HDD problem and doubt !!


Ambassador of Buzz
problem : i have 2 HDDs. 250GB caviar blue and 500GB hitachi.

and a 80GB IDE drive, i bought HDD USB case [idk what it is called but it made my IDE Drive to external USB HDD], i used it few days ago and it had 4 partitions [which i did many years ago when it was my primary drive]. i wanted to delete the other three partitions and use whole 80gb in single partition so i downlaoded demo of partition magic and tried formating the disk 3 80GB shown there. nothing happend, i tried 3-4 times everytime i clicked apply nothing happened so i closed partition magic and removed the 80GB external disk. and turned of my PC. when i restarted after few hours i found that a 100GB partiton is missing [from 250GB caviar blue]. whats wrong? how i can get it back? i never formatted it or deleted partition. :-x

doubt : i have this config:

Pentium dual core E5300 OC 3.2GHz
4GB DDR2 800MHz
GT240 1GB [stock speed]
250GB + 500GB HDD
DVD burner
3 X 80mm LED fans
and Hytech 450W SMPS

i want to buy an internal 1TB drive, i am worried if the SMPS can handle the extra power load or not?

SMPS has 19A on +12V rail.

i cant upgrade to better SMPS this time since i will upgrade next year. should i buy 1TB internal or 500GB external desktop drive?

it is safe to install another 1TB internal drive?

i tried partition manager. and found that there is no drive letter. only a * symbol. when i try to change drive letter and apply . it shows completed. but drive letter again changes to *

screen shot

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Right off the assembly line
trial version papplications dont give full functionality.....try with some other applications or try hiren boot cd utilities...
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