How Web based application are tested ????? Its urgent

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Hi all Members of this group,

I urgently need the answers of theses questions :

1. How Web based application r tested, i.e what r things we test in web
based application in manual testing or automated testing?

2. How bug reporting is performed in Manual testing

3. How Compatibility Testing of any application is performed and what is
the meaning of Compatibility Testing ?

4. How Installation Testing is performed & what is the meaning of this

Pls reply ASAP, as it is urgent. It will be very thankful of u all guys.
Pls help me out in this


Wise Old Owl
1)Testing Web-based apps

First have the web applications hosted on ur pc, that
is localhost. Do all the testing now, like login, updating
the database, retrieving the data from database etc.,

If all this localhost testing goes well , you can upload
ur app to a real website

2) Testing things from a real Website after upload

Here some problems can creep in. Like for eg.,
how many users can be connected to the database
simultaneously, what is the response time of the
server, whether the application can handle , for eg.,
200 users concurrently, etc.,

And these tests should be carried out by you in
the real world, to find out any bugs in the application

3) Compatibility Testing

For eg., some applications won't work well with
certain browsers, Some work well only in IE 6.0,
If the user is using Mozilla Firefox, U can redirect
him to custom page, that works well with Firefox
browser. And likewise for all the other browsers.

And u must test the application with all popular
browsers available like IE, FireFox, Opera etc.,

If U find that your server can handle 90 concurrent
users well without any problems, but can't handle
more than that.Then u need to upgrade your Server.

For eg.,

2.4 GHZ CPU (dual processor), 80GB HD, 2 GB RAM, etc.,

Or consider clustering the computers together
like Google does.

Goodluck guys
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