull have gr8 gaming if u add a 7900GT or higher in such a system.
I also recomment goin for a good sound card;
Creative audigy value: 1700/-
or a high end card like; Creative XFi Xreme music[its a feature rich card nd the fatality nd elite pros r for sudios nd for audio professionals].

Jst can i ask why u need such a powerful system for???U can make it even better if u put foreward the need of the system in here.
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