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In the zone
I was thinking going in for a Full HD set (40-46") , the question is ... is there anyone here in India (Pune) ... who gives a HD service ?? I've seen Dish Tv / tata Sky on a 1080p display and believe me..... even blind people will start crying (yep its that bad) ..... or does anyone have any idea when this service might launch ? As when I've asked the salesmen about the no of units sold per month .. its quite large ! So isnt it high time someone introduces this service here ?


No longer here..
I dont really think HDTV would become a reality atleast for some years to come here in INDIA.

I used to watch a series called as "X-Files" in the year 95-96 when it was aired on the star plus channel.There used to be a logo which used to flash on the screen stating "Presented in surrround wherever available" ....I am just saying this is because during those times people in the US had pure "stereo" sound on their TV sets.We still dont.Pure stereo has just started with suppliers like DishTV and Tatasky ...and digital cable suppliers.The year is 2007 ...almost 10 years behind.And they are touting "dishtv and tatasky" as some thing God-sent ....we all know how "amazing" looking it is.Half the channels are pixelated atleast in dishtv ...and not all channels are in stereo sound.Beleive me ...the ads which are displayed on channels like B4U are in stereo sound but the programming isn't.

My point telling you all this ....is .....HDTV ..aur India ??? ....atleast wait for a few years.Also HDTV in US is not fully operational ..what I mean by that is ...only certain programs are shot on HDTV and then transmitted in HDTV quality.But the rest are SDTV ..so it will take a minimum of 5-10 years I guess for it to come in INDIA.

Besides if you look from a businessman's point of view ....why do you need to rack up your infrastructure to higher standards for no reason in the first place.Since these cable companies are making lotsa money with their crappy Dishtv and tatasky ....why khali-pili ...invest more money on HDTV ....when you can earn the same with the existing equiment.


!! RecuZant By Birth !!

^^^well said...

true there is not enough bandwidth or infrastructure to support HDTV..had to wait atlkeast 2-3 years..

only thing u can get to have a HD output is PS3 or XBOX360...


Naveen and Samosa Bhai are absolutely rite. India lags and lacks in terms of quality services like HDTV. It would be a good buy, if you either had a 360 or PS 3.


In the zone
So It means spending over 3 lakhs on just gaming ??? wow thats not a good buy ! Ok I use it as a PC monitor... but thats me ... what about the other people who have invested even more and still getting ripped off ?? no transmission !!!


No longer here..
well atleast some percentage of people who buy these so called HDTV enabled devices ....dont know exactly what they are getting into.They think if they have HDTV Tv's they will automatically be able to watch HDTV programming on them.Mostly they use it for dvd viewing ...but DVD is also low resolution as compared to true HD.

Some do it because they have extra cash on their hands ...to spend.


In the zone
People here dont even know the difference between 4:3 and 16:9/10 !! A showroom dude played a pirated DVD (the ones that come like 5 in 1) on a HD and was trying to show me how "Big" everything looks !!! Also Full HD have a refresh rate of 60Hz .... wont this create a problem when watching high action movies / PC gaming ? Also is there anyone who sells a Blue ray player.. as Sony World told me it will take mostly another year for it to launch here . Can the PC Blue Ray drive also play movies (I really hope they have removed the stupid region coding) ?
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