Help me in installing VLC.

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Let the music play.....
I have installed Slackware on my pc. I am tired of Xine tho I dun use tux for viewing video but still I wanted to use VLC on my pc. When I saw the list for dependencies I backed a lil bit what a list !! Still I calmed myself down and tried to dl each and every1 of the dependencies and u guessed it rite some of it were missing I cudnt find them anywhere so pls guys any1 installed this b4 pls help me.


djmykey said:
I have installed Slackware on my pc. I am tired of Xine tho I dun use tux for viewing video but still I wanted to use VLC on my pc. When I saw the list for dependencies I backed a lil bit what a list !! Still I calmed myself down and tried to dl each and every1 of the dependencies and u guessed it rite some of it were missing I cudnt find them anywhere so pls guys any1 installed this b4 pls help me.

i dont know particularly about this linux but , u need not have installed every dependency manually..........
there is a program called apt-get in debian based systems....
there is one in red hat based also (forgot the name :) )

these programs automatically install all the dependencies... try using one of them.....


Let the music play.....
thanks tech_your_future. Man am too sleepy and have to finish my MCSE assignment so will do try the site out tommorrow. The site looks promising. Dood do u have any formal training in Linux, if yes do suggest me some good courses that I may take up.


18 Till I Die............
Nope, no formal training. Just use the net and get some books on various topics from my library. That way too you can learn a lot. Also, many experienced users of the forum can always help you there.
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