Help !! I have bricked my nokia 6233 while updating firmware

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i can add a bit

EROM goes dead then phone is nuts .. !

Fools at Service Center don't know how to fix anything but only Reflash Firmware

Then can Reflash Firmware only when phone boots .. when EROM is done for .. no way to boot ..

it must have special boot script mode to start phone .. also you will need a cable that can generate current and boot the phone from external power ..
rather then the EROM starting phone from power from phone battery .. when EROM is gone bad .. !

charge your phone battery to max always in this cases

yeah EROM goes dead when flashing fails .. especially due to current flow changes into phone .. !


Wire muncher!
Most prolly you can get back your phone by using a service cable and trying to reflash the erom. I dunno about Nokia but SE as tools like XS++/se tool lite which allow recovering the phone to a certain extent even if the dumb service center guys say the phone is dead. But if gdfs ic corrupted, nothing can be done afaik. Search around, you may find some flashing tools for Nokia phones.


In the zone
^^thx...will look for it

edit : there was a software called phoenix which could do something like this....will check out..

downloaded the service manual for my mobile...but nothing useful in that


probably this is what u need?? not sure...abt hw its to be done..but i just googled it..



In the zone
messing around with phoenix at the moment....

@moshel.....that site asks $30 for shipping alone...sheeh


^^yeah i saw thats abt 34$ for the cable....too much...but i have heard from frnds that the care center fellows use special cables. probably they use such cables..

@edburg...can u pls provide me a link of the phoenix software.


Broken In
let the person who has the link PM the detail to the person who want and not share it in the open forum! :)


In the zone
PMed moshel....

as i was going to a frnd's house i saw another nokia care center....just thought of trying out my luck over there...

they found i had given the mobile to another nokia care just 2 days before....:D they asked a days time to find prob...

to my surprise they told me today there has been a software(firmware) prob.....and nothing else...:) and that also will be repaired free of cost as it is inside warrenty....:p

but they say phone must be sent to head office and it will take 10 days...:( anyway as long as prob is solved i am happy....and i was not too sure about the phoenix software too...

now just hope that after a couple of days they just dont tell again that there is hardware prob too....:D if everything goes well then i plan to complain to nokia india about the other nokia care center...


i asked for it because googling phoenix gives up answers abt the city of phoenix.

off topic: the backlighting of my 6233 goes off very quickly, 8-9 seconds, is there any way to increase it..i tried switching off the power saving mode and sleep mode but that doesnt work.

EDIT: Best of Luck! with your phone.


Aspiring Novelist
^No there isn't.Thats the default feature of the phone.I had the same hitch about it but then got used to it.It tries to save out on too much of battery & dims out the backlight pretty fast while doing so.No matter what you do it can't be increased.
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