home based part time jobs


Cyborg Agent
Check out the classified section of the major newspaper in your town. You might find a lot of them.


give some information about your area of expertise or find out in daily classifieds.


Broken In
Yes this is most common scenario we get to see these days in IT Industry. Usually these companies hire lots of students at one go and giving training to all of them together is quite not feasible. So they sometime make batches and ask some students to join earlier and some latter. So the joining is been delayed. You can try some temporary job to utilize your time efficiently.


~Bulletproof Monk~

Avoid the Newspaper ads that say "Earn 40,000 p.m. doing paper work at home" its all BS.


poor little me
Yes this is most common scenario we get to see these days in IT Industry. Usually these companies hire lots of students at one go and giving training to all of them together is quite not feasible. So they sometime make batches and ask some students to join earlier and some latter. So the joining is been delayed. You can try some temporary job to utilize your time efficiently.

moderators doesn't this post in this thread sound like spam ?:-x