Hardware that you should NOT buy

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I dont agree with anyone saying about Samsung ODDs. I firstly used samsung cd writer and it is still working cool, i used it for more than 6 years, at present i am using samsung dvd rw and it is working relly cool for last 2 years....no issues
lucky guy
mine just went dormant 3 months ago


Super Moderator
Staff member
tbh, Nero is the root of most problems not the drive manufacturer.

Might sound n00bish, but it's true as far as my experience goes.


The Tech Enthusiast
^ mainly because they aren't true 80+ plus PSU's and don't give the rated output. Also known for burning out under loads (havent seen personally though) Much better to invest a little more and get the Corsair VX450W or Coolermaster "Real Power Pro" 460W, these are the real deal.

Stay away from extreme series !
Well, I've been running my rig for around a year now and it's running pretty stable. Plus, I need 2 six-pin connectors for my card. Leeches power, but runs stable. I've even overclocked it!!


Retired Forum Mod
coming soon: ASUS mobo for AMD low end section. but i really hope it never gets added to this section.

cause: ever decreasing build quality.


Super Moderator
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Never Ever buy Viewsonic LCD Monitors

Read through this and you will come to know why !!!!



The Tech Enthusiast
Never Ever buy Viewsonic LCD Monitors

Read through this and you will come to know why !!!!

My friend had a dead pixel 2nd day of his purchase. They took nearly a month to replace the monitor.


In my office, 90% of my proccies are AMD (all of them have basic cabinets, psus and mobos only) and there is not a single issue with them... AMD processors are Value for Money and DEFINITELY DONT HAVE ANY HEATING ISSUES...



Broken In
Amd heating problem not gone yet..i too have the same problem...

what's the profit to go for a cheap,over heating processor then a high budget cabinet to cool them..

AND now a days it looks like many agents have been hired by amd corp..who always keeps talking abt amd all the time.in digit forum ..

digit should remove them.

Intel is famous for its anticompetitive practises


Retired Forum Mod
Amd heating problem not gone yet..i too have the same problem...

what's the profit to go for a cheap,over heating processor then a high budget cabinet to cool them..

AND now a days it looks like many agents have been hired by amd corp..who always keeps talking abt amd all the time.in digit forum ..

digit should remove them.

looks like Intel ran out of money to hire good agents. sending kids as a replacement :smile:

In my office, 90% of my proccies are AMD (all of them have basic cabinets, psus and mobos only) and there is not a single issue with them... AMD processors are Value for Money and DEFINITELY DONT HAVE ANY HEATING ISSUES...


yup. AMD = VFM.

^@vndprkh.09-good joke:razz:

yah, more like April Fool Joke in advance.

Intel is famous for its anticompetitive practises

yup. & so they payed 1.25bn USD to AMD in 2009. more than 25% of their 2009 income. if this doesn't teach Intel a lesson, not know what will.


looks like Intel ran out of money to hire good agents. sending kids as a replacement :smile:

yup. AMD = VFM.

yah, more like April Fool Joke in advance.

yup. & so they payed 1.25bn USD to AMD in 2009. more than 25% of their 2009 income. if this doesn't teach Intel a lesson, not know what will.
1.25bn $

that do give those intel @#$%^$ some fukin lessons:smile:


Retired Forum Mod
1.25bn $

that do give those intel @#$%^$ some fukin lessons:smile:

hope so. maybe thats the reason AMD finally back into CPU game: both desktop & server (spell opteron magny cours: 12cores for price of 6). dominating GPU race (spell EveryGreen: 10% slower. 7k+ cheaper).


hope so. maybe thats the reason AMD finally back into CPU game: both desktop & server (spell opteron magny cours: 12cores for price of 6). dominating GPU race (spell EveryGreen: 10% slower. 7k+ cheaper).
hey do u have any info on barcelona cpu by AMD
if u do then please forward it to me


Right off the assembly line
i hate seagate(this is a flaming so all caps.)

first time i got the infamous firmware bug of 7200.11 500 gb data and hdd is not getting detected.

Rather than just upgrading the firmware they give me a new one with all data gone.

Less than a month later new hdd starts acting up like getting disconnected while in use. Getting hyper slow while i try to copy stuff. (1 mbps or lower data transfer rate running a single function at a time)
give it for replacement and they change some defective part. And i get the same ****ing thing back with no change... Super slow drive if anyone has an solution tell me cause i hate to go to mumbai central and replacing it. Waiting a whole week. They don't even tell you if your drive is ready or not.


^No other choice boss. You have to go to their service center to get the drive replaced. In my case, they sent me an SMS saying that the drive has returned. In case you encounter this problem again, then kindly contact Digit with all the details. Mail to:

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