I dont understand.

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I have completed Doom 3 a long time ago, and it ran fine with MX 4000. Now i was about to buy doom 3 Roe, i tested it in www.systemrequirementslab.com, when i ran the rest the results show my graphics card is not compatible to run the game. Then i ran the test again for doom 3 only, the result was same, but the game ran fine on the same card. What should i do? Should i buy the game, will it work on my pc?


Yo, im gonna buy a game, not a chocolate. Doom 3 ran very fine on my pc, but the test shows thats i cannot at all run the game. @tech mastermind, u are wrong, the site is not accurate at all.


shashank_digitreader said:
@tech mastermind, u are wrong, the site is not accurate at all.
^^read carefully dude.
tech_mastermind said:
that site is not 100% accurate and gives info at glance only.......go buy the game if it runs on your system.

the trial & error method may involve using the Pirated version, just for checking.


MMO Addict
as far i know most if the new game does not support GeForce 4 MX series cards.. atleast what they mention in Readme.txt file. u better check the DOOM3 website.


Aspiring Novelist
If Doom 3 indeed ran on your card then ROE will run just fine provided you switch the details to low.It's a modification so most of the game elements have been taken up from the previous engine.Sharing these elements would allow you to play the game on your card.Systemlabs don't always project an accurate detail of the supporting card.Though remember that you'll need to have Doom 3 installed to play ROE(just a checklist note).


Staff member
if am not bad at recalling then i remember that i have played ROE on my old card (GeForce MX 4000).
Hey go get the cd and start playin and remember its way better than doom3 itself and is quite difficult with some good gameplay elements.

Third Eye

gooby pls
read the review from gamespot


..it includes 3 new guns(shotgun,grabber and one i dont remember) and i think ten levels..


Staff member
its like earth recieved some strange signals from Mars after many years of those horrible incidents.

Now a team of Combat engineers is transported to get the scenario clear and what was the cause of that signal.

Accidentally you relesed the demons from HELL by touching the artifact (special weapon in place of Soul Cube).

You hav to fight your way out and to end the holocaust.

Cheers now u will fight the very first Boss in the first stage.
A total of 4 Bosses are there (3 Hunters and last is betruger cum Maledict)
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