Home Theater

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I want to buy high end "Home Theater" with combination of Receiver and speakers with brands like "Yamaha, JBL, Pioneer etc.." range will be starting from Rs.25000-30000.

I have seen yamaha series, yamaha receiver are the best but speakers has no performance.


M$™ Certified Spammer
its true yamaha are indeed the best in receivers, in speakers u might wanan go for the cheap ones becuz ur budget is pretty low, or there is a sony home theater system around 28k thats preetty fine and is near 600watts i think, personally home theater systems, u shud invest alot because its a 1 time investment, it suggest u the sony one or u can try a samsung one which has a hdmi port too, its also 28k but less sound quality than the sony one
try ur local samsung and sony shops
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