I hate Macs!!

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The Devil
Feb 15, 2006
Well, actually these aren't my words (though they almost convey my own feelings :p). This is the title of an article that appeared on the Guardian's website and later submitted on Digg and thats how I came to know about it. As of now it has received 1436 diggs!! Anyway, here are some extracts of the article.

I hate Macs. I have always hated Macs. I hate people who use Macs. I even hate people who don't use Macs but sometimes wish they did. Macs are glorified Fisher-Price activity centres for adults; computers for scaredy cats too nervous to learn how proper computers work; computers for people who earnestly believe in feng shui.

PCs are the ramshackle computers of the people. You can build your own from scratch, then customise it into oblivion. Sometimes you have to slap it to make it work properly, just like the Tardis (Doctor Who, incidentally, would definitely use a PC). PCs have charm; Macs ooze pretension. When I sit down to use a Mac, the first thing I think is, "I hate Macs", and then I think, "Why has this rubbish aspirational ornament only got one mouse button?" Losing that second mouse button feels like losing a limb.

.....Cue 10 years of nasal bleating from Mac-likers who profess to like Macs not because they are fashionable, but because "they are just better". Mac owners often sneer that kind of defence back at you when you mock their silly, posturing contraptions,.....

....the campaign's biggest flaw is that it perpetuates the notion that consumers somehow "define themselves" with the technology they choose. If you truly believe you need to pick a mobile phone that "says something" about your personality, don't bother. You don't have a personality.....


Let the war begin. :))


Administratus Rotundus
Jan 26, 2006
I hereby proclaim this thread Flamebait! For this thread only, I have a new rule:

For every logical argument you put forth for your camp (PC/Mac), you get to take one dig at the opposing camp. But:

1. No profanity
2. No insulting family members/upbringing/other insults that count as "below the belt"

Draw yer swords!

(the mods will probably hate me for this.....)


May 23, 2005
On a funnier note, check this:



Aspiring Novelist
May 6, 2005
That article is obviously crap. I think even the author did it all in good humour, maybe it is a satire on similar articles. Because it just sounds too ridiculous to be anything close to the truth.

Macs ship with a two-button mouse as a standard nowadays, BTW.

What caught my interest, however, was not the article itself but blackpearl's comment - "though they almost convey my own feelings :p"
Did you do that to incite a flame war or did you actually mean it? Because if it is the latter, i.e. you find that article sensible and feel that it reflects your own thoughts, you've already lost some of the pretty considerable amount of respect I had for your intelligence!
mediator said:
Not again! :D
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Human Spambot
May 3, 2005
Now if the admin is involved.....Lets make this "fight" a flop :D:D:
mods close the thread:D


The Internationalist
Feb 15, 2006
If you truly believe you need to pick a mobile phone that "says something" about your personality, don't bother. You don't have a personality. A mental illness, maybe - but not a personality.

The only quote I liked in the whole topic, the rest sounded like usual PC vs Mac rant. :p


The Devil
Feb 15, 2006
aryayush said:
What caught my interest, however, was not the article itself but blackpearl's comment - "though they almost convey my own feelings :p"
Did you do that to incite a flame war or did you actually mean it? Because if it is the latter, i.e. you find that article sensible and feel that it reflects your own thoughts, you've already lost some of the pretty considerable amount of respect I had for your intelligence!

There is a reason why I used the word "almost" in my statement. That's because in reality I don't hate the Mac, I hate its fanboys. For them Mac is just a fashion statement, they like to flaunt it because they are under this false impression that owning a Mac is somewhat superior. They are just one of those guys who like to flash their expensive mobile phones and other accessories. To quote your own words, remember you once said to someone who just bought a Mac -"welcome to the civilized world". So Mac users are civilized? I wonder how many hours Mac users spend each day just admiring their Mac and congratulating themselves that they own it.

aryayush said:
That article is obviously crap. I think even the author did it all in good humour, maybe it is a satire on similar articles. Because it just sounds too ridiculous to be anything close to the truth.

Macs ship with a two-button mouse as a standard nowadays, BTW.

Thats how every Mac users commented on Digg because the article hits right on the nail, right on their inflated ego. And aryayush, you don't have to be one of them. Just use your Mac, don't start singing in its praise.
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The Devil
Feb 15, 2006
On a funnier note, read these




Spend some time on that website reading other articles. All are hilarious. :))


Apr 3, 2006
I personally don't hate Apple. Infact I use one of their Product and am pretty happy with it. I am against the song which Mac owners play seemlessly that "it's the best", showing limitless fanboyism. Fanboyism is certainly not acceptable at any stage. May it be Browsers, AntiVirus, or the OS. Well, if it's justified, it is not much a big deal. Mac OS crashes more often than Windows. They are unstable and need reboots most often than Windows. This is not my point of view, but professionals know it. Inspite of such problems, if Mac owners still argue that "Mac is the more stable than Windows", then it's absolutely lame statement.


You gave been GXified
Jan 16, 2007
:confused: what the, i m not even here & this thread has become a war:D


Mar 18, 2005
kiran_tech_mania said:
Mac OS crashes more often than Windows. They are unstable and need reboots most often than Windows. This is not my point of view, but professionals know it.
Well dats something new I know now!


Apr 3, 2006
Yep! Here is what a Software Developer in Yahoo who has never been known as a booster for Window has to say............

Why one Mac owner might go back to Windows?

To many Macintosh owners, it is anathema even to suggest that Apple computers are anything but vastly superior to Windows PCs. But that is exactly what one of them is saying--and he's so disenchanted that he might switch back to a Microsoft machine.

Normally, such blasphemous talk might be easily dismissed for its inanity, insanity or both. But the comments have generated particular controversy because Russell Beattie, an experienced software developer who works for Yahoo, has never been known as a booster for Windows. In a list of 33 complaints, he begins with this entry: "Anyone who says that Macs are more stable than Windows are smoking dope. I have two brand new Macs and they regularly go wacky and need reboots."

Beattie has received so much response that some bloggers are running excerpts of the many retorts.

More Info: Here


Aspiring Novelist
May 6, 2005
mediator said:
Well dats something new I know now!
Just because he said it?

@Kiran_tech_mania, do you have any proof that Mac OS X crashes more often than Windows? That is such a kiddish comment. I've been using it for more than six months now and have yet to experience a single crash. And I've read all sorts of problems that Mac users experience on various Apple centric forums, but one thing is common in most of them - the operating system does not crash.
There have been so few reports of Mac OS X crashing and almost every PC users who switches to a Mac stays with it.
Yes, it is possible that someone who buys a Mac gets a lemon of a product which crashes frequently. It is obviously a problem with the system and Apple will fix it for him or replace the machine. But a healthy Mac never crashes, never ever. And that is not going to change whether you believe it or not - and even if some high profile reporter like Dvorak writes about how unstable Macs are.


Hanging, since 2004..
Aug 21, 2004
I feel like vomitting after reading rubbish comments again and again. :ewwwww:


18 Till I Die............
Jul 15, 2004
gx_saurav said:
:confused: what the, i m not even here & this thread has become a war:D
It ain't even a gang war yet. I don't even see guns drawn out here let alone bombs and fighter jets. Maybe you could start it, that too with permission from UNO(FatBeing).


El mooooo
Jan 26, 2006
The second one from "the camp" has not even joined yet. Let him come...may be then it will become funny :D


Mar 18, 2005
aryayush said:
Just because he said it?
Nope, because he put the following line in it
This is not my point of view, but professionals know it.
But still I haven't formed any image of Mac in my mind coz I have never used it. What u told me about Mac is still in my mind but what he told has been added to that database. But dont worry, I'm not one of those people who have never used a different OS or lack experience with it and then spread lies and false notions about it. I'm still an observer in every Mac's related discussion. :)
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