Historic discussion : Steve Jobs and Bill Gates.

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Distinguished Member
The D 2007 Meet is over, and it was nothing of the "Hi, I'm a PC - Hi, I'm a Mac." kind of meet people were jokingly expecting it to be. In fact they appeared quite comfortable with each other, almost like two peas in an ...err...iPod !


About what they've learned and what they could have learned from the other guy : Bill: I'd give a lot to have Steve's taste...Just... WOW ! Steve: We weren't so good with partnering with people. Bill and Microsoft were really good at it. Source
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You gave been GXified
See the video which is available in 7 parts. Gates is talking about how technology can & will make life easier for us, & how Microsoft is working in that direction.

Steve is advertising iPod & iPhone :D

Even Steve Jobs admits that iPod & iTunes are a success because they run on Windows. Here is the thing, why downplay Microsoft when you know you need Microsoft to survive in the bussiness.

If Microsoft pulls Office, Messenger protocol, iPod & iTunes supports in WIndows, ability to install Windows on Mac then Apple will close down easily. iPod is what made Apple overcome the loses & that too cos it started supporting Windows.
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Aspiring Novelist
gx_saurav said:
Steve is advertising iPod & iPhone :D
Oh really? In the whole interview, the iPod wasn't even mentioned. Not once.

The iPhone was mentioned once, when Mossberg asked Steve to explain him how local programs were better than web based applications. No advertising of the device itself was involved.

So, we would appreciate it if you kept your smart-ass comments to yourself.

As for this conference, it really was a treat to watch. Funny how people have to put on a facade when in public. They were behaving like long lost buddies. :lol:


Security Exp
gx_saurav said:
If Microsoft pulls Office, Messenger protocol, iPod & iTunes supports in WIndows, ability to install Windows on Mac then Apple will close down easily. iPod is what made Apple overcome the loses & that too cos it started supporting Windows.

lol if M$ pulls out service than apple will sit and cry lol

if this occurs apple will provide a suite(like nokia etc) to suport there hw on windows...

kya re kuch to soch k bola kar

aryayush said:
So, we would appreciate it if you kept your smart-ass comments to yourself.

lol:D:D Read his tag line you will come to know y he licks M$ #%^&&%&*
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 Macboy
Part 1: Good interview. Respect. Respect. Its ironic that those guys are nothing like "one of those threads on digit forum".
Part 2: (GX) As for pulling windows on Mac, they can't. Its not MS who decides that, its Apple. Even iPod and iTunes are applications which are developed by Apple. Windows just can't block a certain software just cause it doesn't like the company. As for Office for Mac, maybe, but then again....


Aspiring Novelist
... The people at Microsoft are not friggin' idiots and if it made any sense for them to stop development of Office for Mac, they would have done so a long time ago. If they are not doing so, it means it is benefiting them. They are not doing charity here, and they aren't expected to either.

BTW, I have to say, this conference was really funny. Though Jobs had the major share of witty quips, Bill Gates also occasionally made some pretty funny remarks.

"First of all, I would like to make it clear that I am not Fake Steve Jobs." :lol:


You gave been GXified
Well, in that case I wonder what possibly could be the reason for Apple downplaying there lifeline.


Aspiring Novelist
Here's a little excerpt from the conference that I absolutely loved:

What’s the greatest misunderstanding in your relationship?
Jobs (deadpanning): We’ve kept our marriage secret for over a decade now. [Rimshot!]
Gates (after a silence): I don’t think either of us has anything to complain about. … I miss some people who’ve left the industry. It’s nice to have someone like Steve around.

Jobs: When Bill and I first entered the industry, we were the youngest guys in the room, and now we’re the oldest. I tend to think of things in terms of either Dylan or Beatles songs. And there’s that one line in that Beatles song, “You and I have memories longer than the road that stretches out ahead,” and I think that’s clearly true here.”

[That may come across as cheesy here in print, but honestly it wasn’t. When we post the video, you’ll likely find it pretty touching.]

Take that, gx_saurav. :lol:


You gave been GXified
aryayush said:
Take that, gx_saurav. :lol:
What a show of maturity boy.

In other news, Jobs is comparing Windows (his lifeline) to Hell. Talk about public smugness

Taken from Neowin.

Apple Inc.'s CEO Steve Jobs compared Windows to hell in an on-stage conversation with the Wall Street Journal's personal technology columnist Walt Mossberg at the newspaper's D: All Things Digital conference yesterday. After Mossberg asked Jobs about the popularity of Apple's iTunes music store software and Jobs said more than 300 million copies were in circulation, Mossberg replied: "So that makes you an enormous Windows software developer".

"We are," said Jobs.
"How does that make you feel?"
"We've got cards and letters from lots of people that say iTunes is their favorite app on Windows," Jobs said, then shrugged, paused and smiled. "It's like giving a glass of ice water to somebody in hell," he said.

So, can we send latters if we hate iTunes & will they be publically posted on the fansite ? "Nice try, but u failed to make a proper music player". its too easy, so easy that it eats 40 MB RAM & does nothing special compared to Foobar with 4 MB RAM,


 Macboy
Well that analogy of ""It's like giving a glass of ice water to somebody in hell," doesn't work well. You are doomed to hell until the end of time. Windows you can get out of quite easily!
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