Help me turnoff my BSNL modem please.

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I am a BSNL dataone 500 plan user with 2-8am unlimited downloading.
I usually hibernate my computer bfore going to sleep and I set it to wake up at 2:30(just to be on the safe side) automatically using a software called automatic powerup and shutdown.And I have set u torrent to start downloads in this period and at 7:30 am it shutdowns automatically.

Everything works fine except a few glitches.I hav noticed that the modem remains connected even if the computer is shutdown or hibernated till I manually turn it off. The problem with that is the stupid damn server of BSNL counts around 100MB per day as download even though only the modem is connected and the computer is off.

Is there any way to disconnect and reconnect the modem automatically?
Please help me.................................................................:confused:


The Mighty Unkel!!!
Staff member
Create one entry in Auto Powerup and shutdown.
name it Date One disconnect.

Make it to open a URL (listed below)

**** is your modem admin password.


Make sure you have Opera or Firefox Installed, this trick wont work with IE.

You may have to keep the browser running for this to work cause the browser will ask for confirmation when the URL has username/password.

This is for MT882 Modem


The browser will ask for confirmation and wait till I click yes.(I use opera 9.23)It shud disconnect the modem automatically that is wat I want.

Also even if I managed to do that how can I reconnect again?:confused:


The Mighty Unkel!!!
Staff member
Just click the confirmation once and leave the browser running, donot close it. then it will work as expected. I am using this method for more than one year.

EDIT: FYI use the following URL for connecting.


I also recomend you to reffer this Tutorail by Blademast3r

Bsnl 2-8 download while u r asleep


What will that do? i mean what does that link do?:confused:Does it disconect or reconnect.When shud I use it ?


The Mighty Unkel!!!
Staff member
Which Modem do you have? The code I have given is for MT882 Modem.

When you enter the following code in a browser window, you will be logged out of you data one section . ( Link will LED will go yellow )

When you enter the following URL in a browser, you will be connected ( Link LED will go Orange)

I hope you got it.

Use the connect URL at 2 AM & disconnect URL @ 7:55 AM

I hope you got it.


dá ûnrêäl Kiñg
If u want to disconnect the modem after the free hours i can help(ter is a command),
or r u asking for to turnoff modem?


The Mighty Unkel!!!
Staff member
^^ The codes which I have given is for disconnecting .. do you have something different?


Broken In
hey even i hav the same modem is diff. can u tell me how to do it with my modem.step by step as i am new to this.which s/w do i need.
my modem-UT300R2U


Please some one post a solution fo this problem:confused:
Dialy iam losing around 100mb of my download limit bcoz of this problem.
CHARAN's idea is,nt working.Even after I did watever he told me to disconnect the modem is still connected and I can still browse.
I think this is bcoz my and his modems are different.Mine is ut300r2u modem.
If any one has a solution please please post.
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The Mighty Unkel!!!
Staff member
The solution which I gave was for MT882 modem. I am not sure if it will suit UT300R2U. I tried searching for any help on this but did not get any results.

@cyberboy Kerala: Pls give us your solution.


dá ûnrêäl Kiñg
methods to disonnect the modem after downloading

method 1
Connecting ur modem in bridge mode,then u can easily connect or reconnect the modem with win xp commands

method 2
I think ur modem is in PPPOE mode,then this the method i use

First login into ur modem
Go to Advanced>PPP now u can see two options under "connection settings"
opt 1.
Connection On Demand (Connection will close if idle for minutes)
opt 2.
Manual (Use Connect/Disconnect button only)

Note: the first option "connection on demand" is not working for me here , if that works for u then it will be a better method than the second one

u can also see a disonnect button,clicking it will disconnect ur modem frm the bsnl server

So here is a method to automate the second option
1. Download Autohotkey frm * (excellent tool for ultimate automation for windows users)
2. install it
3. open notepad and copy paste the code given below & save the file as disconnect.ahk, the extension shud be .ahk

this code is for ut300r2u modem,but if ur modem's firmware is different frm tat of mine u will need to edit the code according to the pages in ur modem,or i will edit it for u but u will need to post the no of steps it took in ur modem.
To find out the actual steps to reach the PPP page,type * now dont use mouse only use keyboard and note down the steps like
step1 username entered
step2 pressed tab button(to reach passwd field)
step3 passwd entered
step4 pressed enter
step5 pressed tab 8 times to hightlight advanced ( may be different in urs)
like that note down all the steps
once u have the exact step u can edit this code urself or post ur steps here i will edit the code for u.

Once the script is ready u can shedule this script(disconnect.ahk) to run at 7:30 before compu shutdown.
Wen executed it will lanchung the default browser in ur compu , will login into modem,goes to particular page and disconnects ur modem

sleep 1000
Run *
sleep 20000
Send admin
sleep 1000
Send {Tab}
send admin{Enter}
sleep 9000
send {Tab 8}
sleep 3000
send {Enter}
sleep 3000
send {Tab 9}
sleep 3000
send {Enter}
sleep 3000
send {Tab 17}
sleep 3000
send {Enter}
sleep 3000

code explanation

sleep 1000 <----------------- just a delay
Run * <------starting browser
sleep 20000 <--------20 second delay for browser to start(20000ms = 20sec)
Send admin <-------- user name (replace admin with ur username)
sleep 1000 <----- delay
Send {Tab} <------ hitting tab to move the cursor to passwd field
send pass{Enter} <----- entering password & hitting enter to login(replace pass with ur password)
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Yes this works.At first tried macro express instead of auto hotkey express
thinking that it is easy to use.But later found out that macro express lacks accuracy,is very basic and also the macro cant be saved as exe file.

So I again tried autohotkey express after reading its help file.It is simply superb.It is superb and works perfectly.Has lots of features.Only problem is that the user should have some basic programming concepts.Its script is similar to C.

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