how to unlock Nokia N73 Music Edition 100 preloaded songs ?

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how to unlock nokia N-73 music edition (The Legends of India) 100 preloaded songs??????

ok bye


there is a detail catlouge in ur box. in the back of this a scratch paper included.
scratch the silver panel and u will find a code.
the msg this

LEGENDS <UR CODE> send to 5555

u will reccive the activation msg from nokia


yes I just purchased N70M and received a catalouge in the box about legends of india
activited it
Send it 5555 you will receive message for confirmation delete all and you will able to play all this.


Broken In
i gt nokia n 70 me edition yesterday .. whn i tried to play d songs .. it said i need to activate it through gprs . i asked d dealer n he said i wont b able to activate it without gprs so i deleted d folder 'legends of india' .

so cn any one of u pls upload d folder 'legends of india' .. u cn get it by connecting ur cell to ur pc/laptop through pc suite ..(if u didnt knw it !)

i gt d small booklet with d code .. please do help .. thnks !


Broken In
is it ? bt y shud it be .. i had them .. i jst deleted them .. n no one cn activate d songs without sending d code to 5555 .. so even if anyone loads it onto their cells .. they cnt use it .

or m i missing something ?
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