How to Install 3 Operating Systems ?


Broken In
I want to install Windows 8 & Windows 7 Ultimate(32 and 64 bit) on my HDD just for trying and exploring differences & features on them. I have 5 separate partitions on my 500 GB HDD and I have emptied 3 of them for this purpose. And I have all the 3 OSes on separate DVDs.

**Now this everything written above is my imagination but I'll have it done in a few days as I assemble my whole PC ,and then I will do this OSes' installation as soon as I get my PC running , so I need to know how to do this**

Please suggest a way on how to do this so that my already present data doesn't get deleted.
Also is there any most efficient way to do this like installing all of them on the same partition ?
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Super Moderator
Staff member
You need to first install win 7 32 bit, then win 7 64 bit and finally win 8.


BIOS Terminator
If all you want to do is explore differences and features in the OS, installing within a virtual machine would be a better option.


Computer Addict
Windows 7 32 bit and 64 bit are the same, it just detects extra memory. Better install only one of them.

You should install Windows 7 first and then Windows 8. VMware or VirtualBox is also a good option.


You can use VMware. There is no point installing both 32bit and 64bit OS. Just install 64bit. Doesnt make any difference at all.


Broken In
Actually I've never used this soft. , so please can you guys tell me more about it?

I mean will it install the 2 OSes on same partition ?
And won't the virtually installed OS be a bit slower?
And if you can send me a download link or something that would be awesome !

Thanks guys (@topgear,nims11,rahulyo,meetdilip,reniarahim1 and takemein)


Computer Addict
You can find many " How to " videos on YouTube.

Download link for VirtualBox : *


The Power of x480
Staff member
I mean will it install the 2 OSes on same partition ?
And won't the virtually installed OS be a bit slower?
And if you can send me a download link or something that would be awesome !

A virtual machine is a software that allows any other OS to be run virtually. Means, it gives the OS a complete virtual HDD (a portion of the same HDD) and RAM. So yeah, it's like having two OSes on same partition. But technically the OS installed on Virtual machine won't know about the existence of any other OS beside it.

Yeah, virtually installed software can be a bit slow, since it won't use complete RAM, just the portion of it which you will allocate.
But as you said, you just want to play around with the features I guess it's enough.


Ambassador of Buzz
AFAIK if Windows 8 Support Virtual Machine Then Install windows 7 64bit and 32bit and One more thing importantly I think Windows 8 Professional will Only Allow you to get full Access to Virtual Machine


Broken In
I recently viewed the "Howto's" for virtualbox. And I realized what a great piece of soft it is!:idea:

But still, The guy in the vid said that the things were going messy when he used vista inside 7 , so he would have to reinstall the drivers in vista(ex. graphic and sound and lan) .

And also I thought why not check the difference in different games over the 32- and 64-bit OSes, and for that I don't think Virtualbox could make it for games like MaxPayne3, Mirror's Edge, or Just Cause 2.

And now what to do????:confused:
I guess I would have to install both the 2 OS versions on seprate partitions or on same somehow (if it could be done?). And use Windows 8 thru Virtualbox Coz 8 is just for getting a feel of it.

So the Qus. is: Can I install the two on same partitions or would I have to stick to 2 diff. partitions.?


The Power of x480
Staff member
yeah.. you will have to install two different OS in two different partitions.
There are plenty of guides online. Just use google and follow one of them carefully.

If in doubt we are always here ;)


Super Moderator
Staff member
3 os in 1system and also in 1 hdd
i had never think about it.
Crazy fellow.

nothing crazy about this - I used to run OpenSuSe, XP, 2K3 server and Vista x64 SP1 on a single HDD - 4 separate partitions ;-)

I recently viewed the "Howto's" for virtualbox. And I realized what a great piece of soft it is!:idea:

But still, The guy in the vid said that the things were going messy when he used vista inside 7 , so he would have to reinstall the drivers in vista(ex. graphic and sound and lan) .

And also I thought why not check the difference in different games over the 32- and 64-bit OSes, and for that I don't think Virtualbox could make it for games like MaxPayne3, Mirror's Edge, or Just Cause 2.

And now what to do????:confused:
I guess I would have to install both the 2 OS versions on seprate partitions or on same somehow (if it could be done?). And use Windows 8 thru Virtualbox Coz 8 is just for getting a feel of it.

So the Qus. is: Can I install the two on same partitions or would I have to stick to 2 diff. partitions.?

if you need to test games then you need to install the OSes using normal process without using VM apps and as Vyom has pointed you need to install 2 separate OSes on 2 separate partitions - But I will recommend you to install and try a varian of linux OS as well - install it after you have completed all of the Windows OSes installation .


Super Moderator
Staff member
And also I thought why not check the difference in different games over the 32- and 64-bit OSes, and for that I don't think Virtualbox could make it for games like MaxPayne3, Mirror's Edge, or Just Cause 2.
There is no difference between 32-bit and 64-bit Windows 7 as far as functionality is concerned. All games run fine in 64-bit Windows 7. Some software might run slightly faster in 64-bit. 64-bit can address more than 3.2 GB RAM, whereas 32-bit can't. All software works fine in 64-bit Windows 7. Very very old software might give problems, but that's it. No difference at all imo.


King of Heroes
Install win 7 x64 in one partition.32-bit is not needed since x64 version is fully compatible.Then install windows 8 on a vhd and boot from it.


Or google for more better tutorials.
This will ensure no more messing with partitioning if u are not comfortable with it:p:p
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