i dare you..provided you have guts......

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dear all...

yes, i dare you...all i want you is to watch it out..its quite a non-tech. issue..i want your opinion...


and can you stay there still...cuz you all support it..iam asking you can you be a vegan.?? anyone there?

commente are welcome..:cry: :cry:


Aspiring Novelist
Well, I do the only thing I can - I avoid non-vegetarian food like the plague. Wish more people did that!

But it is actually the opposite. More and more people are become non-vegetarian now. Earlier, people from Haryana and Rajasthan used to be strict vegetarians but children our age who belong to those families have started eating non-vegetarian now. :(


back to future
well..thanx for comments..there is lots of organizations working for their welfare like PFA, peta and more..

if this disturbing you as hell, what can you say about those animals..?? :(:(
iam not compelling you to a vegan, but just want you know what is aroud you..really hell :cool:

chk this


it is quite disturbing, but does it really happen everywhere in the world or these are just few places ??!!! It's quite hard to believe actually


El mooooo
I stopped eating meat...eggs everything long ago but leaving dairy products is too difficult for me :( Though I promise to drink only Amul milk from now on. At least we know that this is a co-operative society and women bringing milk to them must be treating their animals in much better way then those shown in the video :( I just wish that people treating animals like that would rot in hell!!!


left this forum longback
does anyone remembers pamela anderson campaigning against india leather goods saying cruelty towards animals :?


Ambassador of Buzz
A real eye-opener. People will think about stopping eating meat the instant they see the video. The next day they'll be back with their normal routine.


Evil Genius
I saw the video...and meh...not saying I support it, but I am a thorough non-veg eater.

Frankly, there are less cruel ways of getting meat for food and if I were to find out that the meat I buy comes from a joint like this, I'd buy it some place else. Having said that...you really cant afford to be a non-vegetarian and be squeamish about stuff like this.


left this forum longback
atleast 70% of ppl from my state are non-veg :( largest in India i guess.
Kerala is the only state in India where beef is consumed by almost every non vegetarian including hindus.


Aspiring Novelist
faraaz said:
Having said that...you really cant afford to be a non-vegetarian and be squeamish about stuff like this.
Oh, I can assure you that non-vegetarian food is, generally, a lot more expensive than vegetarian food so not only can you afford it, it will actually be lighter on your pocket, you'll get healthier food and you won't be doing a heinous crime.


Evil Genius
When I said afford...I meant, you can't afford to be SQUEAMISH...in the sense, if this kind of stuff is too much for you, then you can't be a non-vegetarian. I wasn't talking about it from a financial point of view...unless you were being sarcastic. In which case I don't get the connection.


Aspiring Novelist
LOL! You're skilled with the English Language. I was just playing around with words; I knew you did not mean anything financially by using the word "afford". :)

"if this kind of stuff is too much for you, then you can't be a non-vegetarian"
Oh, but is it so important to be a non-vegetarian?


Evil Genius
To me it is...personally, I tried eating veg food, but I just cant live without non-veg. And since its kind of obvious that I am a Muslim, yes...I have slaughtered goats by my own hand, seen them skinned and cleaned from start to finish, and then cooked the meat with my own two hands. After this, I proceeded to eat the meat and enjoy it very much.

So yeah...these kind of videos don't REALLY make that much of an impact on me. Besides...for all you people out there who are watching this video and going "OMG!! This is so horribible!!!"...please be informed that this was made by PETA. Why is it a big deal that PETA made this video?? Check out THIS vid...*video.google.com/videoplay?docid=4118674585934009124&q=Bullshit+PETA

I would again like to remind you guys..the whole point of this thread is to keep an open mind. SO as receptive you were of the original animal cruelty vid, I implore you to watch the vid I posted with an open mind...


The Internationalist
I was about to join PETA when I learned that like Greenpeace, they use a lot of misleading for propaganda effect.

By the way I turned near vegetarian a long time back as my ex-girlfriend was a vegetarian and also I didn't like the idea of ending an animals life for pleasuring my taste buds. These days I occasionally have non-veg when I go home mainly because our family is strictly fish and meat non-veg. Otherwise its veg with milk and eggs.


Evil Genius
@aryayush: Seconded! PETA is a borderline terrorist organisation and their methods of operation in the US and Europe are extremely unethical! KUDOS Aberforth! I'm also glad you didn't join PETA!

(PS: ... he he he)
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